
文摘   2024-07-31 00:00   美国  


Kafka’s next great novel, The Castle, brings us back to the same world, which this time is seen not through the eyes of somebody who finally submits to necessity and who learns of its government only because he has been accused by it, but through the eyes of quite another K. This K. comes to it out of his own free will, as a stranger, and wants to realize there a very definite purpose— to establish himself, to become a fellow-citizen, build up a life and marry, to find work and be a useful member of society.


The outstanding characteristic of the K. in The Castle is that he is interested only in universals, in those things to which all men have a natural right. But while he demands no more than this, it is quite obvious that he will be satisfied with nothing less. He is easily enough persuaded to change his profession, but an occupation, “regular work,” he demands as his right. The troubles of K. start because only the Castle can fulfill his demands; and the Castle will do this either as an “act of favor” or if he consents to become its secret employee— “an ostensible village worker whose real occupation is determined through Barnabas,” the court messenger.


Since his demands are nothing more than the inalienable rights of man, he cannot accept them as an “act of favor from the Castle.” At this point the villagers step in; they try to persuade K. that he lacks experience and does not know that the whole of life is constituted and dominated by favor and disfavor, by grace and disgrace, both as inexplicable, as hazardous as good and bad luck. To be in the right or in the wrong, they try to explain to him, is part of “fate” which no one can alter, which one can only fulfill.

