HQIS welcomed parents to the first round of Coffee Morning for this semester recently. The first session “Succeeding Together, Insights Into The New Academic Year” was led by our Lower School principal, Mr. Jackson, who highlighted key initiatives and goals for this academic year.
近期我校幼小部在二楼阶梯教室成功举办了本学期首次幼小部家长晨会分享会,一场旨在加深家校联系、共享教育理念的温馨聚会。本学年首场晨间分享会——“携手并进,共绘新蓝图”由我校小学部校长Mr. Jackson主持,他着重阐述了本学年的核心举措与学年目标。
Here’s a brief recap:
After a brief presentation from our Lower School Principal, the session focused on Parents of HQIS - POH, with a short presentation of its members, including the new Class Moms, and planned activities for the new school year. Mr. Alex Hu, our MKT Director & POH Coordinator, along with two dedicated POH parents, also shared their insights and illustrated the POH's mission and vision, upcoming activities, and student support.
在我校幼小部校长Mr. Jackson的温馨开场后,会议主题聚焦HQIS家委会的重要议题,内容包括新学年班级妈妈及接下来的家委会活动等。市场部总监兼家委会协调员Alex老师携手两位家委会核心成员,向家长们回顾了家委会在过去一年中为学校提供的无私支持与协助,并展望未来,继续携手合作,为孩子们的成长撑起一片蓝天。家委会成员们满怀激情地阐述了POH的使命与愿景,并详细介绍了为新学期精心筹备的丰富多彩的活动,以及对学生的支持,让在场的每一位家长都感受到了满满的期待与温馨。
The morning ended on a high note, with parents asking thoughtful questions and enjoying the chance to connect with each other in a warm and relaxed atmosphere.
Mr. Jonathan Jackson
HQIS Lower School Principal
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you who, even with such an unforgiving weather, attended this Coffee Morning session. It was a pleasure to see so many participants today. I believe Coffee Mornings are a great way for parents to meet and connect, share experiences, and strengthen their bond with the school.
Mr. Alex Hu
HQIS MKT Director & POH Coordinator
Thank you dear parents for coming. POH has a lot of wonderful activities planned for this year, and we would love for you to be a part of it! We believe that parents can make a difference in our school community. Whether you have ideas to share, time to volunteer, or simply want to connect with other parents, your contribution is more than welcome.
We look forward to seeing many of you join us this year!
Parent involvement is crucial for several reasons, as it significantly impacts both the academic success and overall development of students.
It is thanks to activities such as our Coffee Morning that we can continue to create a positive and nurturing environment for our students and strengthen our community. Your insights, questions, and active participation truly reflect the strong partnership between HQIS and our families.
Once again, thank you to all We look forward to more opportunities to connect and collaborate in the future.
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