The Twenty-Five Types of People Classified by Yin and Yang
黄帝曰:余闻阴阳之人何如?The Yellow Emperor said: I have heard about the people classified by yin and yang. What are they like?
伯高曰:天地之间,六合之内,不离于五,人亦应之。故五五二十五人之政,而阴阳之人不与焉。其态又不合于众者五。Bai Gao said: Within the universe, between heaven and earth, everything is related to the number five, and humans are no exception. Therefore, there are the categorizations of twenty-five types of people based on the combinations of five elements, which do not include those simply classified by yin and yang. There are also five types whose states are different from the common ones.
黄帝曰:余已知之矣。愿闻二十五人之形,血气之所生,别而以候,从外知内,何如?The Yellow Emperor said: I already know about this. I would like to hear about the physical forms of these twenty-five types of people, how their blood and qi are generated, and how to distinguish and observe them to understand the internal conditions from the external appearances. How is it done?
岐伯曰:悉乎哉问也!此先师之秘也,虽伯高犹不能明之也。Qi Bo said: What a detailed question! This is a secret of our predecessors. Even Bai Gao could not explain it clearly.
黄帝避席遵循而却曰:余闻之,得其人弗教,是谓重失;得而泄之,天将厌之,余愿得而明之,金柜藏之,不敢扬之。The Yellow Emperor stood up from his seat, bowed respectfully, and then said: I have heard that if one does not teach those who are worthy of learning, it is a great loss. If one reveals it after obtaining it, heaven will be displeased. I hope to understand it clearly, keep it in a golden cabinet, and dare not spread it around.
岐伯曰:先立五形,金木水火土,别其五色,异其五形之人,而二十五人具矣。Qi Bo said: First, establish the five forms, namely, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Distinguish their five corresponding colors and the people of these five forms, and then the twenty-five types of people will be complete.
黄帝曰:愿卒闻之。The Yellow Emperor said: I would like to hear the details.
岐伯曰:慎之慎之!臣请言之。Qi Bo said: Be cautious! Let me explain.
木形之人,比于上角,似于苍帝。其为人苍色,小头,长面,大肩背,直身,小手足。People of the wood form are compared to Shang Jiao and are similar to the Green Emperor. Their complexion is bluish-green. They have small heads, long faces, broad shoulders and backs, straight bodies, and small hands and feet.
好有才,劳心,少力,多忧劳于事。能春夏,不能秋冬,(秋冬)感而病生。足厥阴佗佗然。They are talented, worry a lot, have little physical strength, and are often exhausted by affairs. They can tolerate spring and summer but not autumn and winter. When affected by external factors in autumn and winter, they will fall ill. The qi of the Foot Jueyin is in a state of tuotuo(slow and sluggish).
太角之人,比于左足少阳,少阳之上遗遗然;People of Tai Jiao are compared to the Left Foot Shaoyang, and on the upper part of the Shaoyang, they are in a state of yiyi(gentle and yielding).
左角之人,比于右足少阳,少阳之下随随然;People of Zuo Jiao are compared to the Right Foot Shaoyang, and on the lower part of the Shaoyang, they are in a state of suisui(compliant and adaptable).
釱角之人,比于右足少阳,少阳之上推推然;People of Di Jiao are compared to the Right Foot Shaoyang, and on the upper part of the Shaoyang, they are in a state of tutu(assertive or inclined to promote or push forward).
判角之人,比于左足少阳,少阳之下枯枯(栝栝)然。People of Pan Jiao are compared to the Left Foot Shaoyang, and on the lower part of the Shaoyang, they are in a state of kuku (or guagua)(withered or shriveled).
火形之人,比于上徵,似于赤帝。其为人赤色,广䏖,脱(别本作锐)面,小头,People of the fire form correspond to Shang Zhi among the five musical tones and are similar to the Red Emperor (the Fire God) in ancient mythology. Their complexion is reddish. They have broad backs (in some versions, it is described as slender in body shape). Their faces may be somewhat pointed (or can be interpreted as having distinct contours), and their heads are relatively small.
