例:A parallel two-group design will be used to test whether the Group 1 (treatment) proportion (P1) is greater than the Group 2 (control) proportion (P2) (H0: P1 - P2 ≤ 0 versus H1: P1 - P2 > 0).
The comparison will be made using a one-sided, two-sample Z-Test with unpooled variance, with a Type I error rate (α) of 0.025. The control group proportion (P2) is assumed to be 0.2. To detect a proportion difference (P1 - P2) of 0.2 (or P1 of 0.4) with 90% power, the number of subjects needed will be 106 in Group 1 (treatment) and 106 in Group 2 (control).
One non-binding futility analysis at 50% information fraction.
East tool:
1. 录入look=1。
2.录入 look=2,futility的boundary family选择conditonal power,点击Design的两组率来compute CP,然后点击Non-binding,Interim=0.5。
Food and Drug Administration, 2019, 适应性设计指南,通常采用Non-binding的无效性界值,其与有效性界值无关,不会增加假阳性率,但power会产生损失。
Power 损失=0.901(第二张截图,只有look=1的power)-0.889(look=2,总样本量不变,但是50%的数据时候,做non-binding的无效分析)=0.012。
Scheme properties除了包含Power的损失,还有一个指标是Stop under H0(参考最后一图片boundary crossing probablity under H0)。
Gallo P, Mao L, Shih VH (2014). Alternative views on setting clinical trial futility criteria. J Biopharm Stat 24:976-93.
Food and Drug Administration, 2019. Adaptive designs for Clinical trials of drugs and biologics guidance for industry. FDA.