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Museums and museum studies in Aotearoa New Zealand: A survey of history, theory, politics and professional practice


本次讲座将回顾新西兰博物馆和美术馆从殖民时期至当代的发展历程。其博物馆的建立根植于英国传统,但正日益受到来自美洲和亚太地区的全球影响。如今,这个小国的GLAM(画廊、图书馆、档案馆与博物馆)充满活力、创新性与多样性,堪称“新博物馆学”的杰出典范。讲座将探讨诸如去殖民化、本土化和文物返还等复杂议题,分析这些问题如何影响当代博物馆实践以及博物馆与遗产研究的教学,特别是欧洲博物馆模式在毛利文化影响下的转型。尽管面临诸多挑战,过去几十年来,新西兰博物馆领域经历了深刻的转变,“毛利方法论”(kaupapa Māori methodology)推动了高校本土学术教育的发展,同时,怀唐伊法庭(Waitangi Tribunal)也引发了人们对国家复杂历史的深刻反思。 

这些不断变化的博物馆环境及国家政治背景是如何塑造高校中的博物馆与遗产研究教学?为了回答这一问题,主讲人将以一个硕士课程为例展开分析。2005年至2020年间,该课程内容多次调整,以响应专业趋势、学生需求、技术发展、行政限制及学术争议的变化。通过分析课程内容、结构与教学方式,尤其是对“产学结合”(work integrated learning)模式的强调,主讲人将探究专业实践在课程中的核心地位,以及向毛利人主体性和自主权的哲学转变。在梳理相关理论文献的同时,主讲人将展示毛利社区的价值观、视角与行为如何融入博物馆实践,并分析这一过程如何影响课程教学,以帮助毕业生适应动态发展的行业需求。通过这些分析,主讲人将探讨教学、研究、专业发展与培训的整合循环(integrated cycle) 如何进一步挑战并推动博物馆学的变革。

This lecture surveys the history of museums and galleries in Aotearoa New Zealand from the colonial period to the present. The development of museums has drawn on our British roots but is increasingly open to global influences from the Americas and Asia Pacific. Today GLAMs in this small but country are dynamic, innovative and diverse, examples par excellence of the ‘new museology’. I consider complex issues such as decolonisation, indigenisation, and repatriation as they affect contemporary museum practice and the teaching of museum and heritage studies. In particular the lecture describes the transformation of European model of museums in response to Māori culture. Despite ongoing challenges, we have seen in recent decades the transformation of the museum sector, the emergence of indigenous academic pedagogy in universities through kaupapa Māori methodology, and a national reckoning with a difficult past through the Waitangi Tribunal.

How has this changing museum landscape and national political context shaped the teaching of museum and heritage studies in universities? To answer this question I examine the development of courses within one university master’s degree. Over the period 2005-2020 this course has changed often in response to professional trends, student needs, technology, administrative constraints and academic debates. Describing the course content, structure and delivery, particularly the focus on work integrated learning, I reflect on the focus on professional practice, and the philosophical shift to Māori agency and determination. While touching on the theoretical literature, I show the practical ways in which Māori community values, perspectives and practices have been incorporated into museum practice, and how this in turn has affected the teaching of this course which aims to prepare graduates to work in a dynamic and changing sector. In doing so, I ask how an integrated cycle of teaching, research, professional development and training can in turn challenge and transform museology.


康纳·麦卡锡(Conal McCarthy)教授是新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学斯托特研究中心博物馆与遗产研究项目主任。他在博物馆历史、理论与实践领域发表了大量研究成果,包括书籍《展示毛利人》(Exhibiting Māori, 2007)、《博物馆与毛利人》(Museums and Māori, 2011)以及《博物馆实践》(Museum Practice, 2015, 国际博物馆研究手册第2卷)。2017年,他参与撰写了《收集、分类与治理:人类学、博物馆与政府》(Collectingorderinggoverning:Anthropology,museums and government, 杜克大学出版社),并联合编辑了纪念乔纳森·曼-威霍基(Jonathan Mane-Wheoki)的论文集(维多利亚大学出版社)。2018年,他出版了关于新西兰国立博物馆(Te Papa)历史的书籍。2019年,麦卡锡与菲利普·肖尔奇(Philipp Schorch)联合编辑了《策展未来:博物馆与未来研究》(Curatopia: Museums and the future of research,曼彻斯特大学出版社)。他还是Berghahn期刊《博物馆世界:研究进展》(Museum Worlds: Advances in Research)的联合主编。 

Professor Conal McCarthy is Director of the Museum & Heritage Studies programme at the Stout Research Centre, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. He has published widely on museum history, theory and practice, including the books Exhibiting Māori (2007), Museums and Maori (2011), and Museum Practice (2015), volume 2 of The International Handbooks of Museum Studies (Wiley Blackwell). In 2017 Conal was one of the authors of Collecting, ordering, governing: Anthropology, museums and government (Duke University Press), and a co-editor of a volume of essays in memory of Jonathan Mane-Wheoki (Victoria University Press). In 2018 he published the history of Te Papa (Te Papa Press), and in 2019 Curatopia: Museums and the future of research (co-edited with Philipp Schorch, Manchester University Press). He is alo the co-general editor of the Berghahn journal Museum Worlds: Advances in Research.

主持:孔达 复旦大学文物与博物馆学系 副教授






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