好肩背髀腹,小手足,行安地,疾心,行摇肩,背肉满。They are well-developed in the areas of shoulders, backs, thighs, and abdomens, while their hands and feet are relatively small. They walk with steady steps on the ground, but they are impatient in temperament. Their shoulders sway slightly when they walk, and their back muscles are full.
有气,轻财,少信,多虑,见事明,好颜,急心,不寿暴死。能春夏,不能秋冬,秋冬感而病生。手少阴核核然。They are energetic, do not value wealth, are not trustworthy, worry a lot, see things clearly, care about appearance, are impatient, and may die suddenly without a long life. They can tolerate spring and summer but not autumn and winter. When affected by external factors in autumn and winter, they will fall ill. The qi of the Hand Shaoyin is in a state of hehe(somewhat tense or constricted).
质徵之人,比于左手太阳,太阳之上肌肌(疑应为眺眺)然;少徵之人,比于右手太阳,太阳之下慆慆然;People of Zhi Zhi are compared to the Left Hand Taiyang, and on the upper part of the Taiyang, they are in a state of jiji (lively and active)). People of Shao Zhi are compared to the Right Hand Taiyang, and on the lower part of the Taiyang, they are in a state of taotao(indulgent and unrestrained).
右徵之人,比于右手太阳,太阳之上鲛鲛然;质判之人,比于左手太阳,太阳之下支支颐颐然。People of You Zhi are compared to the Right Hand Taiyang, and on the upper part of the Taiyang, they are in a state of jiaojiao(bright and shiny). People of Zhi Pan are compared to the Left Hand Taiyang, and on the lower part of the Taiyang, they are in a state of zhizhi yiyi(fussy and particular).
土形之人,比于上宫,似于上古黄帝。其为人黄色,圆面,大头,美肩背,大腹,美股胫,小手足,多肉,上下相称,People of the earth form are associated with Shang Gong and are similar to the Yellow Emperor of ancient times. They have a yellow complexion, a round face, a big head, beautiful shoulders and back, a big belly, thick thighs and shins, small hands and feet, are fleshy with well-proportioned upper and lower body parts.
行安地,举足浮。安心,好利人,不喜权势,善附人也。They walk steadily on the ground and lift their feet lightly. They are content-hearted, like to do good to others, dislike power and authority, and are good at attaching themselves to others.
能秋冬,不能春夏,春夏感而病生,足太阴敦敦然。They can endure autumn and winter but not spring and summer. When affected by external factors in spring and summer, they will fall ill. The qi of the Foot Taiyin is in a state of being "dun dun"(Sincere and loyal).
太宫之人,比于左足阳明,阳明之上婉婉然。加宫之人,比于左足阳明,阳明之下坎坎然。People of Tai Gong are associated with the Left Foot Yangming, and on the upper part of the Yangming, they are in a state of being "wan wan"(gentle and agreeable). People of Jia Gong are associated with the Left Foot Yangming, and on the lower part of the Yangming, they are in a state of being "kan kan"(dignified and composed).
少宫之人,比于右足阳明,阳明之上枢枢然。左宫之人,比于右足阳明,阳明之下兀兀然。People of Shao Gong are associated with the Right Foot Yangming, and on the upper part of the Yangming, they are in a state of being "shu shu"(deft and nimble). People of Zuo Gong are associated with the Right Foot Yangming, and on the lower part of the Yangming, they are in a state of being "wu wu"( independent and unwavering).
金形之人,比于上商,似于白帝。其为人方面,白色,小头,小肩背,小腹,小手足,如骨发踵外,骨轻。People of the metal form are associated with Shang Shang and are similar to the White Emperor. They have a square face, a white complexion, a small head, small shoulders and back, a small belly, small hands and feet. Their bones seem to protrude from the heels and are light.
