核污染水 nuclear-contaminated water 日本政府单方面启动福岛第一核电站核污染水排海。Japanese government unilaterally started the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station into the ocean. 紧急预防性临时措施 temporary emergency precautions 中方表示,根据中国相关法律法规和世贸组织规定,中方对原产地为日本的水产品采取了紧急预防性临时措施。China states that it has taken temporary emergency precautions against aquatic products of Japanese origin according to relevant Chinese laws and regulations and WTO rules. 独立取样监测 independent sampling and monitoring利益攸关国 stakeholders 同时,我们敦促日方认真回应国内外关切,切实履行自身责任,全面配合建立利益攸关国实质参与、独立、有效的长期国际监测安排,并同意中方独立取样监测。At the same time, China has urged Japan to seriously address concerns in and outside Japan, to earnestly fulfill its obligations, to give full cooperation in the establishment of an independent and effective long-term international monitoring arrangement in which stakeholders can participate substantively, and to accept independent sampling and monitoring by China. 高度负责任态度 a great sense of responsibility妥善处理 properly address 双方一致同意,本着对生态环境和民众生命健康高度负责任态度,基于科学持续开展建设性对话,妥善处理涉及排放的关切。Both sides agree to continue to have constructive, science-based dialogue with a great sense of responsibility for the ecosystem, the environment, and human life and health, to properly address concerns over the discharge of the nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean. 逐步恢复符合规准的日本水产品进口 gradually resume imports of Japanese aquatic products that meet the regulation requirements and standards 中方将在有效参与国际原子能机构框架下的长期国际监测和参与国的独立取样等监测活动实施后,基于科学证据着手调整有关措施,逐步恢复符合规准的日本水产品进口。After China participates substantively in the long-term international monitoring within the IAEA framework and the independent sampling and other monitoring activities by participating countries are carried out, China will begin to adjust the relevant measures based on scientific evidence and gradually resume imports of Japanese aquatic products that meet the regulation requirements and standards.