The Spelling Bee ASA: Sharpen Your Spelling Skills
At BIBS, we are excited to welcome back our highly popular Spelling Bee ASA for another academic year! After last year’s tremendous success, we’re ready to see our students once again take on the challenge of spelling mastery with enthusiasm and determination.
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Our Spelling Bee ASA is not only a fun after-school activity—it’s a gateway to national competition! Students who excel during the ASA will have the exciting opportunity to compete at a national level. Last year, several of our talented students made their way to Shanghai to participate in the national finals, and we are proud to say that some of them even brought home well-deserved prizes!
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What makes the Spelling Bee ASA special
孩子们每周二和周四参加两次俱乐部课程。课程通过各种具有挑战性的回合磨练孩子们的拼写技能,包括快速拼写、逐字母拼写及从 3x3字母方块中拼成单词,每一个回合都严格遵循着Spelling Bee的竞赛要求。这样的训练模式培养孩子们快速思考和及时解决问题的能力,同时其中也不乏乐趣!通过拼词专项训练的孩子也能在其它科目的学习中展现出出色的应对能力,可谓一举多得。
Students can join the Spelling Bee twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The ASA offers participants a chance to hone their spelling skills through a variety of challenging rounds, including speed spelling, letter-by-letter spelling, and word formation from a 3x3 letter square. These activities not only prepare students for the competition but also help them develop quick thinking and problem-solving skills, all while having fun! It’s no surprise that students competing in Spelling Bee are also excelling in the classroom.
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拼词俱乐部的任课老师Ms. Amber和Ms. Neela在课堂上总是能够为孩子们带来关于拼词的经验和饱满的热情。她们创新的拼词教学方法让孩子们在过程中总是能够保持自主能动性。无论是拼词比赛中的哪一个环节,她们都为孩子们制定了应答策略,在专业的指导中相信孩子们也总是能够受益匪浅。
Our lead teacher, Ms Amber and Ms. Neela, brings a wealth of experience and passion to the ASA. They innovative methods ensure that students stay engaged and excited throughout their practice sessions. Whether they are preparing for the speed round or strategizing during the letter square challenge, students will benefit from Ms Amber and Ms Neela’s expert guidance and limitless enthusiasm.
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How can you get involved
If your child loves a challenge and enjoys testing their spelling skills, the Spelling Bee ASA is the perfect place for them. With dedication and practice, they could be the next BIBS student to make it to the national stage!
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我们迫不及待地想要看到孩子们在今年的拼词比赛中大放异彩,继续在拼词中收获成长!备注:拼词大赛是一项全国性的竞争学术活动,要求学生有良好的拼词基础,在被选入拼词校队之前孩子们也需要接受Ms. Neela与Ms. Amber的面试哦。
We can’t wait to see our students shine in this year’s Spelling Bee! Let’s keep those letters buzzing! Trips:The Spelliing Bee is a nationwide competitive academic event that requires students have a good spelling foundation. Students need to trial with Neela and Amber before being selected for the team.
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Establish BIBS Education Group Cup through train. SPBCN will open a Group Cup entry channel for students from Green seedling schools, who can directly advance to the SPBCN 10th season national final through selection. In addition, a champion training camp has been set up to provide students with high-level English training and cultural exchange opportunities.
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Select outstanding students and establish a prestigious scholarship program.BIBS will cooperate with SPBCN to provide elite scholarship programs for outstanding students, including not only the top national finalists, but also outstanding students at the city level, providing them with high-quality educational resources and scholarship support.
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Jointly build an AI English wisdom lab. The two sides will jointly establish an AI English wisdom lab, using advanced artificial intelligence technology to enhance students' English learning efficiency and interest, while providing teaching assistance for teachers to achieve personalized teaching and intelligent assessment.
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Establishing campus spelling clubs and international language literacy cultural activities.In order to expand students' vocabulary and enhance their confidence in learning English, SPBCN will assist schools to establish campus spelling clubs, and regularly hold international language literacy cultural activities to enrich students' campus life and improve their language application ability.
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Awarded "International Chinese-English Dual Demonstration School".BIBS Education Group was awarded the "International Chinese-Chinese-English Dual Model School", which is not only the recognition of BIBS School's English teaching achievements, but also the affirmation of its efforts in promoting international language and cultural exchanges.
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