征稿 ‖ 诚征中英文投稿 CCPR Calls For Papers in English and Chinese !

学术   2024-11-20 13:00   北京  

✦ EBSCO 收录期刊

✦ CSCD 核心库收录期刊

✦ ProQuest 收录期刊

✦ CNKI 全文收录期刊

✦ Wanfang 全文收录期刊


China City Planning Review (CCPR),即《城市规划(英文版)》,创办于1985年,是中国城市规划学会的英文会刊,以及国内规划领域最早面向全球发行的英文期刊。自创刊以来,CCPR始终坚持中外学者进行学术交流的平台、中国城市展示建设成就的窗口、境外读者了解中国城市的途径的办刊宗旨以及学术第一的办刊原则,及时报导中国城市规划在理论和实践领域的最新进展,在研究中国城市问题的中外学者中间享有很高声誉。目前CCPRCNKI(知网)、万方数据、CSCD(中国科学引文数据库)及世界知名数据库EBSCO和ProQuest收录,设有热点思辨(Debates & Ideas)、专题研究(Theme Documents)、见解锐评(Critical Insight)、城市档案(City Profile)和规划师档案(Planner Profile)、专业书评(Book Review)等栏目,面向城乡规划以及相关领域长期征稿。

As the only professional and academic English periodical in the area of urban planning and design from China, China City Planning Review (CCPR) is jointly supported by the Urban Planning Society of China, the Center for Human Settlements of Tsinghua University, the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, and the Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute Co. Ltd. Articles in CCPR mainly cover various studies on Chinese cities from the perspective of urban planning and design, including status quos, problems, trends, planning strategies and relative policies of their development. It offers the readers with different opinions and criticism from both home and abroad, giving a full understanding of what has happened or is happening in Chinese cities. The journal now has been indexed by CNKI, CSCD, EBSCO, and ProQuest, and includes columns such as Debates & Ideas, Theme Documents, Critical Insight, City Profile, Planner Profile, Book Review, etc. 


1. 接收中、英文投稿。其中,英文投稿按字数支付稿酬,中文投稿无稿酬但不收取翻译费。

2. 投稿须为Word文档。来稿需包含摘要、关键词、参考文献和作者简介。参考文献须符合标准论文书写格式,比如哈佛文献标注方法(详见附录)。如有插图,需提供插图的PSD或JPG文件,分辨率不小于300*300像素。


4.文章中图片所用地图底图须来自自然资源部官方地图(标准地图网站 http://bzdt.ch.mnr.gov.cn/index.html),若投稿为英文,请优先选用英文底图,并请标明底图图号。

5. 编辑部将对来稿进行格式审查,并组织专家进行同行评审。作者将于论文提交后三个月左右得到是否录用的通知。

6. 作者提交给本刊的投稿须是原创文章。文章一经录用且作者同意发表,编辑部将保留对中英文来稿进行修改和部分删节的权利以及该文章所有语言的版权(包括文章电子版权)。若作者要以其他语言发表此文,需征求本刊编辑部同意。

1. Submitted articles should be written in English, to which remuneration will be paid, or in Chinese, to which neither remuneration will be paid nor translation fee will be charged. 

2. Submitted articles should be in the format of Word. An abstract, keywords, and references should be included. References should be in accordance with the standard paper writing formats of the Harvard Reference System (please refer to the Appendix). Illustrations in the text should be submitted as PSD or JPG files in attachment, with a resolution of no less than 300*300 pixels.

3. Submitted articles should have 8,000 – 10,000 characters if written in Chinese, or 5,000 – 6,000 words if in English, excluding notes and references. The total number of references should be less than 30 for general articles, and less than 50 for review articles. Articles for the column of Book Review should have around 4,000 characters if in Chinese or around 2,500 words if in English, and the book reviewed should be published in the latest 10 years.

4. The basemap used in submitted articles must be an official one published by the Ministry of Natural Resources (available at: http://bzdt.ch.mnr.gov.cn/index.html). If the submission is in English, please give preference to the English basemap. The basemap number must be indicated. 

5. Submitted articles will be examined by the Editorial Department about the format and be evaluated for acceptance by the Editorial Board through peer review. The author(s) will be informed of the outcome within three months.

6. The submitted articles shall be original. The Editorial Department reserves the copyright in all languages (including the electronic publishing right) if the article is officially accepted for publication. The Editorial Department also reserves the right of revising and abridging the accepted articles. If the author(s) would like to publish this article in other languages, he/she shall obtain the agreement of the Editorial Department.



Rural Land Consolidation; Urban Renewal System; Spatial Planning; AI and Urban Planning, Multi-Center Urban Development; City Examination.


1. In-text references:

(1) In the text, the references should be in parentheses (Surname 1 and Surname 2, year) or Surname 1 and Surname 2 (year). 

(2) Append a lowercase letter to the year to distinguish between multiple publications from the same authors in the same year (e.g. 1999a, 1999b, etc.). 

(3) In case of less than three authors, use this format: (Surname, year) or Surname (year), (Surname 1 and Surname 2, year) or Surname 1 and Surname 2 (year), (Surname 1, Surname 2, and Surname 3, year) or Surname 1, Surname 2, and Surname 3 (year). 

(4) Where there are more than four authors, only the first author should be used followed by “et al.”: (Surname et al., year) or Surname et al. (year).   

(5) In case of more than one reference, use this format: (Surname 1 et al., year; Surname 2 and Surname 3, year). 

2. References:

(1) Arranged alphabetically by author’s surname (or title/sponsoring organization where a source has no author).

(2) The total number should be no more than 30.

(3) From a book: Surname A, Surname B, Surname C, …Surname N (year). Title of a Book in Italics. City: Publisher.  

(4) From a Journal: Surname A, Surname B, Surname C, …Surname N (year). Title of an Article. Journal Name in Italics, 23 (4), pp. 2-42.

(5) From newspapers: Surname A (year). Title of an Article. Newspaper Name in Italics, Date, p. Page number(s). 

(6) From the Internet: Name of organization (year). Title of article. Available at: <url>[Accessed date]. 

(NOTE: All the authors’ names must be included in the reference list, in the same order that they are listed in the original source.



Submission platform entrance:https://csgy.cbpt.cnki.net/. After registering by clicking "Author Submission System", you can submit your article according to prompts and check the progress of the review through the online platform.


Look forward to your submission!



China City Planning Review







China City Planning Review (《城市规划(英文版)》)创刊于1985年,为中国城市规划学会会刊,国内城市规划领域唯一全英文期刊,致力于向国外读者介绍国内本领域最新学术研究成果。