Miraculous Pivot·Abnormalities of Defensive Qi
黄帝曰:卫气之留于腹中,搐(别本作蓄)积不行,菀蕴不得常所,使人支胁胃中满,喘呼逆息者,何以去之?The Yellow Emperor said, "When the defensive qi lingers in the abdomen, accumulates without flowing, and is pent - up without being in its normal place, causing fullness in the hypochondrium and the stomach, and wheezing and abnormal breathing, how can it be removed?"
伯高曰:其气积于胸中者,上取之;积于腹中者,下取之;上下皆满者,旁取之。Bogao said, "If the qi accumulates in the chest, treat it from above; if it accumulates in the abdomen, treat it from below; if it is full both above and below, treat it from the sides."
黄帝曰:取之奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How to treat it?"
伯高对曰:“积于上(者),泻人迎、天突、喉中;积于下者,泻三里与气街;Bogao replied, "For the accumulation above, reduce the Renying (ST9), Tiantu (CV22), and the throat area; for the accumulation below, reduce the Zusanli (ST36) and Qijie.
上下皆满者,上下取之,与季胁之下一寸;重者,鸡足取之。For fullness both above and below, treat it both above and below, and at a point one cun below the hypochondrium; for severe cases, use the 'chicken - foot' needling method.
诊视其脉大而弦急,及绝不至者,及腹皮急甚者,不可刺也。”If the pulse is large, wiry, and rapid, or if the pulse is completely absent, or if the abdominal skin is extremely tight, do not perform acupuncture."
黄帝曰:善。The Yellow Emperor said, "Good."
黄帝问于伯高曰:何以知皮肉、气血、筋骨之病也?The Yellow Emperor asked Bogao, "How can we know the diseases of the skin, flesh, qi-blood, muscles and bones?"
伯高曰:“色起两眉薄泽者,病在皮。唇色青黄赤白黑者,病在肌肉。Bogao said, "If the color around the two eyebrows is faint and lustrous, the disease is in the skin. If the lip color is blue, yellow, red, white, or black, the disease is in the muscles.
营气濡然者,病在血气。目色青黄赤白黑者,病在筋。耳焦枯受尘垢,病在骨。”If the nutrient qi is moist - like, the disease is in the qi-blood. If the eye color is blue, yellow, red, white, or black, the disease is in the muscles and tendons. If the ears are withered and covered with dirt, the disease is in the bones."
黄帝曰:病形何如,取之奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What are the manifestations of diseases and how to treat them?"
伯高曰:夫百病变化,不可胜数,然皮有部,肉有柱,血气有输,(筋有结),骨有属。Bogao said, "The changes of a hundred diseases are countless. However, the skin has regions, the flesh has columns, the qi-blood has transportation points, (the muscles and tendons have nodes), and the bones have attachments."
黄帝曰:愿闻其故。The Yellow Emperor said, "I'd like to know the reasons."
伯高曰:“皮之部,输于四末。肉之柱,有臂胫诸阳分肉之间,与足少阴分间。Bogao said, "The regions of the skin are transported to the four extremities. The columns of the flesh are among the Yang-part muscles of the arms and shanks and in the regions of the Kidney Meridian of Foot-Shaoyin.
血气之输,输于诸络,气血留居则盛而起。The transportation points of qi-blood are in the various collaterals. When qi-blood stays there, it becomes full and rises.
筋部,无阴无阳,无左无右,候病所在。骨之属者,骨空之所,以受益而益脑者也。”The regions of the muscles and tendons have no Yin-Yang distinction, no left-right difference, and are used to observe the location of diseases. The attachments of the bones are the bone cavities, which are used to receive nourishment and benefit the brain."
黄帝曰:取之奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How to treat them?"
伯高曰:“夫病变化,浮沉深浅,不可胜究(别本作穷),各在其处。Bogao said, "The changes of diseases, whether superficial or deep, floating or sinking, are countless and vary from place to place.
