BIBS Kunming 2024 G12 graduates
3 offers per person
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100% of the world's top 200 universities
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100% admission to the top 100 universities in the United States
Australia Asian direction
100% of the world's top 200 universities
Artistic direction
100% admission to world-renowned art colleges
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That's the end of the school path of our wonderful students, all the courses have been completed, the exams have been passed. You are leaving behind an entire chapter of your childhood from the book of your life.
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This chapter was about how you grew up, comprehended yourself and the world around you, gained knowledge and skills. It was mostly fun and interesting, but it was also not easy and stressful, sometimes even scary.
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And now they are at the beginning of the next big chapter of their life. They have become more mature, smarter, stronger, more confident. And with each next “chapter”, they will have more and more “copyrights” to create the “book” of your dreams!
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In this bright and lively season, we gather together to witness a feast of youth - the BIBS-Kunming graduation ceremony of the 2024 DP2 and A2 graduates.
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Today, we gather here to send our most sincere blessings and best wishes to the graduates who are about to embark on a new journey. Time has flown by so quickly, it feels like just yesterday, our graduates were strolling through the campus, listening to the teachers’ earnest teachings, sharing the joys and challenges of their youth. Now, they are about to say goodbye to the familiar campus, their classmates, and their dedicated teachers, and embark on a new journey to pursue their dreams.
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中学部外方校长Mr. Moore和中学部中方校长Mr. Adam:“在过去的几年里,你们面对挑战,拥抱机遇,在学术和个人方面都得到了成长。你们表现出了韧性和决心,优雅而热情地完成了学业。你们中的每一个人,都为青苗学校昆明社区的蓬勃发展做出了贡献,在青苗留下了不可磨灭的印记。
Mr. Moore and Mr. Adam: "Over the past years, you have faced challenges, embraced opportunities, and grown both academically and personally. You have shown resilience and determination, navigating your studies with grace and enthusiasm. Each of you has contributed to the vibrant tapestry of our school community, leaving an indelible mark on BIBS Kunming.
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As you step into the wider world, carry with you the values and lessons learned at BIBS Kunming. Embrace curiosity, strive for excellence, and, above all, remain true to yourselves. The path ahead may be filled with uncertainties, but it is also brimming with endless possibilities. Take each step with confidence, knowing that you are well-prepared to face whatever comes your way.”
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Ms. Nicole
青苗昆明A Level协调员
"Here, I hope that all graduates will take the knowledge and skills learned in our DP/Alevel program, pursue their dreams bravely, and maintain their thirst for knowledge and love of life no matter where they go in the future." Once again, congratulations to all the graduates, and may your future be bright and brilliant!"
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Mr. Hunter
“找到自己的兴趣,追求自己的梦想,活出属于你自己的精彩人生。Lucille, Winnie, Angel, Tia, Coco, Alice, Vicky; Figaro, Ricky, Shareman, Felix, Eason, Jason, Alfons. 今天你们毕业了,我为你们开心,更衷心祝愿你们每一个的人生充满阳光和欢乐,愿你们的梦想都能实现。”
"Find your passion, pursue your dreams, and live your own life." Lucille, Winnie, Angel, Tia, Coco, Alice, Vicky; Figaro, Ricky, Shareman, Felix, Eason, Jason, Alfons. Today you graduate, I am happy for you, and sincerely wish each of you a life full of sunshine and joy, may your dreams come true."
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Ms. Irina
And they are here, your teachers,… I will forever remain characters from this chapter about school, who on this last page of it look at you so young, beautiful, full of strength and hope and wave after wishing only the very best for your future! Be happy, our dear ones!”
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Mr. Jeremiah
“ Failure is part of success. Failure is crucial to the process to be successful. Every step you take, through the wins and losses, the good days and bad days, you are building towards your next success. As my Business Management students are well aware, nearly all the most successful business leaders in the world have failed before reaching their high status. Much like the greatest leaders, entrepreneurs, and athletes: I encourage you to embrace this process.”
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G12 毕业生家长代表
Angel 妈妈
“青苗学校有着包容且自由的校园文化,宽松的校园环境,让孩子们无论是在学习生活上,还是在社团活动中,都得到了充分尊重,同时还培养了同学们终身学习的能力、拓展了开阔的全球视野、塑造了健全独立的人格......在此我代表家长们,对顺利完成学业的同学们表示热烈的祝贺! 向为同学们的成长倾注热情、汗水和智慧的所有老师、校领导表示衷心的感谢!”
“ At BIBS-Kunming School, the inclusive and free campus culture and relaxed environment have allowed students to be fully respected in both their studies and activities. The school has also cultivated their lifelong learning ability, broadened their global perspective, shaped their independent character, and taught them to take on social responsibility. This will be an important asset in their future lives. On behalf of the parents, I would like to extend warm congratulations to the students who have successfully completed their studies! I also want to express my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers and school leaders who have devoted their passion, effort, and wisdom to the growth of the students.”
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Graduate Lucille: "It is a great honor for me to stand here at this exciting time. As an IB graduate, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the teachers for their hard work. Without your teaching and guidance, we would not be able to achieve so much in scholarship, character, and life experience.
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无论是IB还是A level,我们都经历了同样的挑战和成长。我们都曾经历过为考试和作业而奋斗的日日夜夜,都曾经历过在学习和生活中的起起伏伏。在我们即将离开校园,迈入人生新的征程之际,让我们怀着感恩之心回顾过去,怀着信心和勇气迎接未来的挑战。无论是IB还是A level,都是我们成长道路上宝贵的经历,让我们珍惜并铭记在心。”
Whether it is IB or A level, we have gone through the same challenges and growth. We have all been through the days and nights of struggling for exams and assignments, the ups and downs in school and life. As we leave this campus and embark on a new journey in our lives, let us look back on the past with gratitude and meet the challenges ahead with confidence and courage. Whether it is IB or A level, it is a valuable experience for us to cherish and remember."
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不负青苗志 常怀赤子心
Congratulations, Class of 2024! May your journey be filled with success, happiness, and fulfilment. We are incredibly proud of you, and we eagerly await the great things you will achieve.
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