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Research on the Optimization of Spatial Layout of Video Surveillance in Urban Residential Areas Based on Crime Prevention
王益 江安邦 李早 刘国元 张拾斤 杨璐 翁欣然‖Wang Yi, Jiang Anbang, Li Zao, Liu Guoyuan, Zhang Shijing, Yang Lu, and Weng Xinran
The current spatial layout of video surveillance in urban residential areas primarily relies on the subjective assessments of personnel, which often results in issues like inadequate surveillance quality and inefficient resource use. To enhance monitoring effectiveness and ensure the rational allocation of surveillance resources, this paper proposes an optimization method for the spatial layout of residential video surveillance aimed at crime prevention. First, the residential area is divided into grids. From a crime prevention perspective, we construct an expected resource allocation matrix that outlines the demand for surveillance in each grid section. Next, we develop a surveillance resource contribution matrix to illustrate the coverage provided by the video surveillance systems. Additionally, candidate locations for surveillance cameras are identified based on the spatial structure of the residential area, ensuring that buildings do not obstruct the view. Using these components, we establish a spatial layout optimization model for residential video surveillance, which is then solved using a genetic algorithm. Finally, we present a simulation example to demonstrate the model's applicability and effectiveness in enhancing the quality of residential video surveillance networks while optimizing resource allocation.
urban residential areas; video surveillance; spatial layout optimization; crime prevention
图3 单个监控设施形成的监控资源贡献矩阵
图4 多个监控共同形成的监控资源贡献矩阵
图6 犯罪的核密度分析和住宅区的视角整合度分析
图9 住宅视频监控优化前后的布局图
Wang Yi, Associate Professor, Supervisor of Postgraduate Student, College of Architecture and Art, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei, P. R. China.
Jiang Anbang (corresponding author), Postgraduate Student, College of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei, P. R. China. Email: 2020170648@mail.hfut.edu.cn
Li Zao, Vice President, Professor, Supervisor of PhD Candidate, School of Architecture and Planning, Anhui Jianzhu University, Heifei, P. R. China.
刘国元 ,中铁合肥建筑市政工程设计研究院有限公司副总经理、院总建筑师、国家一级注册建筑师、正高级工程师。
Liu Guoyuan, Vice President, Chief Architect, National First-Level Registered Architect, Senior Engineer, China Railway Hefei Institute of Architectural and Municipal Engineering Design Co., Ltd. Heifei, P. R. China.
Zhang Shijing, Postgraduate Student, College of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei, P. R. China.
Yang Lu, Postgraduate Student, College of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei, P. R. China.
Weng Xinran, Test Engineer, College of Architecture and Art, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei, P. R. China.
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