The Yin-Yang System in Relation to the Sun and the Moon
黄帝曰:余闻天为阳,地为阴,日为阳,月为阴,其合之于人,奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "I have heard that the sky is yang and the earth is yin, the sun is yang and the moon is yin. How do they correspond to the human body?"
岐伯曰:“腰以上为天,腰以下为地,故天为阳,地为阴,故足之十二经脉,以应为十二月,月生于水,故在下者为阴;Qi Bo said, "The part above the waist is like the sky and is considered yang, while the part below the waist is like the earth and is considered yin. Therefore, the twelve meridians of the feet correspond to the twelve months. The moon is born from water, so what is below is yin.
手之十指,以应十日,日主火,故在上者为阳。”The ten fingers of the hands correspond to the ten days. The sun is associated with fire, so what is above is yang."
黄帝曰:合之于脉,奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "How do they correspond to the meridians?"
岐伯曰:“寅者,正月之生阳也,主左足之少阳;未者,六月,主右足之少阳。Qi Bo said: "Yin is the emerging yang in the first month of the lunar calendar and governs the Lesser Yang of the left foot; Wei is the sixth month and governs the Lesser Yang of the right foot.
卯者,二月,主左足之太阳;午者,五月,主右足之太阳。Mao is the second month and governs the Greater Yang of the left foot; Wu is the fifth month and governs the Greater Yang of the right foot.
辰者,三月,主左足之阳明;巳者,四月,主右足之阳明,此两阳合于前,故曰阳明。Chen is the third month and governs the Yangming of the left foot; Si is the fourth month and governs the Yangming of the right foot. These two yang aspects combine in the front, so it is called Yangming.
申者,七月之生阴也,主右足之少阴;丑者,十二月,主左足之少阴。Shen is the emerging yin in the seventh month of the lunar calendar and governs the Lesser Yin of the right foot; Chou is the twelfth month and governs the Lesser Yin of the left foot.
酉者,八月,主右足之太阴;子者,十一月,主左足之太阴。You is the eighth month and governs the Greater Yin of the right foot; Zi is the eleventh month and governs the Greater Yin of the left foot.
戌者,九月,主右足之厥阴;亥者,十月,主左足之厥阴,此两阴交尽,故曰厥阴。Xu is the ninth month and governs the Jueyin of the right foot; Hai is the tenth month and governs the Jueyin of the left foot. These two yin aspects converge to the extreme, so it is called Jueyin.
甲主左手之少阳,己主右手之少阳。乙主左手之太阳,戊主右手之太阳。Jia governs the Lesser Yang of the left hand; Ji governs the Lesser Yang of the right hand. Yi governs the Greater Yang of the left hand; Wu governs the Greater Yang of the right hand.
丙主左手之阳明,丁主右手之阳明,此两火并合,故为阳明。Bing governs the Yangming of the left hand; Ding governs the Yangming of the right hand. These two fire aspects combine, so it is called Yangming.
庚主右手之少阴,癸主左手之少阴。辛主右手之太阴,壬主左手之太阴。Geng governs the Lesser Yin of the right hand; Gui governs the Lesser Yin of the left hand. Xin governs the Greater Yin of the right hand; Ren governs the Greater Yin of the left hand.
故足之阳者,阴中之少阳也;足之阴者,阴中之太阴也。Therefore, the yang of the feet is the Lesser Yang within yin; the yin of the feet is the Greater Yin within yin.
手之阳者,阳中之太阳也;手之阴者,阳中之少阴也。腰以上者为阳,腰以下者为阴。The yang of the hands is the Greater Yang within yang; the yin of the hands is the Lesser Yin within yang. What is above the waist is yang, and what is below the waist is yin.
其于五脏也,心为阳中之太阳,肺为阳中之少阴,肝为阴中少阳,脾为阴中之至阴,肾为阴中之太阴。”Regarding the five zang-organs, the heart is the Greater Yang within yang; the lung is the Lesser Yin within yang; the liver is the Lesser Yang within yin; the spleen is the Extreme Yin within yin; the kidney is the Greater Yin within yin."
黄帝曰:以治之奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "How should we treat based on this?"
岐伯曰:“正月、二月、三月,人气在左,无刺左足之阳。Qi Bo said: "In the first, second, and third months of the lunar calendar, the qi of the human body is on the left side. Do not needle the yang meridians of the left foot.
四月、五月、六月,人气在右,无刺右足之阳。In the fourth, fifth, and sixth months, the qi of the human body is on the right side. Do not needle the yang meridians of the right foot.
七月、八月、九月,人气在右,无刺右足之阴。In the seventh, eighth, and ninth months, the qi of the human body is on the right side. Do not needle the yin meridians of the right foot.
十月、十一月、十二月,人气在左,无刺左足之阴。”In the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth months, the qi of the human body is on the left side. Do not needle the yin meridians of the left foot."
黄帝曰:五行以东方为甲乙木,主春,春者苍色,主肝,肝者足厥阴也。今乃以甲为左手之少阳,不合于数,何也?The Yellow Emperor said, "In the theory of the five elements, the east is represented by Jia and Yi, which is associated with wood and governs spring. Spring is characterized by a bluish - green color and is related to the liver. The liver is the Foot - Jueyin Meridian. Now, Jia is regarded as the Lesser Yang of the left hand, which does not conform to the sequence. Why is that?"
岐伯曰:“此天地之阴阳也,非四时五行之以次行也。Qi Bo said, "This is the yin-yang of heaven and earth, not the sequential progression of the four seasons and the five elements.
且夫阴阳者,有名而无形,故数之可十,离之可百,散之可千,推之可万,此之谓也。”Moreover, yin and yang have names but no tangible forms. Therefore, they can be counted as ten, separated into hundreds, scattered into thousands, and extrapolated to tens of thousands. This is what is meant."