「Power Up加强英文课程」助力孩子顺利度过转学适应期!

文摘   2024-08-08 21:33   法国  

BIBS Kunming


Essential English

For Academic Purposes

什么是Power up加强英语?

What is “Power Up”?

Power Up加强英语是青苗昆明今年新开的针对学习英语困难、或之前接触英语有限的学生,所提供的课程。目标是帮助学生尽快提高英语水平,以便TA们不仅能够最终跟上主班级的进度,同时有机会以较好的成绩通过各项考试。Power up英文加强不仅帮助每一位学生建立语言基础,也帮助学生们所有在学习理解中简历自信心。

目前Power up加强英语包含3个要素的学习:必备英语单元,特定学术用于英语单元及正念&创造性英语单元。

Power Up is a course offered to students who are either struggling with the language, or new learners who have had little contact with English until now.The purpose of this course is to help struggling students to improve their English in order that they can not only eventually join the higher level English classes, but also stand a better chance at passing their exams with good grades. The course aims to not only build the language base of each student, but also their overall confidence as they learn and understand more from all of their classes. 

Power Up currently incorporates 3 elements: English Language, Sciences and Emotional Development. 

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  • 注重提高学生对语言的了解;

  • 为了给每个学生更多练习时间,小班制教学;

  • 课程分为语言的基本元素:语法、听力、写作、阅读及口语;

  • 教学内容来自“全球化”:英国文化协会英语学习(阅读、听力、写作)、新加坡亚洲教育(语法)、RAZ分级阅读;

  • 课程包含与其他课程相同的定期测试计划。

  • Focused on improving students grasp of the language;

  • Small class sizes, allowing each student more time to practice;

  • Classes split into different elements of language: Grammar, Listening, Writing, Reading and Speaking;

  • Content from variety of sources, including: British Council Learning (Reading, Listening, Writing); Singapore Asia Education (Grammar); RAZ (Reading);

  • The programme includes the same regular testing schedule as the other classes: mid-terms & end-of-semester exams.

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Students can progress from “Emergent” (Power Up classes) to “Capable” by scoring well in tests to prove themselves. Build student confidence and improve their language usage. Allows for differentiation of classes amongst grades, giving all students the best opportunity to learn.

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任课老师Mr. Nat


Mr. Nat having studied BA Chinese with Linguistics at London’s University of Westminster. In addition he also attended a Chinese language course at Northeastern University in Shenyang, Liaoning, where he later worked as an English teacher at various schools and institutes. He has had a lifelong interest in the Orient, particularly China, which in turn led to his interest in studying martial arts.

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  • 用英语解释关于科学(物理学、生物学、化学)的词汇建立跨学科基础;

  • 以MYP课程及IGCSE考试为主题的内容展开预习及复习;

  • 通过进行实验并得出结论,对于科学增强自信和动力。

  • To employ scientific vocabulary in English sentences;

  • To review and pre-teach content from topics of the MYP and IGCSE;

  • To increase confidence and motivation towards science by performing experiments and reaching conclusions.

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The aim of these supplementary classes are to guide the students into technical discussion and help students become independent users of English.

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任课老师Mr. James

本科毕业于英国萨里大学物理专业,硕士毕业于英国桑德兰大学物理专业。拥有IGCSE,A level物理教学十年的丰富经验,同时在科学、数学和信息技术的教学经验丰富。

Mr. James graduated from the University of Surrey with a bachelor's degree in physics and from the University of Sunderland with a master's degree in physics. Strong and tested experience in the Physics Cambridge International A Level (A2 & AS), as well as additional experience in teaching the Sciences, Mathematics and IT (ACT)

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  • 重点是用英文培养学生的情商、自尊及身份认同;

  • 使用创意项目进行教学,比如:绘画、角色建模、创意写作等等......

  • 我们会带领学生创建了一本故事书,其中的内容是学生自己的短篇故事,学年结束将把这本书定制成实物送给学生。它不仅仅是一本书,也是学生进步实物印证。

  • The focus is on the Emotional Intelligence of the students, improving self -confidence, self -esteem and identity;

  • We use creative projects that includes for example, drawing, role modelling, creative writing and more;

  • We created a storybook, consisting of the students own short stories. This book is presented to the students at the end of the year and is a wonderful acknowledgement of their progress and a boost for their self-esteem and confidence.

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正念及创造性英语单元,用实践证明了增强自信的学生在学习新语言中会更快得到进步。当学生无法使用新语言表达自己或分享知识时会产生极大的挫败感,这一情况可能会导致英语学习逐渐困难,而在Power Up加强英文课程中设置这一板块就显得尤其重要了。

It has been proven that students who increase in self-confidence, progress much faster in acquiring a new language. We understand the frustration students feel when they are unable to express themselves in a new language or share their knowledge and understanding with teachers and fellow students. This could lead to behavioural difficulties. By providing this support as part of the program, we ensure a holistic wellbeing for our students.

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任课老师Ms. Marelise


Ms. Mareise has a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Psychology and Sociology and a Master Degree in Narrative Therapy. She has extensive experience in psychotherapy, with a focus on Trauma Therapy.  She has completed the Teaching English Foreign Language (TEFL) Grammar Certificate and the Methodology Certificate, gaining the newest methods and content for teaching English as a foreign language. 

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Power Up加强英语课程


  • 目前,有很多位学生已经回到了主班;

  • 学生在课程中不仅增强了语言技能,信心也逐步建立;

  • 学生的社交与情感需求也得到了发展;

  • 有切实的数据来显示Ta们前进的每一步。

  • Several students have graduated to the higher-level class groups;

  • Students have developed confidence as well as language skills;

  • Development of social and emotional needs;

  • Students have tangible data that shows improvement over the course.

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在即将到来的24-25学年,青苗昆明校区将继续发展Power Up加强英文课程,其中包含融合更多跨学科科目的教学内容。有了学校与家长的支持,相信它将会成为青苗昆明教学体系中完整的一个组成部分,为每一个对英语学习有困难的学生提供及时且准确的帮助。

We plan to grow and develop the course to include and integrate content from other specialist subjects. With support from the school, the programme will become a fully integrated part of the English department providing much-needed help to those struggling with the language. Implementation of standardised entry-level testing will see students put into the correct groups for their ability, as well as having an overall benefit for the English department.

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