
文摘   2024-11-23 11:35   重庆  

灵枢·逆顺 Miraculous Pivot·Opposing and Following

黄帝问于伯高曰:余闻气有逆顺,脉有盛衰,刺有大约,可得闻乎?The Yellow Emperor asked Bo Gao, "I have heard that qi has the states of opposing and following, the pulse has the conditions of waxing and waning, and there are general principles for acupuncture. May I hear about them?"

伯高曰:“气之逆顺者,所以应天地、阴阳、四时、五行也。脉之盛衰者,所以候血气之虚实有余不足也。Bo Gao replied, "The states of opposing and following of qi correspond to heaven and earth, yin and yang, the four seasons, and the five elements. The conditions of waxing and waning of the pulse are used to observe the deficiency and excess, the surplus and insufficiency of blood and qi.

刺之大约者,必明知病之可刺,与其未可刺,与其已不可刺也。”The general principles for acupuncture require clearly knowing whether a disease is suitable for acupuncture, when it is not yet suitable for acupuncture, and when it has become unsuitable for acupuncture."

黄帝曰:候之奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How should one observe these?"

伯高曰:兵法曰:“无迎逢逢之气,无击堂堂之阵。”刺法曰:“无刺熇熇之热,无刺漉漉之汗,无刺浑浑之脉,无刺病与脉相逆者。Bo Gao said, "As the art of war states, 'Do not confront the surging qi, and do not attack the imposing battle array.' The acupuncture method states, 'Do not acupuncture the intense heat, do not acupuncture when there is dripping sweat, do not acupuncture the muddled pulse, and do not acupuncture when the disease is contrary to the pulse.'"


黄帝曰:候其可刺奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How should one observe when it is suitable for acupuncture?"

伯高曰:“上工刺其未生者也,其次刺其未盛者也,其次刺其已衰者也。Bo Gao said, "A superior physician acupunctures the disease before it arises. The next best acupunctures when the disease is not yet in full swing. The next acupunctures when the disease has already waned.

下工刺其方袭者也,与其形之盛者也,与其病之与脉相逆者也。An inferior physician acupunctures when the disease is just attacking, when the physical condition is robust, and when the disease is contrary to the pulse.

故曰:‘方其盛也,勿敢毁伤,刺其已衰,事必大昌。’Therefore, it is said, 'When the disease is in full swing, do not dare to damage it. Acupuncture when it has waned, and things will surely thrive.'

故曰:‘上工治未病,不治已病。’Therefore, it is said, 'A superior physician treats the disease before it occurs, not after it has occurred.'

此之谓也。”This is what it means."
