今日立冬 今日立冬,草木成霜。山茶盛始,故人归来。立冬是二十四节气中第十九个节气,立冬是冬天的开始,寒冷开始侵袭,在这一天人们有吃饺子,拜冬的习俗,带着秋的丰盈,不惧冬寒,知岁一寒,又是一冬,希望冬天的人儿,所得皆所愿,所得皆所期!立冬Start of Winter立冬与立春、立夏、立秋合称四立,在古代社会中是个重要的节日。劳动了一年的人们,在立冬这一天要休息一下,犒赏一家人一年来的辛苦。有句谚语“立冬补冬,补嘴空”今天是立冬,让我们一起来了解一下立冬以及立冬期间的农业、养生以及民间习俗等活动吧。Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn, Start of Winter, all together are called "The Four Starts". Start of Winter is a major festival in the ancient time People who have worked for a year shall have a rest on this day and reward themselves for the hard work during a year. There is a sayingthat"Beginning of Winter, Supplement for Winter. Have some nutritious food and fortify the body."Today is the Start of Winter. Let's take a look at the Start of Winter and the activities of agriculture, health and folk customs during the solar term.立冬,是二十四节气中的第十九个节气,于每年公历11月7-8日之间交节。立,建始也;冬,万物收藏也。立冬是季节类节气,表示自此进入了冬季,生气开始闭蓄,万物进入休养、收藏状态。其气候也由秋季少雨干燥向阴雨寒冻的冬季气候渐变。Start of Winter, the 19th solar term of the year, falls between November 7th and 8th in the Gregorian calendar. Li, means the beginning ; winter is the time when all things tend to store and conserve their energy. The Start of Winter is a seasonal solar term, which means that from then on, things go into dormancy and enter the state of recuperation and hibernation. The climate also changes from dry and rainy autumn to rainy and cold winter.秋收冬种Harvest in Autumn and Plant in Winter这时节正是秋收冬种的大好时段,立冬前后,我国大部分地区降水显著减少。东北地区大地封冻,农林作物进入越冬期;江南正忙着抢种晚茬冬麦,抓紧移栽油菜;而华南却是“立冬种麦正当时”的最佳时期。During this season, it is the optimal time for autumn harvest and winter planting. Around the time of the Start of Winter, precipitation in most parts of China significantly decreases. The northeastern region experiences the freezing of the soil, and agricultural and forestry crops enter their winter dormancy period. Meanwhile, in the Jiangnan area, farmers are busy planting the late rice and hastily transplanting rapeseed to ensure it is well-established before the onset of winter. In contrast,the southern region of China, particularly in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas, experiences a milder climate that allows for a different agricultural schedule. The saying "It is the perfect time to plant wheat at the Start of Winter" reflects the local agricultural wisdom.立冬时节如何养生How to Keep Healthy during the Start of Winter唐代著名医学家孙思邈说:“冬月不宜清早出深夜归,冒犯寒威。”立冬后,建议早睡晚起,保证充足的睡眠。另外,立冬后,人的免疫力和体质会下降,散步、慢跑、瑜伽等运动会是不错的选择。According to SunSimiao, a famous medical scientist of the Tang Dynasty, In winter, it is not advisable to go out early in the morning and return late at night, which is “offensive to cold weather."After the Start of Winter, it is recommended to go to bed early and get up late to ensure adequate sleep. In addition, after the Start of Winter, people’s immunity and physical fitness will decline. Walking, jogging, and yoga are all suitable forms of exercise for this period.立冬吃饺子Eat Dumplings on Start of Winter为什么立冬吃饺子?因为饺子是来源于“交子之时”的说法。立冬是秋冬季节之交,故“交”子之时的饺子不能不吃。并且水饺外形似耳朵,人们认为吃了它,冬天耳朵就不受冻。也有人说饺子像元宝,寓意来年财源广进。随着时代变迁,立冬吃饺子也是对传承了数千年中华习俗的一种延续。Why do people eat dumplings at the Start of Winter? Because dumplings (also called “jiaozi”) comes from the saying"the time of jiaozi (交子之时)”.The Start of Wintercomes at the turn of autumn and winter, so you can’t miss eating dumplings at that time. And dumplings’ shape look like ears. People believe that eating them will protect their ears from the cold in winter. Some people say dumplingsare like gold ingot, meaning the next year’s wealth. With the change of times, eating dumplings in the Start of Winter becomes a continuation of thousands of years of Chinese customs.结尾Ending秋收冬藏,重在藏“心”。告别秋天,才能更好的遇见冬天。在这严肃又寂寥的表象之下,其实是一份释怀和温暖。Harvesting in autumn andstoring in winter it’s more important to have the mindset of preparation. As we bid farewell to the vibrant and fruitful autumn, we set the stage for the quiet and reflective winter. Beneath the seemingly stern and desolate appearance of winter lies a sense of relief and warmth.北方民族大学华韵文化双语传播社出品欢迎关注我们的抖音账号:记得喜欢勿忘在公众号(视频号)下方留言、点赞和关注我们平台哦~你们的肯定是我们持续努力的动力哦~ 《立冬》导演:杨书鹏 主讲人:苏晓康中文稿:欧阳雨琪 英文稿:刘东剪辑:张玉霞审核:张玫 吴经纬 指导老师:张玫 本期编辑:谢凌云