Roses are exceptional in the plant world, there is no other plant that has such a wide range of completely different fragrance types as the rose.
Actually I'm not quite telling the truth, the real winners are the tropical epiphytic orchids but they are far more difficult to grow than roses. So I'll stick with them especially as I've never smelt a rose with an unpleasant smell and I know some orchids are most attractive to flies.
tropical epiphytic orchids 热带附生兰
Very broadly speaking there are five main groups Old Rose, Tea, Myrrh, Fruit and Musk although within each group there is huge variation. Fragrance can also change with age of flower, the weather, the season and even from year to year, so that is why it is always important to smell as many roses as often as possible.
You might smell something you will never smell again and anyway smelling roses is very good for you. We all know that saying 'stop and smell the roses', smelling roses encourages you to slow down, to appreciate what is around you. The fragrance of roses has the magical ability to be able to calm you down and at the same time raise your spirits.
The Old Rose fragrance is arguably the most delicious and as might be expected is found most commonly in the Gallicas, Damasks and Albas although each has its own subtle note. It is from the Damask Kazanlik that nearly all rose oil is extracted which is the crucial ingredient in all the best perfumes although strangely it never smells very strongly over here.
白蔷薇(Alba roses) 也叫做“阿尔巴”蔷薇,一次性开花,枝条直立、密集,植株高大(6英尺(180厘米)以上),这是一个非常耐寒与抗病的类别。其特点是柔软的蓝灰色叶子与稀疏的枝叶,均匀的荆刺。白蔷薇被认为是“Rosa canina”和“法国蔷薇(Rosa gallica)”杂交而成的,流行于十八世纪晚期与十九世纪中叶。“Kouml;nigin von Dauml;nemark (1826)”是为数不多的粉色白蔷薇之一,与“Alba Semi-Plena”一样,也是最为流行的品种之一。
Some of the best are Queen of Denmark, Ispahan and Ipsilante. The Old Rose fragrance is also quite commonly found in David Austin's English Roses the classic being Gertrude Jekyll whose truly superb fragrance always reminds me just how wonderful roses can be. The Generous Gardener is superb too although mixed with musk and myrrh. Rather strangely R. rugosa (as it comes from Asia) has this fragrance too.
杰基尔夫人玫瑰,它总是最早开花的英伦玫瑰之一,其完美的螺旋状花蕾绽放出大朵的玫瑰花形花朵,颜色为明亮的粉红色,光彩照人。其美丽且平衡得恰到好处的古老玫瑰香气常被描述为典型的古老玫瑰香。这是一种生命力旺盛的玫瑰,会长成中等大小的直立灌木。以著名的花园设计师兼作家命名。大卫·奥斯汀,1986 年。
“慷慨园丁”® 英国攀援玫瑰具备完美玫瑰的所有传统特质。娇嫩的粉色花朵成簇绽放,为花园带来最宜人的麝香芬芳。完全绽放时,每朵花都宛如池塘表面漂浮的睡莲。无论夏日多么炎热,“慷慨园丁”® 都能用新鲜而充满活力的花朵覆盖任何拱门或结构。“慷慨园丁”玫瑰于 2002 年推出,已被证明几乎适用于任何花园环境,是一种生命力顽强的攀缘植物。这种玫瑰不仅能在半阴处生长,还能适应大多数土壤类型,而且在寒冷的冬季,其耐寒性可达到北纬 4 区。作为一款低维护的攀缘玫瑰,“慷慨园丁”非常适合用来覆盖建筑物或棘手的斜坡区域。
刺玫蔷薇是一种通过根部萌生新植株的灌木,能长成 1 至 1.5 米高的茂密灌丛,其茎干上密布着许多 3 至 10 毫米长的短而直的刺。叶子长 8 至 15 厘米,为羽状复叶,有 5 至 9 片小叶,通常为 7 片,每片小叶长 3 至 4 厘米,表面明显呈波纹状(即皱缩状,这也是该物种名称的由来)。叶子呈椭圆形,基部圆形或宽楔形,质地似皮革,叶面深绿色。叶背呈绿灰色,沿叶脉有毛。叶缘由沿边缘的锯齿状齿组成,呈圆齿状锯齿。花有五片花瓣,通常宽 6 至 9 厘米。每朵花有 200 至 250 枚雄蕊,花柱长短不一。花香宜人,颜色从深粉色到白色(在 R. rugosa f. alba (Ware) Rehder 变种中为白色),直径 6 至 9 厘米,花瓣略带褶皱;花期在春季。这种植物的可食用果实在外观上类似樱桃番茄,个头较大,直径约 2 至 3 厘米,通常长度小于直径,不是细长的。在夏末秋初,植株常常花果同枝。到了秋天,叶子通常会变成鲜黄色然后掉落。
The Tea fragrance does sometimes actually smell of a freshly opened packet of tea – leaves not tea bags! but can also be quite tarry and earthy and with a strong violet character.
Unsurprisingly it is found in the Tea roses like the well-known Lady Hillingdon as well as the rather tender early Noisettes like Celine Forestier. A number of the English Roses have this fragrance too the best known being Graham Thomas although Port Sunlight is strongly Tea too.