身清廉,急心,静悍,善为吏。能秋冬,不能春夏,春夏感而病生。手太阴敦敦然。They are clean and upright, impatient, calm yet fierce, and good at being officials. They can endure autumn and winter but not spring and summer. When affected by external factors in spring and summer, they will fall ill. The qi of the Hand Taiyin is in a state of being "dun dun".
釱商之人,比于左手阳明,阳明之上廉廉然;右商之人,比于左手阳明,阳明之下脱脱然;People of Di Shang are associated with the Left Hand Yangming, and on the upper part of the Yangming, they are in a state of being "lian lian"(clean and upright). People of You Shang are associated with the Left Hand Yangming, and on the lower part of the Yangming, they are in a state of being "tuo tuo"(free and easy).
左商之人,比于右手阳明,阳明之上监监然;少商之人,比于右手阳明,阳明之下严严然。People of Zuo Shang are associated with the Right Hand Yangming, and on the upper part of the Yangming, they are in a state of being "jian jian"( discerning and prudent). People of Shao Shang are associated with the Right Hand Yangming, and on the lower part of the Yangming, they are in a state of being "yan yan"(solemn and dignified).
水形之人,比于上羽,似于黑帝。其为人黑色,面不平,大头,廉颐,小肩,大腹,动手足,发行摇身,下尻长,背延延然。People of the water form are associated with Shang Yu and are similar to the Black Emperor. They have a black complexion, an uneven face, a big head, thin cheeks, a small shoulder, a big belly, active hands and feet, sway their bodies when walking, have a long buttocks, and a long and thick back.
不敬畏,善欺绍(别本作绐)人,戮死。能秋冬,不能春夏,春夏感而病生。足少阴汙汙然。They are not in awe, are good at deceiving others (in some versions, the character might be "dai"), and may die by execution. They can endure autumn and winter but not spring and summer. When affected by external factors in spring and summer, they will fall ill. The qi of the Foot Shaoyin is in a state of being "wu wu"(somewhat turbid and stagnant).
太羽之人,比于右足太阳,太阳之上颊颊然;少羽之人,比于左足太阳,太阳之下纡纡然;People of Tai Yu are associated with the Right Foot Taiyang, and on the upper part of the Taiyang, they are in a state of being "jia jia"(cheerful and lively). People of Shao Yu are associated with the Left Foot Taiyang, and on the lower part of the Taiyang, they are in a state of being "yu yu"(gentle and yielding).
众之为人,比于右足太阳,太阳之下洁洁然;桎之为人,比于左足太阳,太阳之上安安然。People of Zhongzhi are associated with the Right Foot Taiyang, and on the upper part of the Taiyang, they are in a state of being "jie jie"(pure and clean). People of Zhi are associated with the Left Foot Taiyang, and on the upper part of the Taiyang, they are in a state of being "an an"(calm and peaceful).
是故五形之人二十五变者,众之所以相欺者是也。Therefore, the twenty-five variations of the five forms of people are the reasons why people may deceive each other.
黄帝曰:得其形,不得其色何如?The Yellow Emperor asked: What if one can recognize the form but not the color?
岐伯曰:形胜色、色胜形者,至其胜时,年加感则病行,失则忧矣。形色相得者,富贵大乐。Qi Bo replied: When the form overpowers the color or the color overpowers the form, when the overpowering situation occurs and with the addition of age factors, diseases will occur. If not properly dealt with, it will cause worry. When the form and color match each other, one will enjoy wealth and great happiness.
黄帝曰:其形色相当胜之时,年加可知乎?The Yellow Emperor asked: Can the addition of age factors be known when the form and color are in a situation of overpowering each other?
