POH Blossoming Artistry Workshop「感恩在行动」家长工作坊 | HQIS家委会活动精彩回顾

教育   2024-05-21 11:01   上海  

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Another year, another Mother’s Day. On this special day, Parents of HQIS organized a special workshop. The workshop was intended to express deep gratitude to our parents and their hard work over the past year.


At the beginning of the event, POH prepared a bird's nest tasting session. The swallow nest is a traditional Chinese edible product, which is believed to have the effect of beautifying and strengthening the body, and it also represents the idea of family and love. Parents sat together to taste this gift from nature and enjoyed the spirit of togetherness while tasting this rare food.


In addition, a floral composition workshop was organized by the President of POH for our parents. Participants were provided with a variety of fresh flowers, greenery, branches and other materials, allowing them to experiment with different design techniques. The workshop provided parents with the opportunity to engage in a spiritual, and stress-relieving activity.


Mother’s Day is always special, and we hope that through this event, every parent can feel the warmth and love of our beloved POH community. At the same time, we hope that this kind of activity can strengthen the bond of friendship between parents to create a better environment for the growth of our children.


The “Gratitude in Action” workshop ended as a great success, but what doesn’t end is our gratitude. The POH will continue to work closely with the school to foster the betterment of our community and the well-being of all families and children, and each member is looking forward to organizing more events like this in the future.


Ms. Diana Ku

President of POH

I sincerely thank all the friends who attended and our distinguished guests for the floral composition we enjoyed together. Your unwavering support and commitment over the past year have been instrumental in the success of our school activities. We eagerly anticipate your continued backing as we strive to provide our students with an even better learning environment!

Mr. Alex Hu

HQIS MKT Director & POH Coordinator

We deeply appreciate our parents’ consistent participation and steadfast support for our school's initiatives. Your care and dedication allow our school to flourish, fostering an even more engaging learning environment for our children. As a crucial bridge connecting our school with parents, we warmly invite more parents to join POH and contribute to our children's growth and development.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the President of POH for this wonderful and successful initiative. Last but not least, a note of thanks to each participant. It is your support that gives us the motivation to move forward.





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上海虹桥国际外籍人员子女学校( HQIS )公众平台将定期与家长交流学校活动与资讯,分享国际教育理念。我校成立于1997年,为上海最早的国际学校之一,为18个月至12年级外籍学生提供优质国际课程。