Perspectives Matter! 视角决定未来 | HQIS Upper School Coffee Morning

教育   2024-09-23 19:21   上海  

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Recently, HQIS held the second Coffee Morning of this semester. During this session we were honored to have Dr. Bohan Zhang, a psychologist from Am-Sino Healthcare, as the guest speaker.


Speaker 嘉宾介绍


Bohan Zhang

Am-Sino Healthcare Licensed Counseling Psychologist


■ M.A Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Lesley University, U.s.) 美国莱斯利大学临床心理健康咨询硕士

■  Licensed Counseling Psychologist (China Psychological Society) 中国心理学会注册心理师

■  Depressive disorders counseling, Anxiety disorders counseling, Obsessive-compulsive disorder counseling


Dr. Zhang's lecture focused on the critical stages of psychological growth that upper school students undergo and how understanding these changes can support students' well-being and academic success. 

He highlighted key areas such as emotional regulation, resilience, feelings and self-awareness, while offering practical advice on how parents can foster a supportive environment at home.



The lecture included a luxurious banquet provided by Ms. Diana Ku, President of POH. After the lecture, parents actively engaged in the Q&A session and had the opportunity to discuss with our Upper School faculty.

分享会结束后,家委会主席Ms. Diana精心准备了丰盛的茶歇供家长们享用。在轻松愉快的氛围中,家长们积极参与了问答环节,与中学部的老师们进行了深入的交流,共同探讨如何更好地支持孩子们的成长。这次活动不仅让家长们收获了宝贵的知识,也加深了家校之间的理解和合作,为学生们的全面发展奠定了坚实的基础

Ms. Diana Ku

President of POH


My deepest thanks to Dr. Bohan Zhang and the wonderful team at Am-Sino Healthcare for the wonderful session. I would also like to thank all the parents who took the time out of their busy schedules to attend. Your presence and engagement are what make these events meaningful and successful. As we continue to focus on providing opportunities to support our children’s development, I am excited to share that we have more events planned for the near future, and we hope to see even more of you there!p


Mr. Tomasz Talarczyk

HQIS Upper School Dean Of Students 


On behalf of HQIS, I would like to thank Am-Sino Healthcare staff an Dr. Zhang in particular for his insightful lecture. His expertise and thoughtful approach provided invaluable guidance to our parents. We hope we can continue this meaningful collaboration and look forward to the possibility of having more lectures from members of this respected organization in the future.

Overall, it was an excellent opportunity for our community to come together. Parents left the session with a deeper appreciation for the importance of balancing academic expectations with emotional support, ensuring our students thrive in all aspects of their lives. 


Thank you everybody for your participation. Stay tuned so you won’t miss future Coffee Morning sessions and other school initiatives.

感谢每一位家长的热情参与,是你们让这次活动意义非凡! 更多精彩的分享会和学校新动态等你来探索!


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上海虹桥国际外籍人员子女学校( HQIS )公众平台将定期与家长交流学校活动与资讯,分享国际教育理念。我校成立于1997年,为上海最早的国际学校之一,为18个月至12年级外籍学生提供优质国际课程。