Celsa Steel UK和Nordic被收购
Celsa Steel UK, Nordic secure new owner
Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,据周四宣布的消息,在与Celsa Group达成协议后,Sev.en Global Investments将完全收购Celsa Steel UK和Celsa Nordic。
Celsa Steel UK and Celsa Nordic are to be 100% acquired by Sev.en Global Investments following an agreement with Celsa Group announced on Thursday, Kallanish learns.
The acquisition will see Sev.en enter the steel industry and expand its European industry footprint. The company declined to comment on the transaction value.
Sev.en Global Investments首席执行官Alan Svoboda说:“我们认为钢铁行业对我们的增长轨迹至关重要;因此,我们非常高兴能最终达成这项具有里程碑意义的协议。此次收购巩固了我们在欧洲市场的地位,包括进入前景广阔的斯堪的纳维亚市场。绿色钢材的生产也将推动Sev.en GI向可持续发展的方向迈进。”
Alan Svoboda, chief executive of Sev.en Global Investments, says: "We perceive the steel industry as vital for our growth trajectory; therefore, we are thrilled to finalise this landmark agreement. This acquisition fortifies our position on the European market including the entry into the promising Scandinavian markets. Production of green steel also advances Sev.en GI clearly towards sustainability."
The new investor has not specified its definition of “green” steel.
被收购的钢厂是利用废钢的电弧炉钢厂。Celsa Steel UK是英国最大的钢铁回收公司,总部位于卡迪夫,建筑钢材年产能为120万吨。
The acquired mills are electric arc furnace-based producers utilising steel scrap. Celsa Steel UK, recognised as the largest steel recycling company in the UK, is based in Cardiff with a production capacity of 1.2 million tonnes/year of construction steel.
Celsa Nordic在挪威、芬兰、瑞典和丹麦开展业务。该公司拥有完整的一体化生产链,包括废金属收集、加工和为建筑行业生产成品钢材,并由可再生水能提供动力。
Celsa Nordic operates in Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. It has a fully integrated production chain encompassing scrap metal collection, processing, and manufacturing of finished steel products for the construction sector, as well as being powered by renewable hydro energy.
"Both facilities are technologically advanced and well-established European leaders in green steel production. We are eager to collaborate closely with both management teams and other stakeholders to further develop these assets and unlock their long-term potential," Svoboda notes.
"We are constantly on the lookout for new growth opportunities in all our focus industries worldwide. I am happy that the steel industry is now part of our core portfolio," he adds.
The company investment portfolio spans coal mines in Australia and the US, as well electricity power stations.
Earlier this year, the Celsa Group rejected a bid for its Polish plants, while Emsteel was said to be in talks to acquire the group’s operations.
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