
文摘   2024-11-27 09:53   重庆  


             Miraculous Pivot·The Manipulation of Needles

黄帝问于岐伯曰:“余闻九针于夫子,而行之于百姓,The Yellow Emperor asked Qi Bo, "I have learned about the nine types of needles from you, sir, and then applied them to the common people.

百姓之血气,各不同形,或神动而气先针行,或气与针相逢,However, the qi and blood of the common people vary in different forms. Some people's spirit is stirred and the qi moves ahead of the insertion of the needle; some people's qi coincides with the insertion of the needle;

或针已出气独行,或数刺乃知,或发针而气逆,或数刺病益剧。some people's qi moves independently after the needle has been withdrawn; some people only feel the effect after several insertions; some people experience qi reversal after the needle is withdrawn; and some people's condition worsens after several insertions.

凡此六者,各不同形,愿闻其方。All these six situations are different in form. I would like to hear about the reasons for them."

岐伯曰:重阳之人,其神易动,其气易往也。Qi Bo said, "People with excessive yang qi are prone to have their spirit stirred and their qi to move easily."

黄帝曰:何谓重阳之人?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What are people with excessive yang qi?"

岐伯曰:重阳之人,熇熇高高,言语善疾,举足善高,心肺之脏气有余,阳气滑盛而扬,故神动而气先行。Qi Bo said, "People with excessive yang qi are hot-tempered and lofty. They speak quickly and lift their feet high. They have excessive qi in the heart and lungs. Their yang qi is smooth, abundant, and exuberant. Therefore, their spirit is stirred and their qi moves ahead of the insertion of the needle."

黄帝曰:重阳之人而神不先行者,何也?The Yellow Emperor asked, "Why don't the spirits of some people with excessive yang qi move ahead?"

岐伯曰:此人颇有阴者也。Qi Bo said, "These people also have a certain amount of yin qi."

黄帝曰:何以知其颇有阴者也?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How can we know that they have a certain amount of yin qi?"

岐伯曰:多阳者多喜,多阴者多怒,数怒者易解,故曰颇有阴。其阴阳之离合难,故其神不能先行也。Qi Bo said, "Those with more yang qi are more likely to be happy, while those with more yin qi are more likely to be angry. People who get angry frequently are easy to calm down. So it is said that they have a certain amount of yin qi. The separation and combination of their yin and yang qi are complex, so their spirit cannot move ahead of the insertion of the needle."

黄帝曰:其气与针相逢,奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What happens when the qi coincides with the insertion of the needle?"

岐伯曰:阴阳和调,而血气淖泽滑利,故针入而气出疾而相逢也。Qi Bo said, "When yin and yang are in harmonious adjustment, and the qi and blood are moist, smooth, and unobstructed, the qi will come out quickly and coincide with the insertion of the needle when the needle is inserted."

黄帝曰:针已出而气独行者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What kind of qi causes the situation that the qi moves independently after the needle has been withdrawn?"

岐伯曰:其阴气多而阳气少,阴气沉而阳气浮,(沉)者内藏,故针已出,气乃随其后,故独行也。Qi Bo said, "These people have more yin qi and less yang qi. The yin qi is heavy and the yang qi is light. The heavy (yin qi) is hidden inside. Therefore, after the needle has been withdrawn, the qi follows behind it, so it moves independently."

黄帝曰:数刺乃知,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What kind of qi causes the situation that one only feels the effect after several insertions?"

岐伯曰:此人之多阴而少阳,其气沉而气往难,故数刺乃知也。Qi Bo said, "These people have more yin qi and less yang qi. Their qi is heavy and it is difficult for it to move. Therefore, one only feels the effect after several insertions."

黄帝曰:针入而气逆者,何气使然?The Yellow Emperor asked, "What kind of qi causes the situation that the qi reverses when the needle is inserted?"

岐伯曰:其气逆与其数刺病益甚者,非阴阳之气,浮沉之势也。此皆麤之所败,工之所失,其形气无过焉。Qi Bo said, "The situations of qi reversal when the needle is inserted and the condition worsening after several insertions are not due to the yin and yang qi or the tendency of floating and sinking. These are all caused by the failure of the coarse work, and the body form and qi of the patient are not at fault."
