Miraculous Pivot·The Origin of All Diseases
黄帝问于岐伯曰:“夫百病之始生也,皆(生)于风雨寒暑,清湿喜怒。The Yellow Emperor asked Qi Bo, "The origin of all diseases lies in wind, rain, cold, heat, dampness, and excessive emotions such as anger and joy.
喜怒不节则伤脏,风雨则伤上,清湿则伤下。三部之气,所伤异类,愿闻其会。”Excessive and unregulated emotions can damage the internal organs. Wind and rain can damage the upper part of the body, while dampness can damage the lower part. The pathogenic qi of these three regions causes different types of damage. I would like to hear about their interrelationships."
岐伯曰:“三部之气各不同,或起于阴,或起于阳,请言其方。Qi Bo replied, "The pathogenic qi of these three regions is different. It may originate from the yin aspect or the yang aspect. Let me explain.
喜怒不节则伤脏,脏伤则病起于阴也;清湿袭虚,则病起于下;Excessive and unregulated emotions can damage the internal organs. Once the internal organs are damaged, diseases originate from the yin aspect. When dampness attacks the body's deficiency, diseases originate from the lower part.
风雨袭虚,则病起于上,是谓三部。至于其淫泆,不可胜数。”When wind and rain attack the body's deficiency, diseases originate from the upper part. These are the three regions. As for the excessive and unrestrained spread of pathogenic qi, there are countless manifestations."
黄帝曰:余固不能数,故问先师,愿卒闻其道。The Yellow Emperor said, "I really can't enumerate them all, so I ask my master. I would like to hear the whole theory."
岐伯曰:“风雨寒热不得虚,邪不能独伤人。卒然逢疾风暴雨而不病者,盖无虚,故邪不能独伤人。Qi Bo said, "Wind, rain, cold, and heat cannot cause harm alone without the presence of deficiency in the body. Those who suddenly encounter violent winds and heavy rain but don't get sick are probably without deficiency, so the pathogenic factors cannot harm them alone.
此必因虚邪之风,与其身形,两虚相得,乃客其形。It must be due to the pathogenic wind of deficiency, combined with the deficiency of the body itself. When these two deficiencies coincide, the pathogenic factors can invade the body.
两实相逢,众人肉坚。其中于虚邪也,因于天时,与其身形,参以虚实,大病乃成。When two states of sufficiency meet, people's muscles are firm. When pathogenic factors of deficiency invade, it is related to the time of day, combined with the condition of the body itself, taking into account the states of deficiency and sufficiency. Then serious diseases will occur.
气有定舍,因处为名。上下中外,分为三员。The pathogenic qi has its fixed lodging places. Named according to the location, it can be divided into upper, lower, internal, and external, which are grouped into three categories.
是故虚邪之中人也,始于皮肤,皮肤缓则腠理开,Therefore, when the pathogenic factors of deficiency invade a person, they start from the skin. When the skin is relaxed, the striae and interstices open.
开则邪从毛发入,入则抵深,深则毛发立,毛发立则淅然,故皮肤痛。Once they open, the pathogenic factors enter through the hair. After entering, they penetrate deeper. When they penetrate deeper, the hair stands on end. When the hair stands on end, there is a chilly feeling, and thus the skin hurts.
留而不去,则传舍于络脉,在络之时,痛于肌肉,故痛之时息,大经(乃)代去(别本此句,加乃字删去字)。If the pathogenic factors remain and don't leave, they will be transmitted to the collateral vessels. When they are in the collateral vessels, there is pain in the muscles. So the pain comes and goes, and then the main meridians take over.
留而不去,传舍于经,在经之时,洒淅喜惊。If they remain and don't leave, they will be transmitted to the regular meridians. When they are in the regular meridians, there is a feeling of chilliness and a tendency to be startled.
留而不去,传舍于俞,在俞之时,六经不通四肢,则肢节痛,腰脊乃强。If they remain and don't leave, they will be transmitted to the acupoints. When they are in the acupoints, the six meridians are blocked and do not communicate with the four limbs, resulting in pain in the joints and stiffness in the waist and spine.
留而不去,传舍于伏冲之脉,在伏冲之时,体重身痛。If they remain and don't leave, they will be transmitted to the hidden Chong Meridian. When they are in the hidden Chong Meridian, there is a feeling of heaviness in the body and pain all over.
留而不去,传舍于肠胃,在肠胃之时,贲响腹胀,多寒则肠鸣、飧泄、食不化;多热则溏出糜。If they remain and don't leave, they will be transmitted to the intestines and stomach. When they are in the intestines and stomach, there is a rumbling sound in the stomach and abdominal distension. If there is more cold, there will be borborygmus, loose stools, and indigestion. If there is more heat, there will be loose stools with a porridge-like consistency.
留而不去,传舍于肠胃之外,募原之间,留着于脉,稽留而不去,息而成积。If they remain and don't leave, they will be transmitted to the area outside the intestines and stomach, between the membranous sources. They remain attached to the vessels, stay there without leaving, and over time, form accumulations.
或着孙脉,或着络脉,或着经脉,或着俞脉,或着于伏冲之脉,或着于膂筋,或着于肠胃之募原,上连于缓筋,邪气淫泆,不可胜论。They may attach to the minute collateral vessels, or the collateral vessels, or the regular meridians, or the acupoint vessels, or the hidden Chong Meridian, or the spinal muscles, or the membranous sources of the intestines and stomach, and connect upwards to the relaxed muscles. The excessive spread of pathogenic factors is beyond description.
黄帝曰:愿尽闻其所由然。The Yellow Emperor said, "I would like to hear the whole story about how this happens."
