
文摘   2024-11-23 10:33   重庆  

灵枢·背俞 Miraculous Pivot·Back Shu Points

黄帝问于岐伯曰:愿闻五脏之腧,出于背者。The Yellow Emperor asked Qi Bo, "I'd like to know about the back transport points of the five zang-organs."


岐伯曰:“背中大腧,在杼骨之端,肺腧在三焦之间,心腧在五焦之间。Qi Bo replied, "The Great Shu point on the back is at the end of the Zhugu (the first vertebra of the cervical spine). The Feishu (Lung Transport Point) is between the Sanjiao (Triple Energizer). The Xinshu (Heart Transport Point) is between the Wujiao.


膈腧在七焦之间,肝腧在九焦之间,脾腧在十一焦之间,肾腧在十四焦之间。The Geshu (Diaphragm Transport Point) is between the Qijiao. The Ganshu (Liver Transport Point) is between the Jiujiao. The Pishu (Spleen Transport Point) is between the Shiyijiao. The Shenshu (Kidney Transport Point) is between the Shisijiao.


皆挟脊相去三寸所,则欲得而验之,按其处,应在中而痛解,乃其输也。All these points are located on both sides of the spine, about three cun apart. If you want to verify their locations, press on these areas. If there is a response inside and the pain is relieved, then it is the transport point.


灸之则可,刺之则不可。气盛则泻之,虚则补之。Moxibustion can be applied, but needling should not be used rashly. When treating with these back transport points by moxibustion, if the pathogenic qi is excessive, the reducing method should be used; if the qi is deficient, the tonifying method should be used.


以火补者,毋吹其火,须自灭也;以火泻之,疾吹其火,传其艾,须其火灭也。”When tonifying with fire (moxibustion), don't blow on the fire, let it go out by itself. When reducing with fire, blow on the fire vigorously, pass the moxa stick, and wait until the fire goes out."

