✦ EBSCO 收录期刊
✦ CSCD 核心库收录期刊
✦ CNKI 全文收录期刊
✦ ProQuest 收录期刊
✦ Wanfang 收录期刊
A city is a mega-system of complexity that is composed of numerous elements of natural, societal, and physical environments, as well as multiple systems of infrastructure, operation, and governance. This complex system keeps evolving endlessly while its elements and systems keep interacting with each other all the time. This makes it difficult to get a comprehensive picture of the city and to make scientific plans for sustainable city development. In that regard, data analyses on the elements and systems of cities, as well as interactions among them, such as those on human beings’ perceptions on, behaviors in, and interactions with the physical environment, play a significant role as both an approach to getting more knowledge about the city and a foundation for making city plans in a more scientific way. In contrast to the situation in the past when urban analyses and urban studies had to be done in an empirical way due to the lack of methods to get enough data, such as questionnaires and interviews, nowadays the rapid science and technology advancements of computing, information and communication, data, and artificial intelligence make it much easier to get a huge amount of data from multiple sources, such as remote sensing, wireless networks, and social media, and to do both quantitative and qualitative data analyses by way of machine learning, deep learning, semantic analysis, and so on. In consequence, the new discipline of urban analytics has been rising quickly. Rooted into data sciences, it can provide empirical urban studies with quantitative analyses and support urban planning decisions with quantitative arguments. Even emotional perceptions and physiological actions of human beings on a specific physical environment can be now recorded as data and analyzed in a quantitative way. Some even believe that, along with the accumulation of multi-sourced data and the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies, data and urban analytics can help not only simulate evolutionary trends of the physical environment, but also create urban planning and design schemes on behalf of human beings through machine learning. However, in spite of the great potential of data and urban analytics, it should be noted that data itself does not present the information critical for scientific planning and urban analytics would not automatically lead to the outcome of scientific plans. It is actually the information carried by data that is fundamental for scientific planning, which can only be decoded from data through urban analytics within the analytical framework of creative thinking created by human beings and in line with the evaluation criteria established by human beings.
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