Investigation Report on
Ancient Architecture in Yunnan
/ 跨学科探究 /
Individual & Society
云南是中国西南地区的一个省份,拥有独特的地理环境和多元文化背景。 历史上,云南曾是丝绸之路和茶马古道的重要节点,这为当地建筑带来了异域 文化的影响;明清时期,汉族移民大量涌入云南,并逐渐融入当地少数民族社会,形成了独特的汉藏混合文化。在接下来的篇章中我们将看到来自青苗昆明十年级的Caroline基于实地调查后的思考,她将探讨民族文化对云南古建的影响;昆明古建筑;石屏县古建筑及古建保护的重要性。
Yunnan is a province in southwest China. It has a unique geographical environment and multi-cultural background. Historically, Yunnan was an important node of the Silk Road and the Tea Horse Road, which brought foreign cultural influences to the local architecture; During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Han immigrants poured into Yunnan in large numbers and gradually integrated into the local minority society, forming a unique mixed culture of Han and Tibetan. In the following chapters, we will look at the research articles of BIBS Kunming G9 student Caroline based on field research. She will discuss the influence of ethnic culture on Yunnan's ancient architecture; Kunming ancient architecture; Shiping County ancient architecture; The importance of preservation of ancient buildings.
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Ancient Architecture
in Yunnan
云南,一个聚集了 25 个少数民族的省份构成了七彩绚丽的云南文化,每一座民族建筑都是神秘的历史低语,以白族和彝族为例,Ta们的建筑都具有鲜明的民族特色。据文献记载,白族人民崇尚白色,大都喜欢穿白色的衣服,白族人民也对建筑的装饰十分讲究,多用白底墙,蓝彩绘,暗示着苍山雪,洱海水,帽子也用了"风花雪月"的寓意,也暗示着整个民族的纯洁。结构上,白族民居有“三坊一照壁 ”之称,即三座两层三开间的房子和一面照壁围合而成的院落式住宅;也有"四合立天井"式院落住宅——四面都有两层楼房围成,四个角落还各有一个小型四合院。“飞檐翘角”同为白族民居的特色之一也是中国特有的建筑结构,不仅寄托着白族人民对高远的追求,且在功能方面也扩大了采光面积。
Yunnan, a province that gathers 25 ethnic minorities, constitutes the colorful Yunnan culture, each ethnic architecture is a mysterious whisper of history, taking Bai and Yi as examples, the architecture of Ta has distinct ethnic characteristics. According to literature records, the Bai people advocate white, most like to wear white clothes, the Bai people are also very particular about the decoration of buildings, multi-purpose white wall, blue painting, suggesting the snow of Cangshan Mountain, Erhai water, hats also use the meaning of "wind, flowers, snow and moon", but also imply the purity of the whole nation. In terms of structure, Bai folk houses are called "three squares and one view wall", that is, three houses with two floors and three rooms and one view wall. There are also "quadrangle" courtyard houses, which are surrounded by two-storey buildings on all sides and have a small quadrangle in each corner. As one of the characteristics of Bai folk houses, "cornices and high corners" is also a unique architectural structure in China, which not only embodies the Bai people's pursuit of height, but also expands the lighting area in terms of function.
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与白族人不同,彝族人民崇尚黑色,“你家屋顶,我家院子”是彝族人民的“土掌房”的特点,它们倚山而建,特殊的地理环境让彝族民居层层叠落,左右相连,为平顶卷边檐,夯土而建,包含“三间回耳下入尺 ”类“一颗印 ”式院落布局。同时民族精湛的穿斗式样卯结构和简约的工艺美学,让彝族的特色土掌房熘熠生辉。
Different from the Bai people, the Yi people advocate black, "your roof, my yard" is the characteristic of the Yi people's "earth palm house", they are built against the mountain, the special geographical environment makes the Yi folk houses layer upon layer, connected to the left and right, for the flat roof rolled eaves, rammed earth, including "three ears under the ruler" type of "one seal" courtyard layout. At the same time, the exquisitely threaded structure of the national sample and the simple craft aesthetics make the characteristic soil palm house of the Yi nationality slip bright.
