青苗PYP | 23-24学年「英语阅读成绩」「英语语言使用成绩」超全美平均水平!

文摘   2024-07-23 22:00   云南  


Mr. Nick


Dear Learning Community, thank you for your support and effort over this pastyear! From a student learning results point-of-view, it has definitely been a year- like- no- other! However, I said that this time last year and I’m saying itagain now! If this continues next year outstanding result swill become the norm!

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根据最近一年的学习和2024年6月份的最近一轮测试,青苗昆明的学生在英语语言学习方面取得了又一次飞跃。 我们有足够的数据对从一年级就加入青苗的学生的学习成果进行纵向分析。

Based on our most recent year of learning and most recent round of testing (June 2024), our students have made another leap in English Language learning. We have enough data to do a longitudinal study of student learning outcomes of students who joined us in PYP1.

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  • 经过PYP1-4四年的学习,学生的英语语言使用平均分数达到了美国全国平均水平;

  • 经过 PYP1-5五年的学习,学生的英语阅读平均成绩达到美国全国平均水平。

  • After four years of study from PYP1-4 our BIBS Kunming average student English Language Usage scores meet US national averages.

  • After five years of study from PYP1-5 our BIBS Kunming average student English Reading scores meet US national averages.

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  • 经过PYP1-3三年的学习,学生的英语语言使用平均成绩达到了美国全国平均水平。

  • 经过PYP1-5五年的学习,学生的英语阅读平均成绩达到美国全国平均水平。

  • After three years of study from  PYP1-3 our BIBS Kunming average student English Language Usage scores meet US national averages.

  • After five years of study from PYP1-5 our BIBS Kunming average student English Reading scores meet US national averages.

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  • 经过PYP1-3三年的学习,英语语言使用平均成绩达到了美国全国平均水平。

  • 经过PYP1-MYP1六年的学习,学生的英语阅读平均成绩和英语语言使用平均成绩超过美国全国平均水平。

  • After three years of study fromPYP1-3 our BIBS Kunming average studentEnglish Language Usage meet US national averages.

  • After six years of study from PYP1-MYP1 our BIBS Kunming average student English Reading and Language Usage scores exceed US national averages.

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美国教育科技公司 NWEA 研发了一款名为“MAP”(学业成长测试)的评估系统。它在美国大多数 K-12 公立学校和世界各地的许多国际学校使用。这是一项基于电脑的、动态的、多选的、标准化的测试,其测试内容包括英语语言使用、阅读和数学。尽管该测试无法衡量我们学校的孩子们学习的方方面面(没有测试能做到),但它能直观地反映出学生个人的学业成长轨迹,同时,通过与英语世界中以英语为母语的学生比较,有利于了解我们的学生的英语水平。

The American EdTech company NWEA makes an assessment product called ‘MAP’ (Measures of Academic Progress). This product is used by most K-12 public schools in America and many international schools around the world. It is a computer-based, dynamic, multi-choice, standardized test for English Language Usage, Reading and Math. Although it is not able to measure every facet of a child’s learning at our school (no test can), it is however able to help visualize individual student growth and keep abreast of how our students fair when compared with native English speakers in the English-speaking world.

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MAP测试基于10000个以共同核心国家标准(CCSS,即美国的“新课标 ”)以及AERO标准设置的题目。青苗始终是以中国国家标准课程(CNC)与国际文凭(IB)探究式教学相结合的方式开展教学。我们的教学既不是围绕MAP来开展,也不认为它的评估结果高于学校内部其他的评估结果。MAP只是我们不断增加的评估系统的其中之一,以帮助我们科学地、系统地提升学生的学习程度。

The MAP tests are based on 10,000 Common Core State Standard (CCSS) linked AERO questions. We run the Chinese National Curriculum (CNC) with an International Baccalaureate (IB) Inquiry-based Approach. We do not teach to this test nor do we hold it’s results above that of internal school assessments. The test simply serves as another one of our growing suite of assessment tools that help us scientifically and systematically improve student learning processes.

