2024-01-19 20:24
It is necessary to say and to think that What Is is; for it is to be,/ (有必要说并思考存在的本质是什么;因为它是存在的,)but nothing it is not. These things I bid you ponder./(而不是任何它所不是的。我劝你思索这些事物。)For I shall begin for you from this first way of inquiry,/(因为我将从这第一种探询的方式开始为你阐述,)then yet again from that along which mortals who know nothing/ (然后再从那条路开始,沿着这条路,对于什么也不知道的凡人们,)wander two-headed: for haplessness in their/(他们像是有两个脑袋一样常常左右摇摆:迷茫困惑)breasts directs wandering understanding. They are borne along/ (胸怀苦闷,茕茕独立) /deaf and blind at once, bedazzled, undiscriminating hordes,/(不闻不问,眼花缭乱,不分青红皂白的成群结队,) who have supposed that it is and is not the same/ (他们认为存在和不存在是一样的) and not the same; but the path of all these turns back on itself. (或不一样的;但所有这些的道路都在循环往复,回归自身。) ——(Fr. 6, supplementing the lacuna at the end of verse 3 with arxô and taking s’ earlier in the verse as an elision of soi, as per Nehamas 1981, 103–5; cf. the similar proposal at Cordero 1984, ch. 3, expanding parts of Cordero 1979.)