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Ancient Architecture
in Kunming
在这次调查研究中,九年级的孩子们还去到了昆明钱王街,走访各个昆明著明的古建筑,其中,Ta们以“马家大院 ”为例介绍一下昆明古建的突出特色。
In this investigation and research, the ninth grade children also went to Kunming Qian Wang Street, visited various Kunming's famous ancient buildings, among which, they took "Ma Jia Courtyard" as an example to introduce the outstanding characteristics of Kunming's ancient buildings.
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马家大院坐落在钱王街4号,建于1923年,由从日留学归来马鉁和兄弟马锳、马崟共同建起这座二层土木四合院。此宅又称“金兰茶苑”,整个建筑坐北朝南, 沿袭了白族传统民居的格局,保留了白族民居的“ 四合五天井”去掉了照壁, 转而用“坊”取代,类似一座四合院。但从大门和倒座的布局和构建来看,马家大院又有彝族民居的“一颗印”的特点,中间大天井皆为三间,两层楼房有回廊连通,俗称"走马转角楼"。坊与坊之间还各有一小天井,称为"漏脚"。 由此可见,少数民族古建对昆明的古建筑产生了较为深远的影响,同时具有留学背景的马氏兄弟也积极对改良了民居局部,让其成为一种新式的建筑。
The Ma family compound is located in No. 4 Qian Wang Street. It was built in 1923 by Ma, who returned from studying in Japan, and his brother, who jointly built the two-storey building This house is also known as "Jinlan Tea Garden", the whole building is facing south, following the pattern of traditional Bai folk houses, retaining the "four and five courtyard" of Bai folk houses, removing the lighting wall, and replacing it with "square", similar to a Siheyuan. However, from the layout and construction of the gate and inverted seat, the courtyard of the Ma family has the characteristics of "one seal" of the Yi folk houses, with three large courtyards in the middle and two storey buildings connected by corridors, commonly known as "walking horses and turning corner buildings". There is also a small courtyard between the square and the square, called "leaky foot". It can be seen that the ancient architecture of ethnic minorities has had a far-reaching impact on the ancient architecture of Kunming. Meanwhile, the Ma brothers, who had a background of studying abroad, also actively improved the local folk houses, making them a new type of architecture.
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Ancient Architecture
in Shiping
石屏古城建筑格局独特,东西、南北两条主街在州衙前交汇,若干条巷道 纵横交错,整体布局酷似龟身纹,有“龟背托起的古城”之称。和省会昆明相比,石屏县因城市化进程较慢,所以古建筑保护得更为完整。九年级的学生们调查了多个石屏古建筑:袁嘉谷故居、玉屏书院、文庙、张正堂故居……发现石屏古建筑相对来说比较汉化, 由青砖、木材、少量土而建,大部分是木结构,并具有精美的榫卯结构,在一些古建筑如芦子沟的苏家大院中,采用了复杂的榫卯结构,使建筑稳固且充满艺术感 。古建筑多以四坊组成的“ 院落式”房子,再由 三个院落组成的类“四合院”式建筑,有的人家也会把其中一个院落的下坊改成照壁,在照壁上画上山水画或题字。石屏的古建筑因为保存完善,以刻画、木雕、镂空、雕窗、石雕等精美细节吸引游客,在雀替、井柱、枋、丰拱、柱脚等地方都可以看到各种各柱寄托人民美好希望的雕刻,柱础、台阶、栏杆、 抱鼓石等部位多有石雕装饰,图案丰富,有龙凤、狮子、麒麟等瑞兽及花卉图案,造型逼真,立体感强 ,充满历史韵味和文化底蕴。石屏古建筑更有中西合璧的特点,如石屏火车站、企鹤楼等建筑。石屏火车站是滇越铁路-个碧石铁路上的车站,沿线车站均为印度支那式建筑,法式站房充满异域风情,具有独特的建筑风格和历史痕迹。
Shiping ancient city architectural pattern is unique, east and west, north and south two main streets intersect in front of the state government, a number of laneways crisscrossing, the overall layout resembles the turtle body pattern, known as "the ancient city held up by the turtle back". Compared with the provincial capital, Kunming, Shiping County has a slower urbanization process, so the preservation of ancient buildings is more complete. The ninth grade students investigated a number of ancient buildings in Shiping: Yuan Jiagu's former residence, Yuping Academy, Wen Temple, Zhang Zhengtang's former residence... It is found that the ancient buildings in Shiping are relatively Chinese, built of green brick, wood and a small amount of soil. Most of them are wooden structures, and have exquisite mortise and tenon structures. In some ancient buildings, such as the Sujia courtyard in Luzigou, complex mortise and tenon structures are adopted, making the buildings stable and full of artistic sense. Ancient buildings are mostly composed of four "courtyard" houses, and then composed of three courtyards of the "quadrangle" type of buildings, some people will also change the lower square of one of the courtyards into a view wall, and paint landscape paintings or inscriptions on the view wall. The ancient buildings in Shiping are well preserved and attract tourists with exquisite details such as engravings, wood carvings, hollow-work, carved Windows and stone carvings. All kinds of carvings on which people's hopes are expressed can be seen in Qiuti, well pillars, fang, Fengarch and column feet, and stone