岐伯曰:“其着孙络之脉而成积者,其积往来上下,臂手(《甲乙》经作擘乎)孙络之居也,浮而缓,不能句积而止之,故往来移行肠胃之间,水凑渗注灌,濯濯有音;Qi Bo said, "When pathogenic factors attach to the minute collateral vessels and form accumulations, the accumulations move up and down. They are located in the area of the minute collateral vessels of the arms and hands. They are floating and relaxed and cannot hold and stop the accumulations. So they move back and forth between the intestines and stomach. Water gathers and seeps in, making a gurgling sound.
有寒则䐜䐜满雷引,故时切痛。其着于阳明之经,则挟脐而居,饱食则益大,饥则益小。If there is cold, there will be a feeling of fullness and a rumbling sound like thunder, so there is often a sharp pain. When they attach to the regular meridians of the Yangming, they are located around the navel. They get larger when one is full and smaller when one is hungry.
其着于缓筋也,似阳明之积,饱食则痛,饥则安。When they attach to the relaxed muscles, it is similar to the accumulation of the Yangming. There is pain when one is full and comfort when one is hungry.
其着于肠胃之募原也,痛而外连于缓筋,饱食则安,饥则痛。When they attach to the membranous sources of the intestines and stomach, there is pain and it is connected externally to the relaxed muscles. There is comfort when one is full and pain when one is hungry.
其着于伏冲之脉者,揣之应手而动,发手则热气下于两股,如汤沃之状。When they attach to the hidden Chong Meridian, when you feel it, it moves as you touch it. When you let go of your hand, hot air goes down to the two thighs, like pouring hot water.
其着于膂筋,在肠后者,饥则积见,饱则积不见,按之不得。When they attach to the spinal muscles, located behind the intestines, the accumulation can be seen when one is hungry and disappears when one is full. It cannot be felt by pressing.
其着于输之脉者,闭塞不通,津液不下,孔窍干壅,此邪气之从外入内,从上下也。”When they attach to the acupoint vessels, they are blocked and not communicating. The body fluids do not flow down, and the orifices are dry and blocked. This is how the pathogenic factors enter from the outside to the inside, from the upper to the lower.
黄帝曰:积之始生,至其已成,奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "From the beginning of the formation of accumulations to their completion, what is the process?"
岐伯曰:积之始生,得寒乃生,厥乃成积也。Qi Bo said, "The formation of accumulations begins with cold. When the cold causes the qi to reverse, accumulations are formed."
黄帝曰:其成积奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "How are accumulations formed?"
岐伯曰:“厥气生足悗,悗生胫寒,胫寒则血脉凝涩,血脉凝涩则寒气上入于肠胃。Qi Bo said, "The reversed qi causes numbness in the feet. The numbness causes cold in the shins. The cold in the shins causes the blood vessels to congeal and become sluggish. When the blood vessels congeal and become sluggish, the cold qi enters the intestines and stomach.
入于肠胃则䐜胀,䐜胀则肠外之汁沫迫聚不得散,日以成积。When it enters the intestines and stomach, there is a feeling of fullness. When there is a feeling of fullness, the juice and foam outside the intestines are forced to gather and cannot disperse, and accumulations are formed day by day.
卒然多食饮,则肠满,起居不节,用力过度,则络脉伤。Suddenly eating and drinking too much will cause the intestines to be full. Irregular daily life and excessive exertion will damage the collateral vessels.
阳络伤则血外溢,血外溢则衄血;阴络伤则血内溢,血内溢则后血;When the yang collateral vessels are damaged, the blood overflows outside. When the blood overflows outside, there is epistaxis. When the yin collateral vessels are damaged, the blood overflows inside. When the blood overflows inside, there is rectal bleeding.
肠胃之络伤,则血溢于肠外,肠外有寒,汁沫与血相抟,则并合凝聚不得散,而积成矣。When the collateral vessels of the intestines and stomach are damaged, the blood overflows outside the intestines. If there is cold outside the intestines, the juice and foam mix with the blood, combine and condense and cannot disperse, and accumulations are formed.
卒然中外于寒,若内伤于忧怒,则气上逆,Suddenly being exposed to cold both inside and outside, or being internally injured by worry and anger, will cause the qi to rise in reverse.
气上逆则六俞不通,温气不行,凝血蕴里而不散,津液涩渗,着而不去,而积皆成矣。”When the qi rises in reverse, the six acupoints are blocked, the warm qi does not flow, the coagulated blood accumulates inside and does not disperse, the body fluids seep slowly, adhere and do not leave, and accumulations are all formed.
黄帝曰:其生于阴者,奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "What about diseases that originate from the yin aspect?"
岐伯曰:“忧思,伤心;重寒,伤肺;忿怒,伤肝;醉以入房,汗出当风,伤脾;Qi Bo said, "Worry and thought can damage the heart. Severe cold can damage the lung. Anger can damage the liver. Drinking alcohol and then having sexual intercourse, sweating and then being exposed to the wind, can damage the spleen.
用力过度,若入房汗出浴水,则伤肾,此内外三部之所生病者也。”Excessive exertion, or having sexual intercourse, sweating and then taking a bath, can damage the kidney. These are the diseases caused by the three internal and external regions."
黄帝曰:善。治之奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "Good." How should they be treated?
岐伯答曰:察其所痛,以知其应,有余不足,当补则补,当泻则泻,毋逆天时,是谓至治。Qi Bo replied, "Observe the pain to know the corresponding situation. Determine whether there is excess or deficiency. When it should be supplemented, supplement it. When it should be purged, purge it. Do not go against the laws of nature. This is the best treatment."