Yintour X Shigenori Uoya | 京都Sowaka酒店参访

文摘   2023-10-11 17:36   江苏  

谷繁礼(Shigenori Uoya)是一位来自日本京都的建筑师,1977年出生于日本兵库县。2001年毕业于京都大学的工学部,两年后获得该大学工学部的硕士研究生学位,目前担任京都大学的兼职讲师和京都工业大学的特聘教授。

印际日本游学  第2期

日本建筑当下之旅 | Sowaka酒店

Photo@Tess Kelly


Sowaka is a new hotel located in Gion district, Kyoto, Japan, where people can feel a real sense of relaxation, because it is a nostalgic hotel, designed by famous Japanese designer Shigenori Uoya , in the hotel, the new and the old are perfectly integrated.

Photo@Tess Kelly

Sowaka 是一个梵文词语,意思是“快乐”或“幸福”。这是一个祝福词,通常出现于佛经结尾,在京都数不胜数的寺庙内回响。

Sowaka is a Sanskrit word meaning “happiness” or “wellbeing.” It is a word of blessing, often spoken at the end of the Buddhist sutras that echo through the innumerable temples of Kyoto.

Photo@Tess Kelly

Sowaka酒店内设置了23个独立的房间,在这些房间中,人们可以完全的放松自己疲惫的身体,聆听微风吹过绿色宁静的庭院。而在酒店大堂内,选用了Feel Good 扶手椅和Thomas扶手椅,而这两者均为设计师 Antonio Citterio 的作品。

Sowaka hotel has 23 separate rooms, in which people can completely relax their tired bodies and listen to the breeze blowing through the green and peaceful courtyard. In the lobby, the Feel Good armchairs and Thomas armchairs are designed by Antonio Citterio.

Photo@Tess Kelly



InTour 谷行