
文摘   历史   2024-01-20 20:24   英国  

      Anaxagoras. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

For how could hair come from not hair or flesh from not flesh? 
· 被视以渎神者眼中的宇宙 ·
The sun is a mass of fiery metal, and the moon is an earthy lump (with no light of its own).太阳是一团炽热的金属,月亮是一团借取阳光的泥土。


·骨自何处生?发自何处起? ·
  对于阿那克萨戈拉斯来说,不仅是土、气、火、水,还有血、金、 头发、骨头等,都是元素,不能还原到更原始的部件。骨骼不是由其他元素组成的。骨骼的每个部分都具有相同的性质 作为一个整体。骨头的每一部分都是骨头;黄金的每一部分都是黄金,等等。这是阿那克萨戈拉斯的同质性原则
  According to Empedocles, bone is made up of earth, air, fire, and water, blended in a certain proportion. It should be possible, therefore, to break it down again into these elements. The difficulty is that when this is done the bone ceases to be bone any longer; and if Parmenides is right, this is impossible. If bone is, it cannot cease to be.
 Every part of any kind of stuff, S, is itself S.

·进食,与长肉 ·


We take in nourishment that is simple and homogeneous, such as bread or water, and by this are nourished hair, veins, arteries, flesh, sinews, bones and all the other parts of the body. Which being so, we must agree that everything that exists is in the nourishment we take in, and that everything derives its growth from things that exist. There must be in that nourishment some parts that are productive of blood, some of sinews, some of bones, and so on - parts which reason alone can apprehend.

我们摄取简单而均质的营养,如面包或水,通过这些我们滋养头发、静脉、动脉、肌肉、筋膜、骨骼和身体的所有其他部分。既然如此,我们必须同意存在于我们摄入的营养中的一切,一切都从已存在的事物中获得生长。在那种滋养物中必须有一些部分是产生血液的,有一些是产生筋膜的,有一些是产生骨骼的,依此类推 - 这些部分只有理性能够理解。

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1.Diels, H. and W. Kranz, eds., 1974, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Three Vols. Reprint of Sixth Edition, Berlin: Weidmann.

2. Barnes, J., 1982, The Presocratic Philosophers, London: Routledge.

3. Althoff, J., 2012, “Presocratic Discourse in Poetry and Prose: The case of Empedocles and Anaxagoras,“ Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 43: 293–299.

慎终追远,饮水思源。他们是人类教育后裔效法其精神的教材和模范,他们就是对于世界发展走向具有庞大影响力与贡献的 “伟人”。