1 引言
In accordance with regulation 10 of Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL), a record is to be kept of each discharge operation or completed incineration. This includes discharges into the sea, to reception facilities, or to other ships, as well as the accidental loss of garbage.
Garbage and garbage management:
Garbage means all kinds of food wastes, domestic wastes and operational wastes, all plastics, cargo residues, cooking oil, fishing gear, and animal carcasses generated during the normal operation of the ship and liable to be disposed of continuously or periodically except those substances which are defined or listed in other Annexes to the present Convention. Garbage does not include fresh fish and parts thereof generated as a result of fishing activities undertaken during the voyage, or as a result of aquaculture activities which involve the transport of fish including shellfish for placement in the aquaculture facility and the transport of harvested fish including shellfish from such facilities to shore for processing.
The Guidelines for the Implementation of Annex V of MARPOL1 should also be referred to for relevant information.
Description of the garbage:
Garbage is to be grouped into categories for the purposes of recording in parts I and II of the Garbage Record Book (or ship's official log-book) as follows:
Part I
A 塑料
B 食品废弃物
Food wastes
C 生活废弃物
Domestic Wastes
D 食用油
Cooking Oil
E 焚烧炉灰
Incinerator ashes
F 操作废弃物
Operational wastes
G 动物尸体
Animal Carcasses
H 渔具
Fishing Gear
I 电子废弃物
Part II
J 货物残余(对海洋环境无害物质)
Cargo residues (non-HME)
K 货物残余(对海洋环境有害物质)
Cargo residues (HME)
Entries in the Garbage Record Book
4.1 发生下列情况时,须在《垃圾记录簿》上记录:
Entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be made on each of the following occasions:
When garbage is discharged to a reception facility2ashore or to other ships:
.1 排放的日期和时间
Date and time of discharge
.2 港口或设施,或船名
Port or facility, or name of ship
.3 排放的垃圾的种类
Categories of garbage discharged
.4 各类垃圾的排放估算量(以立方米计)
Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres
Signature of officer in charge of the operation.
When garbage is incinerated:
.1 焚烧开始和结束的日期和时间
Date and time of start and stop of incineration
.2 焚烧开始和结束时的船舶位置(经纬度)
Position of the ship (latitude and longitude) at the start and stop of incineration
.3 焚烧的垃圾的种类
Categories of garbage incinerated
.4 焚烧估算量(以立方米计)
Estimated amount incinerated in cubic metres
.5 负责操作的主管高级船员签名
Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.
When garbage is discharged into the sea in accordance with regulations 4, 5 or 6 of MARPOL Annex V or chapter 5 of part II-A of the Polar Code:
Date and time of discharge
Position of the ship (latitude and longitude). Note: for cargo residue discharges,
include discharge start and stop positions
.3 排放的垃圾的种类
Category of garbage discharged
.4 各类垃圾的排放估算量(以立方米计)
Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres
Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.
Accidental or other exceptional discharges or loss of garbage into the sea, including in accordance with regulation 7 of Annex V of MARPOL:
.1 发生的日期和时间
Date and time of occurrence
.2 发生时船舶所在港口或位置(经纬度、水深,如知道)
Port or position of the ship at time of occurrence (Latitude, Longitude and
water depth if known)
.3 排放或落失的垃圾的种类
Categories of garbage discharged or lost
.4 各类垃圾的估算量(以立法米计)
Estimated amount for each category in cubic metres
.5 排放或落失原因及一般说明
The reason for the discharge or loss and general remarks.
4.2 垃圾量
Amount of garbage
The amount of garbage onboard should be estimated in cubic meters, if possible separately according to category. The Garbage Record Book contains many references to estimated amount of garbage. It is recognized that the accuracy of estimating amounts of garbage is left to interpretation. Volume estimates will differ before and after processing. Some processing procedures may not allow for a usable estimate of volume, e.g. the continuous processing of food waste. Such factors should be taken into consideration when making and interpreting entries made in a record.
[1] 参见经决议修订的《关于执行〈MARPOL公约〉附则V的导则》。
[1] Refer to the Guidelines for the Implementation of Annex V of MARPOL 73/78, as amended by resolutions.
[2] 船长应从接收设施、包括驳船和卡车,经营人处获得一张注明转移的垃圾的估计量的收据或证明,该收据或证明须与《垃圾记录簿》一起保存。
[2] Ship’s masters should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and trucks, a receipt or certificate specifying the estimated amount of garbage transferred. The receipts or certificates must be kept together with the Garbage Record Book.