【招聘 】 美国乐人教育, 虚位以待,静候卿来

文摘   教育   2022-10-08 21:49   美国  

美国乐人教育招聘啦, 不平凡的你将获得行业最具竞争力的薪酬。

乐人教育是以信任为基础的高端升学顾问, 我们的顾问不带销售任务, 要求专心研究业务,并且顾问和学生的比例控制在1:12, 不让顾问因为忙碌无法精心带学生。美国乐人教育在“爱心、能力和结果”的基础上服务学生和家长。


1.美国顶尖私立高中申请顾问: 有经验的顶尖私立高中申请顾问。您将帮助初中学生及其家庭, 制定顶尖寄宿高中的申请学校名单, 辅导学生和家庭规划标准化考试时间,备考资源, 辅导申请材料准备包括文书和面试, 指定执行补录策略, 直到学生录取。

年薪:USD 100,000 

2.美国顶尖本科申请主顾问: 有经验的顶尖美国本科申请顾问。您将帮助高中学生及其家庭, 制定顶尖美高的申请学校名单, 辅导学生和家庭规划标准化考试时间,备考资源, 辅导申请材料准备包括文书和面试, 直到学生录取。

年薪:USD 100,000 (根据顾问背景、经验)

3. 业务发展副总裁(或者营销总监): 您将主动和业内影响力较大的平台商谈合作推广计划。您也将和国际学校和标准化考试辅导机构商谈合作计划。您非常务实和结果导向, 你是一个有战略思维的品牌专家, 你熟悉业务, 了解市场, 也能够执行计划。你的工作是提高美国乐人教育的品牌认知度(在特定群体里面), 并能够制定从线索到转化的策略, 能够提高转化率。

年薪:USD 80,000

4.分公司总经理: 你将负责分公司的设立, 包括招聘和管理分公司人员, 电话中心, 顾问以及负责分公司的业绩和成本管理, 你是一个创业型人才, 有极强的执行能力和管理能力, 熟悉当地市场情况。你正直、诚实, 服务学生和家长热情周到, 但不过度销售。你本身熟悉美国大学申请的游戏规则, 曾经是业务出身。

年薪:USD 80,000

此外,乐人教育招聘下列职位,薪资根据顾问的学术背景、行业经验、工作态度、责任心以及与团队协作的情况, 提供行业内有竞争力的合理薪资。

  1. 5.  大学申请文书顾问


  1. 6.  大学申请规划师/申请顾问:

有经验的升学督导。负责学生的高中生涯规划, 包括课外活动、学术奖项的规划和落实。负责选校、申请、流程和家长沟通


热情且细心, 精通大学申请的所有环节, 指导学生表格、提交、签证等, 维学生的申请保驾护航。

8.研究专员:你的工作是高速、有效的完成美国乐人教育指定的研究课题。你必须中英文流利, 有条件能够快速上一些海外网站。熟练使用google drive 和 Google docs。你同时也对升学行业有1-3年的经历。您的中文写作和编辑能力很强, 能够将所研究的课题和资料,迅速整理成有价值的中文文章。此职位接受兼职。 如果人在美国, 则必须有美国的合法工作许可。

9.社交媒体专员: 你将负责乐人升学顾问公众号的运营和推广。你的工作是增加该公众号的订阅数, 丰富公众号内容和更新频率, 并且推荐新的平台, 以出击更多的人群, 提高美国乐人教育的知名度。


所有问题, 请务必先提供简历,否则恕不回复。



Job Positions :

A fast-growing, premier college application & private high school application consulting firm is hiring application consultants. We offer competitive compensation and flexible hours.

001 College Application Consultant 

Requirements are:

1. experienced college application consultant with a track record. Independent private college application consultants, ex-admission officers or ex-private high school counselors are all relevant experiences.

2. professionals ideally graduated from ivy leagues schools or Top 30 national research universities/ Top Liberal Arts Colleges

3. strong in writing, major in Journalism, English, or other humanities majors preferred. If you are majoring in STEM, you must have demonstrated strength in writing, communication, and logical thinking skills

Job Description:

You will serve as a mentor for high school students, guiding them through the college planning and application process, including time management, generating school lists, advising on filling out application forms, tutoring their college essays and etc.  This job will be trained and should be cultivated into a long-term relationship.(at least 3-4 years)


You will be paid around $50000-$100000 a year. 