岐伯曰:凡年忌下上之人,大忌常加七岁,十六岁、二十五岁、三十四岁、四十三岁、五十二岁、六十一岁皆人之大忌,不可不自安也。感则病行,失则忧矣。当此之时,无为奸事,是谓年忌。Qi Bo replied: For people with upper and lower age taboos, major taboos usually occur at the ages of seven, sixteen, twenty-five, thirty-four, forty-three, fifty-two, and sixty-one. These are major taboos for people, and one should not be careless. If affected by external factors, diseases will will occur. If not properly dealt with, it will cause worry. At these times, one should not do evil things. This is what is called age taboo.
黄帝曰:夫子之言,脉之上下,血气之候,似知形气,奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked, "From what you have said about the condition of the pulse above and below, and the signs of blood and qi, it seems that you have an understanding of the physical form and qi. How is that?"
岐伯曰:足阳明之上,血气盛则髯美长;血少气多则髯短。Qibo said: On the upper part of the Foot Yangming Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the beard will be beautiful and long; if there is less blood but more qi, the beard will be short.
故气少血多则髯少;血气皆少则无髯,两吻多画。Therefore, if there is less qi but more blood, the beard will be sparse; if both qi and blood are scarce, there will be no beard, and there will be many wrinkles around the mouth.
足阳明之下,血气盛则下毛美,长至胸;血多气少则下毛美,短至脐,行则善高举足,足趾少肉,足善寒。On the lower part of the Foot Yangming Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the pubic hair will be beautiful and long, reaching up to the chest; if there is more blood but less qi, the pubic hair will be beautiful but short, reaching only up to the umbilicus. When walking, such people tend to lift their feet high, their toes have little flesh, and their feet are prone to being cold.
血少气多则肉而善瘃;血气皆少则无毛,有则稀、枯悴,善痿厥,足痹。If there is less blood but more qi, the flesh will be flabby and prone to chilblains; if both qi and blood are scarce, there will be no pubic hair, and if there is any, it will be sparse, withered and sallow, and they are prone to flaccidity and cold limbs, and foot numbness.
足少阳之上,气血盛则通髯美长,血多气少则通髯美短;On the upper part of the Foot Shaoyang Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the full beard will be beautiful and long; if there is more blood but less qi, the full beard will be beautiful but short;
血少气多则少髯;血气皆少则无须,感于寒湿则善痹,骨痛爪枯也。If there is less blood but more qi, the beard will be sparse; if both qi and blood are scarce, there will be no beard. When affected by cold and dampness, they are prone to numbness and bone pain, and the nails will wither.
足少阳之下,血气盛则胫毛美长,外踝肥;血多气少则胫毛美短,外踝皮坚而厚;On the lower part of the Foot Shaoyang Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the hair on the shins will be beautiful and long, and the outer ankle will be plump; if there is more blood but less qi, the hair on the shins will be beautiful but short, and the outer ankle skin will be firm and thick;
血少气多则胻毛少,外踝皮薄而软;血气皆少则无毛,外踝瘦无肉。If there is less blood but more qi, the hair on the calves will be sparse, and the outer ankle skin will be thin and soft; if both qi and blood are scarce, there will be no hair, and the outer ankle will be thin and without flesh.
足太阳之上,血气盛则美眉,眉有毫毛;血多气少则恶眉,面多少理;血少气多则面多肉;血气和则美色。On the upper part of the Foot Taiyang Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the eyebrows will be beautiful, with fine hairs on them; if there is more blood but less qi, the eyebrows will be ugly, and the face will have many wrinkles; if there is less blood but more qi, the face will be fleshy; if the qi and blood are in harmony, the complexion will be good.
足太阳之下,血气盛则跟肉满,踵坚;气少血多则瘦,跟空;血气皆少则善转筋,踵下痛。On the lower part of the Foot Taiyang Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the heel flesh will be full and the heel will be firm; if there is less qi but more blood, the body will be thin and the heel will be hollow; if both qi and blood are scarce, there will be a tendency to have muscle cramps and pain under the heel.
手阳明之上,血气盛则髭美;血少气多则髭恶;血气皆少则无髭。On the upper part of the Hand Yangming Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the mustache will be beautiful; if there is less blood but more qi, the mustache will be ugly; if both qi and blood are scarce, there will be no mustache.