plinths, steps, railings and boulders are decorated with rich patterns. There are dragon and phoenix, lion, unicorn and other auspicious animals and flower patterns, realistic shape, strong three-dimensional sense, full of historical charm and cultural heritage. The ancient buildings in Shiping have the characteristics of combining Chinese and Western elements, such as Shiping Railway Station, Qihe Building and other buildings. Shiping Railway Station is a station on Yunnan-Vietnam Railway - Gebishi Railway, all stations along the line are Indochinese style buildings, French station buildings are full of exotic style, with unique architectural style and historical traces.
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石屏出过云南历史上唯一一个状元——经济特科状元袁嘉谷先生,整个县城有着“五步一进士,对门两翰林,举人满街走,秀才家家有”的美誉, 所以在石屏古建筑上也能看到许多文学色彩的痕迹,反映出石屏人看重知识、教育的特点。
Shiping has been the only champion in the history of Yunnan - Mr. Yuan Jiagu, the champion of economic special science, the whole county has a reputation of "five steps and one scholar, two Hanlin on the door, carrying people all over the street, and every scholar", so you can see many traces of literary color on the ancient buildings of Shiping, reflecting the characteristics of Shiping people who value knowledge and education.
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Ancient Architecture
Throughout Yunnan, there are many places where the protection of ancient buildings can be done better! Some ancient buildings in the urban area gradually become commercial land, Shiping county compared with Kunming such a big city, cultural protection work is more perfect. However, the ancient national buildings in Shiping also disappeared due to the lack of human protection, and were replaced by modern concrete houses. So the Caroline put forward the following thoughts on this problem:
Whether it is possible to increase the intensity of cultural protection work and the statistics and protection of cultural protection buildings, and immediately assess the degree of aging, integration and historical and cultural degree of cultural protection buildings, and immediately repair and protect ancient buildings;
Whether local residents and staff can be called on to actively participate in the cultural protection work, to a greater extent to prevent the secondary destruction of historical relics;
Is it possible to set up a volunteer team of ancient architecture for young people, so that young people can have close contact with history, get deeply involved in the protection of historical and cultural heritage, and implement the cultural inheritance work of young people?
Whether it is possible to set up safety publicity groups for residents whose residential buildings are ancient buildings to conduct fire prevention and safety electricity education;
Is it possible to improve some regulations on leasing and commercial use of ancient buildings, such as not to carry out secondary renovation of ancient buildings without permission......
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关于调查收获Caroline说道:“目前Ms. Renee正在带领我们学习《乡土中国》的相关章节,结合实地调查思考后的深入学习让我不禁感叹中华文化的博大精深,也像穿越到了固定的时间,感受人们当下的生活。”
As for the idea of the investigation, Caroline said, "I have some feelings about architecture, influenced by my parents since I was a child. Now I live in Kunming, but my hometown is Shiping, so I thought of the contrast between the two places."
As for what she learned from the investigation, Caroline said, "Ms. Renee is currently leading us to study the relevant chapters of Rural China. The in-depth study combined with the field investigation and reflection makes me admire the breadth and depth of Chinese culture. It also feels like traveling to a fixed time and experiencing people's current life."
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Ancient buildings, especially the traditional buildings of ethnic minorities, are the testimony left by history, quietly proving the stories of the past. Through the field study of the ninth grade students, BIBS community called for the development of modern cities, but also do not forget to protect the ancient buildings.
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