TEDx@HQIS 2024 | Inspiring Stories From our Students 故事点亮心灵之光

教育   2024-06-05 19:37   上海  

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This Monday, our primary school students gathered in our theater for the third annual TEDx talks at HQIS. The talks at the school were centered around the theme of "Storytelling" and featured inspiring and thought-provoking speeches delivered by speakers from primary and upper school.



Check out the highlight of the TEDx@HQIS


About TEDx

We can proudly say that TEDx has become a well established tradition here at HQIS. These events are locally organized conferences inspired by the global TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) movement, providing a platform for the sharing of "ideas worth spreading" within local communities. These talks are designed to unleash new ideas with the potential to inspire and inform, allowing communities to create unique gatherings around thought-provoking discussions. Every year, our best speakers prepare inspiring speeches focused on topics of global relevance.


The Speeches

Just before the speeches, we had the pleasure to listen to “Ah! Vous dirai-je Maman” a piano piece played by the timeless master Mozart, nicely cosplayed by our music teacher Ms. Belinda. Music has the unique ability to transcend language barriers. Through music, composers and musicians have the opportunity to share unique perspectives. In this piece, Mozart created unique variations to express different feelings. This is how stories can be told even through the language of music.

在演讲即将拉开帷幕之际,我校音乐老师Ms. Belinda为在座的观众倾情演绎了钢琴名曲《啊!妈妈,我将对你诉说》。音乐,作为一种独特的艺术形式,拥有着跨越语言界限的神奇力量。作曲家和音乐家们能够借助音符与旋律,分享他们内心深处的独特感悟。在这首作品中,莫扎特巧妙地运用了多样的变奏手法,细腻地描绘了不同的情感世界。这正是音乐语言的魅力所在,通过音乐,我们可以讲述出一个个动人心弦的故事。

The talks covered a diverse range of storytelling topics and perspectives, with students from both primary and upper school sharing their stories, experiences, and ideas. Just like in the past years, the aim of the event was to encourage discussion, inspire new ways of thinking, and educate the audience on various subjects. Preparing for these speeches is not easy. Every part of the presentation, including the PPT, graphs, texts, videos and pictures, has been entirely made by the students. 



Primary School


4B Annie: How Storytelling lmpacts Communication


4B Zoe: Sharing Stories With Music


4B Mila: Women Empowering Women Through Stories 女性如何通过故事赋予彼此力量

3C Malcolm & 5B Carter: A Tale of Two Worlds: Exploring Poverty and Hunger


5A Isabel: K-pop: How Music Can Bring Changes Through Storytelling 


Upper School


6A Andrew: Storytelling on Social Media


G8 Katy: A life Inspiring Musical : Hamilton


G8 Nicholas: Why is Storytelling lmportant?


G11 Maggie: Embracing Vulnerablity


Mr. Jonathan Jackson

HQIS Primary School Principal


Dear students, congratulations on your exceptional performance at the recent TEDx. I am immensely proud of your accomplishments and the dedication you have shown in delivering such inspiring speeches. Your ability to captivate the audience with your ideas, passion, and eloquence is truly remarkable. You have not only demonstrated your intellectual prowess but also your ability to inspire and motivate others. Well done!

We are confident that this experience has further ignited our students’ thirst for knowledge and desire to make a positive impact on the world. Our heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of our young speakers, we are excited to see what you will accomplish next, and we look forward to seeing more of you in our next TEDx.






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上海虹桥国际外籍人员子女学校( HQIS )公众平台将定期与家长交流学校活动与资讯,分享国际教育理念。我校成立于1997年,为上海最早的国际学校之一,为18个月至12年级外籍学生提供优质国际课程。