手阳明之下,血气盛则腋下毛美,手鱼肉以温;气血皆少则手瘦以寒。On the lower part of the Hand Yangming Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the armpit hair will be beautiful and the flesh of the palm will be warm; if both qi and blood are scarce, the hand will be thin and cold.
手少阳之上,血气盛则眉美以长,耳色美;血气皆少则耳焦恶色。On the upper part of the Hand Shaoyang Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the eyebrows will be beautiful and long, and the color of the ears will be good; if both qi and blood are scarce, the ears will be withered and the color will be bad.
手少阳之下,血气盛则手卷多肉以温;血气皆少则寒以瘦;气少血多则瘦以多脉。On the lower part of the Hand Shaoyang Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the hand will be curled up with much flesh and warm; if both qi and blood are scarce, it will be cold and thin; if there is less qi but more blood, it will be thin with many visible veins.
手太阳之上,血气盛则多须,面多肉以平;血气皆少则面瘦恶色。On the upper part of the Hand Taiyang Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, there will be many whiskers and the face will be fleshy and flat; if both qi and blood are scarce, the face will be thin and the color will be bad.
手太阳之下,血气盛则掌肉充满;血气皆少则掌瘦以寒。On the lower part of the Hand Taiyang Meridian, if the qi and blood are abundant, the flesh of the palm will be full; if both qi and blood are scarce, the palm will be thin and cold.
黄帝曰:二十五人者,刺之有约乎?The Yellow Emperor asked: "Is there any principle for needling the twenty-five types of people?"
岐伯曰:美眉者,足太阳之脉气血多;恶眉者,血气少;其肥而泽者,血气有余;Qibo said: "Those with beautiful eyebrows have abundant qi and blood in the Foot Taiyang Meridian; those with ugly eyebrows have less qi and blood. Those who are plump and lustrous have excessive qi and blood;
肥而不泽者,气有余,血不足;瘦而无泽者,气血俱不足,审察其形气有余不足而调之,可以知逆顺矣。Those who are plump but not lustrous have excessive qi but insufficient blood; those who are thin and without lustre have insufficient qi and blood. By carefully examining the excess or deficiency of their physical form and qi and adjusting accordingly, one can know the order of treatment."
黄帝曰:刺其诸阴阳奈何?The Yellow Emperor asked: "How should one needle the various yin and yang meridians?"
岐伯曰:按其寸口人迎,以调阴阳。切循其经络之凝涩,结而不通者,此于身皆为痛痹,甚则不行,故凝涩。Qibo said: "Press the Cunkou and Renying acupoints to regulate yin and yang. Palpate along the meridians to check for stagnation and obstruction. If there is knotting and blockage that cannot be passed through, it will cause pain and numbness in the body. In severe cases, there will be no movement, which is the so-called stagnation.
凝涩者,致气以温之,血和乃止。For stagnation, use qi-inducing methods to warm it until the blood is in harmony and then stop.
其结络者,脉结血不和(被本作行),决之乃行。For those with knotted collaterals, where the meridians are knotted and the blood is not in harmony (in some versions, it is written as 'not flowing'), cut it open to make it flow.
故曰:“气有余于上者,导而下之;气不足于上者,推而休之;其稽留不至者,因而迎之。必明于经隧,乃能持之。寒与热争者,导而行之;其宛陈血不结者,则而予之。”Therefore, it is said: 'If there is excessive qi above, guide it down; if there is insufficient qi above, push it up and rest it; if it is detained and does not arrive, welcome it. One must be clear about the meridians to be able to handle it. When cold and heat contend, guide it to flow; if the old and stagnant blood is not knotted, just let it be.'
必先明知二十五人,则血气之所在,左右上下,刺约毕也。First, one must clearly understand the twenty-five types of people, then know where the qi and blood are located, on the left, on the right, above and below, and then the principles of needling are complete."