病间者浅之,甚者深之;间者小之,甚者众之。随变而调气,故曰上工。”For mild diseases, use a shallow treatment; for severe diseases, use a deep treatment. For mild diseases, use a few points; for severe diseases, use more points. Adjust the qi according to the changes, so this is called a superior physician."
黄帝问于伯高曰:人之肥瘦、大小、温寒(别本作:寒温),有老壮少小,别之奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked Bogao, "How to distinguish people's fatness or thinness, size, cold or warm nature, old age, adulthood, youth, and childhood?"
伯高对曰:人年五十已上为老,二十已上为壮,十八已上(别本作下)为少,六岁已上(别本作下)为小。Bogao replied, "People over fifty years old are considered old; those over twenty years old are considered adults; those over (or under in some versions) eighteen years old are considered youths; those over (or under in some versions) six years old are considered children."
黄帝曰:何以度知其肥瘦?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How to measure a person's fatness or thinness?"
伯高曰:人有肥、有膏、有肉。Bogao said, "People can be fat, greasy, or just fleshy."
黄帝曰:别此奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How to distinguish them?"
伯高曰:腘(别本作䐃)肉坚,皮满者,肥。腘(别本作䐃)肉不坚,皮缓者,膏。皮肉不相离者,肉。Bogao said, "If the popliteal (or in some versions, the deltoid) muscle is firm and the skin is full, it is fat. If the popliteal (or in some versions, the deltoid) muscle is not firm and the skin is loose, it is greasy. If the skin and flesh are inseparable, it is just fleshy."
黄帝曰:身之寒温何如?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What about the body's cold or warm nature?"
伯高:膏者,其肉淖而粗理者,身寒;细理者,身热。脂者,其肉坚,细理者热;粗理者寒。Bogao said, "For the greasy - type people, if their flesh is loose and the texture is coarse, the body is cold; if the texture is fine, the body is hot. For the fat - type people, if their flesh is firm and the texture is fine, the body is hot; if the texture is coarse, the body is cold."
黄帝曰:其肥瘦大小奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What about their fatness or thinness and size?"
伯高曰:膏者,多气而皮纵缓,故能纵腹垂腴。肉者,身体容大。脂者,其身收小。Bogao said, "The greasy-type people have abundant qi and loose skin, so they can have a protruding abdomen and hanging fat. The fleshy-type people have a large body. The fat-type people have a relatively small body."
黄帝曰:三者之气血多少何如?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What about the amount of qi - blood in these three types?"
伯高曰:“膏者,多气,多气者热,热者耐寒。肉者,多血则充形,充形则平。Bogao said, "The greasy-type people have abundant qi. Those with abundant qi are hot and can endure cold. The fleshy - type people have abundant blood to fill the body, and the body is in a balanced state.
脂者,其血清,气滑少,故不能大。此别于众人者也。”The fat-type people have clear blood, less and slippery qi, so they can't have a large body. This is how they are different from ordinary people."
黄帝曰:众人奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What about ordinary people?
伯高曰:众人皮肉脂膏不能相加也,血与气不能相多,故其形不小不大,各自称其身,命曰众人。Bogao said, "For ordinary people, their skin, flesh, fat, and grease are not excessive, and the blood and qi are not in excess either. So their body size is neither too small nor too large, and it is proportionate to themselves. They are called ordinary people."
黄帝曰:善。治之奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "Good. How to treat them?"
伯高曰:“必先别其三形,血之多少,气之清浊,而后调之,治无失常经。Bogao said, "First, distinguish these three body types, the amount of blood, and the clarity or turbidity of qi, and then adjust them. The treatment should not deviate from the normal principles.
是故,膏人纵腹垂腴;肉人者,上下容大;脂人者,虽脂不能大者。”Therefore, the greasy-type people have a protruding abdomen and hanging fat; the fleshy-type people are large both above and below; the fat-type people, although they have fat, can't have a large body."