1.打开燃油进、回油阀,重油进机黏度大约在14 mm²/s,压力0.6mp;
Open fuel oil inlet and outlet v/v, the fuel oil viscosity should proper 14mm²/s,pressure 0.6mp
Check oil sump level keep about 3/4 oil level gauge ,the priming lub.oil
Pressure proper 0.16mp
Open cooling water inlet and outlet v/v,the warming temp. proper 65℃
Open start air v/v and drain
5.把操作杆放到START 位置,按启动按钮;
Set the operation lever in start position ,press the push button for starting operation v/v
If the rotation speed of engine has rapidly increased and starting has been established along with continuous ignition sounds,release the push button
7.当发电机达到额定转速,并且各参数都正常后,将操作杆放到RUN 位置;
After confirming that rotation speed of the engine has reached the specified speed ,and each parameter has reached the specified value,set the operation lever to RUN position