Please email your resume to info@lehrenedu.com

About the company:
We are a college application and private high school consulting firm that helps middle
school or high school students apply to America’s most selective private high schools, colleges, and universities. We are a member of the Michigan Association of College Application Counseling (MACAC).

002. Private High school application consultant

Requirements are:

1. experienced private high school application consultant with a track record. Independent private high school application consultants, ex-admission officers, or ex-private high school counselors are all relevant experiences.

2. Professionals ideally graduated from Elite Boarding High Schools and Ivy leagues Universities  or Top 30 national research universities/ Top Liberal Arts Colleges

3. Strong in writing, major in Journalism, English, or other humanities majors preferred. If you are majoring in STEM, you must have demonstrated strength in writing, communication, and logical thinking skills

Job Description:

You will serve as a mentor for middle school students, and a consultant for the family, guiding them through the private high school planning and application process, including time management, generating a school list, advising on filling application forms, tutoring essays, and etc.  


Please email your resume to info@lehrenedu.com


You will be paid around  USD100,000 a year.  

003. College Essay Coach

Job description:

You will coach students to analyze the essay prompts, lead the students to go through brainstorming ideas to multiple drafts until students complete their college or high school application essays. You will be trained by our company’s proven essay coaching method and follow the method


Experienced college essay coach

004. Application Service Consultant

You will be the project manager to oversee students' college application procedure, make sure students fill in the form correctly, submit all the materials, and not missing any deadlines

You must be detail-oriented, customer-centered, patient, and organized

005. College Planning& Application Specialist 

You are an expert in planning out students' high school careers and mapping out students' extracurricular activities and academic competitions. You are resourceful and diligent.

You may be a specialist in athlete application or a computer science major, or you could be a general major-undecided planner.

Overall, you command research capacity. You dig into the data of universities and colleges' admitted student profiles and scores and evaluate students’ chances of being admitted. You interview family and student criteria for picking schools and come up with a school list with tiers.

006. Research Associate

We need a research associate to conduct detailed research instructed by Lehren Education. Projects such as detailed transfer requirements for certain colleges.  Detailed requirements for declaring certain hot majors in certain colleges

You go through the website of top Universitas and Liberal Colleges websites to compile data on the minimum and maximum transferrable credits.  You come up with a transfer plan regarding course selection for students in the current college.  If necessary, you also call the admin officer to clarify some confusion.

We will pay an hourly rate for part-time freelancers. 

Bilingual in Chinese and English is strongly preferred

Applicants must be legal to work in the US. 

007. Personal Assistant to the CEO/ Office Admin

You will assist the CEO to manage the day-to-day operations, including confirming the appointments to make sure there would be no last-minute cancellations.

008. Social Media Specialist(US):

Your job is to manage and promote Lehrenedu. com, create social media presence for Lehrenedu, including Youtube channel, Reddit and etc. you are hands-on, action-oriented, know how to create, edit and upload videos. You know how to do SEO

009. CRM Specialist

You will pick and manage the most suitable CRM system.  Build up the prospect database and design the customer conversation program. 

For the company's information, please check Lehrenedu.com 

原创文章版权归美国乐人教育(Lehren Education LLC), 转载请注明出处。 


查看《你的软弱就是你的真实 ---再谈美国大学申请文书》

◆ 美国乐人教育:美国独立升学顾问, 总部在美国密西根州。为申请美国大学的学生提供咨询,申请项目管理、高中学业和课外活动安排,专业和学校选择、提前申请策略、申请文书顾问、面试辅导、多重录取的学校选择等。

乐人教育特点:以信任为基础的高端独立升学顾问。奉行“合适的才是最好”的选校原则, 视每一个学生为“独一无二的艺术品, 不是教育流水线上的产品”。强调学生在申请过程中的诚信和个人成长, 反对盲目追逐排名, 不发“喜报”, 不兜售焦虑。在彼此信任的基础上,以爱心、能力和结果来服务学生家庭。



乐人升学顾问公众号: 大量干货!

美国独立升学顾问机构乐人教育(Lehren Education),总部美国密西根,提供以信任为基础的升学顾问服务, 包括专业的规划、选校、文书、申请等。乐人教育以“爱心、能力和结果”为特色, 陪伴学生“在升学中成长,在成长中升学”。