谷行 x JUMA Architects | 生活的意象

文摘   文化   2024-05-11 18:07   新加坡  

随着我们深入旅途的回忆,HH47 的意义就像一个珍贵的故事在我们面前展开。这栋房子以及毗邻的办公空间在 JUMA 建筑事务所的心中占据着特殊的位置,因为它不仅仅是一个设计项目,更是他们自己珍爱的居所。

As we ventured deeper into the memories of our tour, the significance of HH47 unfolded before us like a cherished story. This house, coupled with an adjacent office space, held a special place in the heart of JUMA Architects, for it was not just a design project but their own cherished abode.

JUMA 建筑事务所由Mathieu Luyens和Julie van De Keere创立于2009 年,是一家位于比利时根特的建筑设计公司,专门从事精心设计和定制设计。他们的设计美学现代而简约,谨慎使用光线、空间、情感和每个地点的独特特征。从概念阶段到材料和家具设计的细节都考虑周全。

Founded in 2009 by Mathieu Luyens & Julie van De Keere, JUMA Architects is an architectural design firm based in Ghent, Belgium, specializing in the creation of elaborate and custom designs. Their design aesthetics are modern and minimalist, with caution using light, space, emotions and unique features of each location. From the concept stage to the fine details of materials and furniture design are thoughtful.


Before entering their living house, we briefly peered into the intentionally half-meter lowered workspace, meticulously designed to have the least impact on the environment. This was a small office with only five architects.

一进入 HH47,就会发现设计的方方面面都体现了 Mathieu 对细节的一丝不苟和对形式与功能之间共生关系的深刻理解。拉长的平面布局是JUMA 建筑语言的一大特色,它扩大了住宅的宽敞感和流动性,而精心布置的窗户和玻璃门则将自然光引入室内,模糊了室内外的界限。

Upon entering HH47, it became evident that every aspect of the design was a reflection of Mathieu's meticulous attention to detail and profound understanding of the symbiotic relationship between form and function. The elongated floor plan, a hallmark of JUMA's architectural language, served to amplify the sense of spaciousness and fluidity within the home, while strategically placed windows and glass doors invited natural light to permeate the interior, blurring the boundaries between inside and outside.

在整个参观过程中,Mathieu 讲述了编织在 HH47 结构中的故事,揭示了作为其生活方式真实表达的微妙差别。从定制的家具到精心策划的艺术品,每一个元素都有助于提升空间的整体氛围,营造出一种和谐与宁静的感觉。

Throughout the tour, Mathieu expertly narrated the narrative woven into the fabric of HH47, unveiling the subtle nuances that distinguish it as a true expression of his lifestyle. From the vintage furniture to the carefully curated artwork, each element served to enhance the overall ambiance of the space, fostering a sense of harmony and tranquility.

通过Mathieu的讲述,我们见证了他的日常生活是如何与他精心设计的建筑交织在一起,展现出功能性与个人表达的和谐统一。从精心设置的衣柜把手高度到水平接缝的有意选择,都体现了他对生活空间实用而精致的态度。HH47 是建筑师与建筑手法之间亲密关系的见证,让我们得以瞥见设计背后的生活体验。
Through Mathieu's commentary, we witnessed how his daily life intertwines with the architecture he's crafted, revealing a blend of functionality and personal expression. From the carefully placed wardrobe handles to the deliberate choice of horizontal joints, each aspect spoke to his practical yet refined approach to living spaces. HH47 stands as a testament to the architect's intimate relationship with the craft, offering visitors a glimpse into the lived experience behind the design.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer & 版 Editor :Fynn    
图片版权 Copyright :Yinjispace & Paris Brummer

InTour 谷行