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为什么在阅读方面比在语言使用方面取得成功需要花费更长的时间?又为什么在语言使用方面比在数学方面 取得成功需要花费更长的时间?

Why does it take longer to have success in reading thanin language usage? And why does Language usage take longer than Math?

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我们对数据的解释符合对母语为非英语的英语学习者(ELL)的最新研究。在我们学校,学生用两种语言(中文和英文)学习数学。学生有“双重机会”来理解测试中的概念,甚至通过将数字作为第三语言来理解这些概念。此外,测试还提供大量的视觉图片和图表。然而语言使用由“ 受限”的语言学习技能和知识组成,即语音、拼写、语法和标点符号。学习这些技能和知识都有终点,即英语字母表中的26个字母和44个发音。阅读和写作涉及“不受限制 ”的技能和知识。这里的不受限制意味着它们没有尽头。学习者可以掌握语音规则,但无论Ta们学习多久,永远都无法完成或掌握阅读和写作技能。据了解,英语为非母语的学习者在学习受限制的技能方面取得首次成功往往先于不受限制的技能。

Our interpretation of the data in answering this question is in line with the latest research on non -native English Language Learners (ELL). At our school students learn Math in two languages (Chinese & English). Students have a ‘double opportunity’ to understand the concepts being tested as well as through the ‘third language of numbers’ . The tests also rely on a lot of visual pictures and graphs.  Language  Usage  is  made  up of ‘constrained’ skills and knowledge of language learning namely, phonics, spelling , grammar and punctuation. All of these skills and knowledge can be learnt to their end. i.e there are 26 letters in the English alphabet and 44 sounds. Reading (and writing) involve ‘unconstrained' skills and knowledge.Unconstrained here means they have no end. A learner can finish and master their phonics instruction but one, no matter how long they live, will never finish or master reading or writing. It is understood that ELL have their first success learning constrained skills before unconstrained.

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What can we do this summer to help avoid the summer slide?

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每年暑假结束返回学校,许多同学惊讶地发现他们在9月份的测试比几个月前的测试结果更糟糕。然而,对于教育工作者来说,这并不奇怪, 同学们往往在假期里学习除了学术以外的一切东西,即使Ta们一直在做额外的家庭作业,这很可能是家长要求的,而不是出于学习者的内在动机。推荐同学们可以在假期投入精力的一个方面是阅读。小学生应该每种语言每天至少阅读30分钟。我们的目标是培养学生,使之成为每种语言的成功的学习者。在上学期间,同学们更注重信息性阅读,假期里同学们可以花更多时间阅读小说和故事。作为母语为非英语的英语学习者,我们的孩子需要获得TA们所能得到的一切帮助,培养TA们对阅读的热爱将书籍作为TA们的终身老师是最有价值也是最划算的教育。一年中有十个月孩子们是和我们一起在校园里度过,有两个月在家和家长一起度过。如果您现在还在看这篇文章,相信您的孩子假期里在家会以您的行为作为镜子来审视自己,如果您没有读这篇校信,您永远不会知道您错过了什么,也许您的孩子也是 …

Every year many students come back to school from their summer holidays and are surprised to find that they  test worse in September than they did a few months earlier in June/July. For educators this is not such a  surprise however, students have spent their holidays learning everything but academics and even if they have  been doing extra homework it is probably at a parent’s request not from the learner’s own self-motivation.  The one recommended area children can put effort into over the break is reading. Primary aged students should be reading for at least 30 minutes a day in each language.  We aim to raise students to be successful learners in each language. While during the school year students have a larger focus on informational reading, students may over the  holidays spend more time reading fiction stories and novels. As non -native ELL our children need all the help  they can get and developing a love for reading, with books as their lifelong teachers is the most valuable and  value for money education available. Ten months of the year your children are with us at school, two months  they are at home with you, if you are still reading this newsletter now, I’m sure your child will mirror your  actions at home this summer, I guess, if you are not reading this – you will never know what you missed,  maybe your children too…

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Enjoy your summer break readers!


