录取季 | 世界知名大学,美国工科名校,Offer陆续来袭!

文摘   教育   2024-03-06 19:18   云南  



昆明青苗学子继续斩获四封Offer!来自2024 U.S.News美国大学排名前100!2024QS世界大学排名第167名!

The 2024 application season is off to a flying start!

BIBS Kunming students continue to win four offers! From 2024 U.S.News Top 100 American Universities! 2024QS World University Rankings 167th!

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2024 U.S.News美国大学排名第60

Congratulations to BIBS Kunming  students got Offer from University of California, Merced. 2024 U.S.News  University Rankings 60th!

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University of California- UCM, located in Merced County in the SAN Joaquin Valley region of the United States, is one of the world's famous public research university system, the University of California, and the first comprehensive research university established in the United States in the 21st century. Uc Merced is committed to teaching, scientific research and public service, inheriting and continuing the top research level and excellent education quality of the University of California system, shouldering the major task of undertaking advanced research, realizing environmental protection and sustainable construction, and stimulating the economic and cultural diversity of the surrounding region.

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2024 U.S.NEWS美国大学排名第76名

Congratulations to BIBS Kunming students got Colorado School of Mines offer. 2024 U.S.News. Rankings 76th!

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科罗拉多矿业大学——成立于公元1869年,身为一个国家级主要的工程, 应用科学大学, 科罗拉多矿业大学一直持续提供其世界级的研究成果与领导地位, 并成为政府机构重要的研发机构。科罗拉多矿业大学也非常严谨地担负起其体制上应负之责, 在能源,矿物, 材料科学工程上有卓越的成就; 自创校以来, 科罗拉多矿业大学的校友会遍及各产业与政府机关, 因此95%的毕业生能顺利的就业。

Colorado School of Mines- Founded in 1869 as one of the nation's premier universities of engineering and applied sciences, the Colorado School of Mines continues to deliver world-class research and leadership and is a key research and development facility for government agencies. Colorado University of Mines also takes its institutional responsibilities very seriously, and has outstanding achievements in energy, minerals, and materials science and engineering. Since its founding, CME has alumni associations in various industries and government agencies, so that 95% of graduates are successfully employed.

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2024 U.S.News美国大学排名第80名

Congratulations to BIBS Kunming students got offer from University of California, Riverside2024 U.S.News Rankings 80th!

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University of California, Riverside- Is a public research university in California, the United States, is a famous public university in the United States, known as the public Ivy, Pacific Rim University Alliance and international public University Forum member. UCR is one of the ten schools in the University of California system, one of the most influential public university systems in the world, and one of the fastest growing universities in the system. The school attaches great importance to research and has a proud academic tradition of the University of California.

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Congratulations to BIBS Kunming students got offer from University of York2024QS World University Ranking 167th!

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约克大学——位于英国约克郡,是世界一流的研究型公立大学,常年位列QS、THE等国际主流榜单前200名,也是罗素大学集团、世界大学联盟、N8大学联盟、白玫瑰大学联盟成员。其创立于1963年,是英国新式大学的代表,和华威大学、巴斯大学、兰卡斯特大学等差不多是同一时期,都是“平板玻璃大学”(Plate Glass University)的一员。

University of York- Located in Yorkshire, England, it is a world-class research-based public university, ranking in THE top 200 of the international mainstream lists such as QS and THE, and is also a member of the Russell University Group, the World University Alliance, N8 University Alliance, and the White Rose University Alliance. Founded in 1963, it is a representative of the new British University, and the University of Warwick, the University of Bath, Lancaster University, etc. are almost at the same time, are a member of the "Plate Glass University" (Plate Glass University).

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Up to now, 9 graduates from BIBS Kunming have received a total of 24 offers from around the world! In the new semester, we will also welcome the first Open Day of BIBS Kunming!

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3月9日 周六 9:00-11:00




9:00-11:00 Sat. 9th Mar.

School Open Day

Let the dream take root here

Press and hold the QR code below to complete the registration

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