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“非洲遗产” 系列讲座

联合国教科文组织活态遗产与社区发展教席,成立于2023年,重点关注发展中国家和地区的活态遗产保护传承与社区可持续发展。非洲的遗产研究与实践经验,是我们的核心关注之一。这延续了教席团队基础——复旦大学国土与文化资源研究中心过往对非洲遗产 的持续探索。在这些积累中我们深刻地认识到,迫切需要加强对非洲遗产研究与实践,特别是非洲内部视角下的非洲遗产的系统性认识。


/ 主讲题目Title /



Local Communities and The Tourism Benefits of Natural World Heritage Sites in Africa: A Tanzanian Experience

/ 内容简介Abstract /





The African region boasts of 42 Natural World Heritage sites or 18% of the 231 total global, situated in 36 countries. These sites present a truly iconic symbol of the interaction that the local communities have sustained with them over time immemorial.  These beautiful sites are unimpaired to a casual eye, making them key tourism assets for spearheading both the national economies and the livelihood of local communities.

No wonder, nature-based tourism is one of the main socio-economic pillars on the continent, particularly so in the Eastern and Southern African Region. In the later cases, these sites stand as the topmost visited. In Tanzania in particular, nature-based Tourism is the second major foreign exchange earner, of which about 80% comes from Natural Heritage Sites. Large rural populations reside adjacent these sites, gaining sustainably from improved livelihoods through direct and indirect tourism-based benefits.


In line with this, Tanzania’s Tourism policy seeks to attain ecological sustainability, social acceptability and inclusion as well as economic viability in efforts to alleviate poverty especially amongst the rural poor. However, while facilitating the flow of tourism-based benefits from the World Heritage Sites to the adjacent rural communities and the country at large, Tanzania has all along strived to promote community-based conservation adjacent these sites.  

These policy directions have progressively strengthened public-private-rural community partnerships in tourism investments and linkages with natural World Heritage Sites. Consequently, these local communities have increasingly become more socio-economically secure than before. This presentation explores the tourism-based livelihood enabling fortunes for the local communities living adjacent the natural heritage sites of Tanzania as case examples. It also examines the inherent linkages and complexities related to accrual of such benefits from these and similar sites from elsewhere in Africa.  

/ 主讲人Speaker /

詹姆斯·瓦基布拉博士,拥有野生动物生态与管理理学学士学位、生物科学理学硕士和博士学位。他在坦桑尼亚野生动物保护区工作超过25年,担任过各种职务,包括业务人员、保护区管理员和主任。其中,他曾在坦桑尼亚的两个自然世界遗产地担任经理长达 9 年。自2009年以来,他一直参与世界遗产的工作,并在2015年至2019年间代表坦桑尼亚出任世界遗产委员会的自然专家。他在坦桑尼亚和非洲地区参加过许多联合国教科文组织培训和其他能力建设活动,也参与过联合国教科文组织的反应性监测任务及其他技术项目,包括实施《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》的相关工作。此外,他还担任自然专家导师或顾问。

Dr James Wakibara is a citizen of Tanzania with a BSc (Wildlife Ecology and Management) and an MSc and PhD (Biological Science). He has worked in the Wildlife protected area system of Tanzania in various capacities as a practitioner, Protected Area Manager and Director for over 25 cumulative years. Of these, he has served as Manager in two natural World Heritage Sites in Tanzania for a total of nine years. He has been involved in the workings of World heritage since at least 2009, and has also represented Tanzania on the World Heritage Committee between 2015-2019 as a nature expert. He has been a participant or facilitator in numerous UNESCO trainings and other scheduled capacity building activities both within Tanzania and across the African Region. He has also participated in Reactive Monitoring Missions and other UNESCO Technical assignments related to the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention including Review or Preparation of Strategic Documents. Mentorship as a Nature Expert and/or Consultant.

/ 主持人Chair /


Du Xianfan, is the Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair for Living Heritage and Community Development, Professor of the Department of Cultural Heritage and Museology at Fudan University, Head of the Center for Land and Cultural Resources Research at Fudan University

/ 主办单位Organizer /





UNESCO Chair for Living Heritage and Community Development, Department of Cultural Heritage and Museology at Fudan University, Center for Land and Cultural Resources Research at Fudan University, Fudan Run Wu Rural Mind

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会议号Meeting ID: 999 6868 7828

密码Passcode: 544891


English speech with Chinese AI translation. No screen record without permissionSponsored by Office of Global Partnerships Fudan University (Key Projects Development Fund)




审校  |  吴敬  杜晓帆  孔达

编辑  |  王军

海报设计 |  王军


润物 遗产