
文摘   2024-11-20 14:18   重庆  


Miraculous Pivot · Yin-Yang Clarity and Turbidity

黄帝曰:余闻十二经脉,以应十二经水者,其五色各异,清浊不同,人之血气若一,应之奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "I have heard that the twelve regular meridians correspond to the twelve waterways. Their five colors are different and their clarity and turbidity vary. If a person's qi and blood are considered as a whole, how do they correspond to this?"


岐伯曰:人之血气,苟能若一,则天下为一矣,恶有乱者乎?Qi Bo said, "If a person's qi and blood could be considered as a whole, then the whole world would be in unity. How could there be chaos?"


黄帝曰:余问一人,非问天下之众。The Yellow Emperor said, "I'm asking about one person, not the masses of the world."


岐伯曰:夫一人者,亦有乱气,天下之众,亦有乱人,其合为一耳。Qi Bo said, "As for one person, there can also be disordered qi. Among the masses of the world, there can also be disordered people. They are essentially the same in a way."


黄帝曰:愿闻人气之清浊。The Yellow Emperor said, "I would like to hear about the clarity and turbidity of human qi."


岐伯曰:受谷者浊,受气者清。清者注阴,浊者注阳。浊而清者,上出于咽;清而浊者,则下行。清浊相干,命曰乱气。Qi Bo said, "What is derived from food is turbid, and what is derived from qi (inhaled air) is clear. The clear is infused into the yin aspect, and the turbid is infused into the yang aspect. The turbid that becomes clear ascends and emerges from the pharynx; the clear that becomes turbid descends. When clarity and turbidity interfere with each other, it is called disordered qi."


黄帝曰:夫阴清而阳浊,浊者有清,清者有浊,清浊别之奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "Yin is clear and yang is turbid. The turbid has clarity and the clear has turbidity. How can we distinguish between clarity and turbidity?"


岐伯曰:气之大别,清者上注于肺,浊者下走于胃。胃之清气,上出于口;肺之浊气,下注于经,内积于海。Qi Bo said, "In a general distinction of qi, the clear ascends and is infused into the lungs, and the turbid descends and travels to the stomach. The clear qi of the stomach ascends and emerges from the mouth; the turbid qi of the lungs descends and is infused into the meridians and accumulates inside the 'sea' (the sea of qi, blood, etc.)."


黄帝曰:诸阳皆浊,何阳独(别本作浊)甚乎?The Yellow Emperor said, "All yang is turbid. Which yang is the most turbid?"


岐伯曰:手太阳独受阳之浊,手太阴独受阴之清。其清者上走空窍,其浊者下行诸经。诸阴皆清,足太阴独受其浊。Qi Bo said, "The Hand-Taiyang Meridian alone receives the most turbid of yang, and the Hand-Taiyin Meridian alone receives the clearest of yin. The clear ascends to the orifices, and the turbid descends to the various meridians. All yin is clear, and the Foot-Taiyin Meridian alone receives its turbidity."


黄帝曰:治之奈何?The Yellow Emperor said, "How should we treat it?"


岐伯曰:清者其气滑,浊者其气涩,此气之常也。故刺阴者,深而留之;刺阳者,浅而疾之;清浊相干者,以数调之也。Qi Bo said, "The clear qi is slippery, and the turbid qi is rough. This is the normal state of qi. Therefore, when needling the yin aspect, insert the needle deeply and retain it; when needling the yang aspect, insert the needle shallowly and withdraw it quickly; when clarity and turbidity interfere with each other, adjust it with appropriate methods."