奴赛特玫瑰,这种花精致小巧,呈杯状,半重瓣至重瓣,单生或紧密簇生于长而光滑的花梗上。花径可达 2.5 英寸(6.4 厘米),花瓣多达 35 枚。花色从深红色的花蕾逐渐变为淡紫粉色,成熟花瓣则褪为粉白色。“Blush Noisette”品种具有独特的丁香花般的香气,强度不一。花朵在整个花期持续开放,在温暖地区甚至全年不断。
凯琳·福雷斯特(Celine Forestier)玫瑰花型饱满,花瓣呈淡黄色,质地如丝般柔滑,花型为老式玫瑰状,花开时美不胜收。它适合种在向阳的墙边,是 1842 年培育出的强健攀缘品种,且多次开花。香味:浓郁,带有香料和茶玫瑰的香气。高度:高达 610 厘米。
The Myrrh fragrance is divisive; most people like it but others find it unpleasant, reminding them of hospitals. It is reminiscent of sweet anise and in fact has nothing to do with myrrh (as in the three kings) its name coming from the Latin name for the herb Sweet Cicely, Myrrhis odorata.
没药香气颇具争议;大多数人喜欢它,但也有不少人觉得它难闻,会让人联想到医院。它让人想起甜茴香,实际上它与没药(如三王所献的那种)毫无关系,其名称源自拉丁语“甜当归”(Myrrhis odorata)的名称。
It is found most commonly in the English Roses and in fact the very first – Constance Spry has a very strong myrrh fragrance as has Gentle Hermione and Boscobel (along with hints of hawthorn, elderflower, pear and almond!). It probably came from the Ayrshire ramblers which are hybrids of R. arvensis, the Field Rose.
这种香味最常见于英伦玫瑰,实际上,最早培育出的英伦玫瑰——康斯坦斯·斯普赖(Constance Spry)就带有浓郁的没药香,还有“温柔的赫敏”(Gentle Hermione)和“博斯科贝尔”(Boscobel)也是如此(还伴有山楂、接骨木花、梨和杏仁的香气!)。这种香味很可能源自艾尔郡攀缘玫瑰(Ayrshire ramblers),它是野蔷薇(R. arvensis)的杂交品种。
艾尔郡攀缘玫瑰,没药香玫瑰。淡雅的簇状小花呈乳白色,从略带紫色的花蕾中绽放。是一种攀缘性很强的植物,枝条柔韧。大小:6 米×3.5 米。
Within the fruity fragrance you will find just about every fruit you can buy from your greengrocer from apple, pear, banana, raspberry, strawberry, blackcurrant and all the citrus fruits to the more exotic guava and lychee. Roses with either R. chinensis or wichurana in their background are most likely to exhibit a fruity fragrance.
The ramblers descended from the latter include Francois Juranville and Alberic Barbier and both have a distinct apple note. Roses with R. chinensis in their background combine Old Rose with fruitiness, classic examples being Louise Odier and Mme Pierre Oger.
在后一类中,弗朗索瓦·朱兰维尔(Francois Juranville)和阿尔贝里克·巴比埃(Alberic Barbier)的杂交品种都带有明显的苹果香气。以月季(R. chinensis)为背景的玫瑰品种将老玫瑰的韵味与果香相结合,典型的例子有路易丝·奥迪耶(Louise Odier)和皮埃尔·奥热夫人(Mme Pierre Oger)。
阿尔贝里克·巴比埃玫瑰,漂亮的黄色花蕾绽放成完全重瓣、四分瓣的乳白色花朵,每朵约 3 英寸宽,成小簇状开放。它在初夏开花,且在季节后期有一定的重复开花能力。细长、柔韧的茎容易造型。它几乎四季常青,有着大量光亮、深绿色的叶子。巴比耶,1860 年。
路易丝·奥迪耶玫瑰,花朵香气浓郁,呈可爱的亮粉色,略带淡紫色。初开时呈杯状,随后展开为平整且圆润的形状,每片花瓣都恰到好处地排列着。这是一种生长旺盛的灌木,枝叶繁茂,茎干粗壮且多刺。1851 年,马戈廷培育。
皮埃尔·奥热夫人玫瑰,维多利亚女王(La Reine Victoria)的一个品种,花朵呈杯状,颜色为浅银粉色。香气浓郁。植株修长,花期极长。维迪耶,1878 年。
Some of the best examples of fruity fragrances are found in the English Roses – Lady Emma Hamilton and Jude the Obscure both being extremely strong and delicious and guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Other outstanding varieties are Jubilee Celebration which is strongly lemon zest and Benjamin Britten which is reminiscent of pear drops.
All the above fragrance emanate from the petals whereas the musk fragrance comes from the stamens. It wafts in the air with the greatest of ease and smells even more beautiful at a distance while close up it often smells like cloves.
The big ramblers with thousands of small single or semi double flowers are the best source – Rambling Rector, R. filipes Kiftsgate and Paul's Himalayan Musk being particularly delicious.
It is not just the flowers that smell. The mossy growth around the buds of the Moss Roses is sticky and has a delicious resinous scent. Walking past the Sweet Briar, R. rubiginosa on a warm humid evening will be like smelling green apples.
不只是花朵散发香气。苔藓玫瑰花蕾周围的苔藓状生长物黏糊糊的,还散发着令人愉悦的树脂香。在温暖潮湿的夜晚走过野蔷薇(R. rubiginosa),就像闻到了青苹果的香气。
Which is my favourite variety for fragrance? There are two, Gertrude Jekyll which I described above and Buttercup which is impossible to describe specifically, it is just delicious.
我最喜欢的两种香型是哪一种呢?一种是上文提到的杰基尔夫人(Gertrude Jekyll),另一种是金凤花(Buttercup),这种花的香味实在难以具体描述,只能说它非常美妙。
Which is my favourite description of a fragrance? That of the rarely grown species R. fedtschenkoana - a little bit of blackberry jam on Hovis bread! But we all smell things differently so smell as many roses as you can and see which your favourites are.