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The recent School Captain elections, held last week, were an exemplary demonstration of leadership, commitment, and school spirit. The campaign period was marked by thoughtful speeches, creative posters and presentations, and a genuine enthusiasm for making a positive impact on our school community. The elections were not just about selecting leaders but also a vibrant platform for innovative ideas. The candidates proposed a range of initiatives, including facility improvements, new policies, academic enhancements, and the introduction of exciting clubs and events.
After a close and spirited campaign, we are proud to announce the election of our new student captains: G12 Linda Qin, who will serve as School Captain for the second year, and our “veteran” student G12 Patrick Cosgrove. Their leadership qualities, combined with their vision for our school's future, resonated with their peers and ultimately led them to victory.
12年级的Linda Qin,
12年级的Patrick Cosgrove成为学生会长,
Linda Qin
HQIS Student Captain
First of all, thanks to everyone for the support and trust, I am very grateful to have the opportunity to be re-elected. Last year, I participated in many events, and no matter how big is it, we’ve made some improvements and changes in the school. During my time in the student council, I learned how to be a good leader, and made many good friends. It was an unforgettable and happy year. Thanks again for all, it is because of your presence that we have achieved what we have today. And I will live up to the trust you guys placed in me as I did last year!
Patrick Cosgrove
HQIS Student Captain
I want to thank everyone who voted for me and the candidates who ran for captain this year. I am excited to be your school captain this year. As this school year’s captain, I will represent the school and to be open-minded to student’s needs and concerns. I am Patrick Cosgrove, and I approve this message!
Katy Han
HQIS Student Vice-president
The Student council election this year was a significant experience for me. I had a lot of fun during this election, and came up with many ideas for the student council regardless of if I’m elected as president or not. Although I didn’t get elected as president, I’m still proud of my current role as vice-president and look torwards the future.
Andy Wang
HQIS Student Vice-president
It is a great honor to be selected as the vice president again this year. I want to thank all the students who put their trust and support in me and I'm telling you that you've made the right choice.
Maggie Wang
HQIS Student Secretary-General
I'm so grateful to have served as Secretary-General, a role that has brought me immense joy and fulfillment. It's been an honor to contribute to our community with love and care, listening to every voice and ensuring that everyone feels valued. I’m committed to continuing this approach, always aiming to support our school with heart and dedication.
Ms. Irene Huang
HQIS Student Council Coordinator
A big congratulations to all the candidates for their great effort, and a heartfelt thank you to all upper school students and teachers who voted and made their voice heard. It was wonderful to see the dedication from our future leaders. I look forward to working with our new Student Council team and let’s make this year another memorable one together!
Well done captains, and big thank you to all the candidates who participated. We look forward to working closely with you and supporting your efforts as you lead your fellow students in the coming year. Congratulations once again!
让我们以最热烈的掌声,向本届学生会新任队长Linda Qin与Patrick Cosgrove致以最诚挚的祝贺!同时,我们也要向所有参与竞选的候选人表达最深的敬意与感谢。期待未来你们能引领同学们在各项活动中绽放光彩,推动学校发展迈向新高度。再次向所有学生会成员表示最热烈的祝贺!
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