HQIS PYP Column丨从「人类工具进化史」「人类古代文明探究」,一起来感受PYP探究式学习的快乐!

教育   2024-05-17 18:14   上海  

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HQIS is one of the first IB accredited schools in Shanghai, and inquiry-based learning takes place every day during our school activities. The purpose of this column is to share our students’ achievements with our community, so that parents can fully understand how the IB-PYP curriculum works and how it is integrated into our daily practices.


As this school year concludes, teachers and students from all grades in Primary School have eagerly showcased their remarkable achievements in the Inquiry Unit through the IB-PYP exhibition. Now, let's delve into the world of inquiry in each grade and explore how they embarked on and delved deeply into this meaningful learning!


Provocation in PYP


Provocation plays an important role in the inquiry process. In the PYP, we highly value students’ prior knowledge and experiences and it is only when students connect their prior knowledge to what they are learning that they are able to develop conceptual understanding and make meaning of the world around them.


Grade 1


Last week grade 1 had their first primary school exhibition.  The students inquired into the central idea “Throughout time, humans have invented tools to make work easier and solve dilemmas.”  Through the key concepts of form, change and connection they explore the development of tools, inventions through time and the connections between jobs and tools.  They showed their excellent inquiry and thinking skills during the process of the exhibition and it was a huge success!  The students were excited to share their learning with their parents and the whole learning community!



Grade 2


For their exhibition the Grade 2’s explored how learning about our history helps us understand the present.  They did an amazing job making connections between the past and present and exploring many interesting ancient civilizations.  This unit was an excellent way for the grade 2 students to reflect on their lives and the way our world is today while at the same time deepening their understanding of how people lived in the past and how things have changed.  


Grade 4


The grade 4’s exhibition was focused on exploration and the opportunities it can provide.  They explored the motivation of different explorers and the knowledge that has been gained from past explorations.  The students showcased their independent learning by choosing to research different kinds of exploration and the impact that it has had on individuals and society.   They were very principled in their learning and made videos, PPTs, models and information boards to display their learning!  Sharing their learning with the community helped them develop important skills that they can put to use next year during the PYPX, the big Grade 5 exhibition!


PYP Exhibition

Student Comments


Our Grade One Exhibition was a lot of fun. We made our favorite inventions out of cardboard. Mine was the sundial. We learned about the inventions and presented them to parents and other students. Our class also made smartphones out of cardboard, and we even came up with our own apps.  

- Elliot Shen 1A

At this exhibition we presented about the invention of tools. We drew and made tools like screws, lever, pulleys and wheels and axles. The tool I remember most is the pulley. It was interesting to draw water from a well using a pulley. 

- Kevin Park 1B

There was an ancient civilization exhibition in HQIS last week. All the projects in the exhibition are from grade two students. It was very fun. On the table, I showed my project, which was ancient Mayan chocolate. Nowadays, chocolate is delicious, but ancient Mayan chocolate was very disgusting. To my surprise, a bunch of students tasted my ancient Maya chocolate, and most said it was very yummy! I really don't know why. It could be because my project was the only one they could eat during the exhibition. So I guess my project was the most special one in the exhibition.  

- Louise Liu 2A

I had a wonderful time during the Grade 2 Exhibition.  There were lots of things to see and you could even try some things! The exhibition was very fun if you look from my perspective. The preparation involved both fun activities and lots of learning. We learned about different civilizations during the early steps of our unit. Then, we started to prepare for the exhibition. Books, shields, spears and a temple model are just some of the things we wrote and made. We also set up a board with posters, and drawings. At the exhibition, we let people visiting us ask lots of questions about our exhibitions and the civilization we studied. When we finished, I felt a lot of pride in our achievements.  

- William Jiao 2B

I worked hardest on our poster board, which is the most eye-catching part of the presentation. I am very proud of our work. My group worked very hard, and our hard work paid off. I hope everyone enjoyed our exhibition!

–Felix Huang, 4B

The videos were my favorite part. First, we did a practice video. Then we did the real video. I was actually impressed about the editing; it was so good. Mr. Cox said my video was better than Avatar!

- Shashank 4A



HQIS Upper School Talent Show Spring 2024

群星闪耀,秀出风采 | 中学部达人秀精彩上演!

Congratulations to the HQIS Golf Varsity Team for their triumph


Congratulations 捷报连连!



上海虹桥国际外籍人员子女学校( HQIS )公众平台将定期与家长交流学校活动与资讯,分享国际教育理念。我校成立于1997年,为上海最早的国际学校之一,为18个月至12年级外籍学生提供优质国际课程。