
文摘   2024-11-23 11:13   重庆  

灵枢·论痛 Miraculous Pivot · On Pain

黄帝问于少俞曰:“筋骨之强弱,肌肉之坚脆,皮肤之厚薄,腠理之疏密,各不同,其于针石火焫之痛何如?The Yellow Emperor asked Shaoyu, "The strength and weakness of the sinews and bones, the firmness and fragility of the muscles, the thickness and thinness of the skin, and the density and looseness of the striae and interstices of the skin all vary from person to person. How do they respond to the pain caused by acupuncture, stone needling, and moxibustion?


肠胃之厚薄坚脆亦不等,其于毒药何如?愿尽闻之。”The thickness, firmness, and fragility of the intestines and stomach also differ. How do they respond to medicinal substances? I would like to hear about all these in detail."

少俞曰:人之骨强、筋弱、肉缓、皮肤厚者耐痛,其于针石之痛火焫亦然。Shaoyu said, "Those with strong bones, weak sinews, relaxed muscles, and thick skin can endure pain. The same is true for their tolerance to the pain caused by acupuncture, stone needling, and moxibustion."

黄帝曰:其耐火焫者,何以知之?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How can we know those who can endure moxibustion?"

少俞答曰:加以黑色而美骨者耐火焫。Shaoyu replied, "Those with a black complexion and well-developed bones can endure moxibustion."

黄帝曰:其不耐针石之痛者,何以知之?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How can we know those who cannot endure the pain of acupuncture and stone needling?"

少俞曰:坚肉薄皮者,不耐针石之痛,于火焫亦然。Shaoyu said, "Those with firm muscles and thin skin cannot endure the pain of acupuncture and stone needling. The same is true for their tolerance to moxibustion."

黄帝曰:人之病,或同时而伤,或易已,或难已,其故何如?The Yellow Emperor asked, "When people fall ill, some may be affected simultaneously, some may recover easily, and some may have difficulty recovering. What are the reasons for this?"

少俞曰:同时而伤,其身多热者易已;多寒者难已。Shaoyu said, "When affected simultaneously, those with more heat in the body tend to recover easily; those with more cold in the body tend to have difficulty recovering."

黄帝曰:人之胜毒,何以知之?The Yellow Emperor asked, "How can we know a person's tolerance to the toxicity of medicinal substances?"


少俞曰:胃厚、色黑、大骨及肥骨(别本无骨字)者,皆胜毒;故其瘦而薄胃者,皆不胜毒也。Shaoyu said, "Those with thick stomachs, black complexions, large bones, and stout bones (in some versions, without the word 'bones') can tolerate the toxicity of medicinal substances. Therefore, those who are thin and have thin stomachs cannot tolerate the toxicity of medicinal substances."
