
文摘   2024-11-04 10:04   上海  

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“非洲遗产” 系列讲座

联合国教科文组织活态遗产与社区发展教席,成立于2023年,重点关注发展中国家和地区的活态遗产保护传承与社区可持续发展。非洲的遗产研究与实践经验,是我们的核心关注之一。这延续了教席团队基础——复旦大学国土与文化资源研究中心过往对非洲遗产 的持续探索。在这些积累中我们深刻地认识到,迫切需要加强对非洲遗产研究与实践,特别是非洲内部视角下的非洲遗产的系统性认识。


/ 主讲题目Title /



Alternative Economic Systems and Alleviating Poverty to Surrounding Communities: A Case Study of The Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls World Heritage Property

/ 内容简介Abstract /

莫西奥图尼亚瀑布(Mosi-oa-Tunya Falls),又称维多利亚瀑布(Victoria Falls),是由赞比亚和津巴布韦共同管理的跨境遗址,因展示了持续的地质变化和独特的地貌特征,于1989年被宣布列入世界遗产。该遗产地对当地社区而言,同样具有不可忽视的价值。莫西奥图尼亚瀑布不仅是世界杰作和世界自然奇观,也是周边居民社会经济生活的重要来源。众多公司和社区以此为依托,向国内外游客提供商品和服务,推动了当地的商业发展。




The Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls, a transboundary site co-managed by the State Parties of Zambia and Zimbabwe, was declared a World Heritage property in 1989 as illustrating ongoing geological and unique geomorphological features. However, it also holds local values venerated by communities. The site is not only a world masterpiece and a natural wonder of the world, but also a source of socio-economic livelihood for people living around it. The site is a driver of business initiatives by various companies and communities providing goods and services to local and international tourists arriving at the site.  

The people of Mukuni, under Chief Mukuni, have livelihoods linked to tourism at the site. They have been selling carved wooden souvenirs to tourists since 1905 and this continues in the present day. The harvesting of trees for carving curios has caused deforestation at the site, thereby affecting the integrity of the site. To mitigate this unsustainable approach, the Management Authorities and the community of Mukuni jointly developed an alternative economic initiative alongside carving curios and private game park operations by Chief Mukuni. Farming of fresh vegetables and supplying them to ready markets (hotels, lodge and supermarkets) around the city of Livingstone in Zambia was launched. 

This presentation reviews the conceptualization of this alternative economic activity, assess its outputs (benefits) and impact, including on previously existing economic streams aforementioned, as well as engages in the discussion of whether this is improving or not improving notions of sustainability at the site. While this model increased the level of commitment to sustainability by community members, including protecting the wider context of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, there some factors that can jeopardize these positive strides towards attaining sustainable development at sites. This includes politics playing at different levels.

Overall, the presentation offers a model on how heritage development can be used as a tool and a conduit for sustainable development involving other resources, which may not have been envisioned as catalysts of development. The model argues for shared conceptualization, implementation and technical re-orientation to new ideas while gradually embedded sustainability at World Heritage sites.

/ 主讲人Speaker /







Mr. John Zulu is currently working for the World Monument Fund, as the Project Manager for the Sub-Saharan Africa. He has been working in this organization for the past two years. Before transitioning to the World Monument Fund, Mr. Zulu worked as a Conservation Officer – Anthropology/Site Manager at the Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls Transboundary World Heritage Property under the National Heritage Conservation Commission, a statutory body charged with the responsibility to manage and conserve Zambia’s natural and cultural heritage.


Mr. Zulu obtained his post graduate qualifications in Museums and Heritage studies at the University of Cape Town, Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Cultural Heritage Studies and Master’s Degree in Cultural Anthropology from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. John is a member of the UNESCO Scientific Committee of the Africa’s Transboundary World Heritage Properties.


As a Cultural Anthropologist/Site Manager, John initiated and undertook a number of cultural heritage research projects and has authored a number of publications focusing on critical management issues at World Heritage Properties across Africa including the Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls World Heritage Property. He co-edited the Traditional Management Practices book published in 2016 by the Africa World Heritage Fund.


Mr. Zulu works closely with the UNESCO World Heritage Committee including its Advisory bodies namely ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN as an expert. He has also participated in various Missions as assigned.


Mr. Zulu is and has been passionate in developing Capacity Building initiatives on the African continent. In line with the same, John has organized conferences and workshops addressing various issues aimed at enlightening Site Managers and communities living around and within World Heritage properties across Africa on contemporary conservation management issues.


Last but not the least, Mr. Zulu possesses a strong leadership and management skills which are evidenced by how he effectively managed the prestigious property, one of the Natural Wonders of the World, the Mighty Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls World Heritage Property for over 16years.

/ 主持人Chair /

Du Xianfan, is the Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair for Living Heritage and Community Development, Professor of the Department of Cultural Heritage and Museology at Fudan University, Head of the Center for Land and Cultural Resources Research at Fudan University

/ 主办单位Organizer /




UNESCO Chair for Living Heritage and Community Development, Department of Cultural Heritage and Museology at Fudan University, Center for Land and Cultural Resources Research at Fudan University, Fudan Run Wu Rural Mind

/ 讲座时间Time /


/ 讲座地点Location / 

会议号Meeting ID: 950 8888 7122

密码Passcode: 022122


English speech with Chinese AI translation. No screen record without permissionSponsored by Office of Global Partnerships Fudan University (Key Projects Development Fund)  




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润物 遗产