
文摘   2024-11-12 11:06   重庆  

灵枢·营气 Miraculous Pivot·Nutrient Qi

黄帝曰:The Yellow Emperor said: 


"营气之道,内谷为宝。"The principle of nutrient qi emphasizes the importance of ingesting grains. 


谷入于胃,乃传之肺,流溢于中,布散于外。When grains enter the stomach, they are transmitted to the lungs. They spread internally and are distributed externally. 


精专者行于经隧,常营无已,终而复始,是谓天地之纪。"The essence and concentrated parts travel through the meridians and channels, constantly circulating without cessation, ending and then renewing. This is called the order of heaven and earth."


故气从太阴出,注手阳明,上行(至面),注足阳明,下行至跗上,注大趾间,与太阴合。Therefore, qi emerges from the Taiyin meridian, flows into the Hand Yangming meridian, ascends to the face, then flows into the Foot Yangming meridian, descends to the instep, and merges with the Taiyin meridian between the big toes.


上行抵髀(别本作脾),从髀(别本作脾)注心中。From there, it ascends to the hip (alternatively, some texts mention the spleen). From the hip (or spleen), it flows into the heart.


循手少阴,出腋,下臂,注小指(之端),合手太阳。It follows the Hand Shaoyin meridian, emerges from the armpit, descends along the arm, and merges with the Hand Taiyang meridian at the tip of the little finger.


上行乘腋,出䪼内,注目内眦,上巅,下项,合足太阳。It then ascends along the armpit, emerges from the inner side of the zygomatic arch, focuses on the inner canthus of the eye, ascends to the vertex of the head, descends along the nape of the neck, and merges with the Foot Taiyang meridian.


循脊,下尻,下行注小趾之端,循足心注足少阴。It follows the spine, descends to the buttocks, further descends, and merges with the Foot Shaoyin meridian at the tip of the little toe. From there, it flows along the sole of the foot and merges with the Foot Shaoyin meridian again.


上行注肾,从肾注心,外散于胸中。It ascends and merges with the kidneys. From the kidneys, it flows into the heart and is dispersed outward in the chest.


循心主脉,出腋,下臂,出两筋之间,入掌中,出中指之端,还注小指次指之端,合手少阳。It follows the meridian of the Heart Master, emerges from the armpit, descends along the arm, emerges between the two tendons, enters the palm, emerges from the tip of the middle finger, then returns to merge with the Hand Shaoyang meridian at the tip of the ring finger.


上行注膻中,散于三焦,从三焦注胆,出胁,注足少阳。It ascends and merges with the Tanzhong acupoint, is dispersed in the Triple Burner, from which it flows into the gallbladder. It emerges from the flank and merges with the Foot Shaoyang meridian.


下行至跗上,复从跗注大趾间,合足厥阴,上行至肝,从肝上注肺。It descends to the instep and merges with the Foot Jueyin meridian between the big toes. From there, it ascends to the liver and merges with the lungs.


上循喉咙,入颃颡之窍,究于畜门。It ascends along the throat, enters the cavity of the pharynx and nasal cavity, and reaches the throat's opening.


其支别者,上额,循巅,下项中,循脊,入骶,是督脉也。Its collateral branch ascends to the forehead, follows the vertex of the head, descends along the nape of the neck, follows the spine, and enters the sacrum. This is the Du Meridian.


络阴器,上过毛中,入脐中,上循腹里,入缺盆,下注肺中,复出太阴。It connects with the external genitalia, ascends through the pubic hair, enters the umbilicus, ascends along the inside of the abdomen, enters the supraclavicular fossa, descends, merges with the lungs, and emerges from the Taiyin meridian once again.


此营气之所行也,逆顺之常也。”This is the pathway of nutrient qi, the normal and orderly sequence of its forward and reverse movements.

