唯天下至诚,为能经纶天下之大经,立天下之大本,知天地之化育。夫焉有所倚?Only the one who is supremely sincere in the world is able to manage the great principles of the world, establish the fundamental foundation of the world, and understand the transformation and nurturing of Heaven and Earth. How could such a person rely on anything else?
肫肫其仁!渊渊其渊!浩浩其天!How sincere and earnest is his benevolence! How profound as the abyss is his depth! How vast as the sky is his expanse!
苟不固聪明圣知,达天德者,其孰能知之?If one is not originally endowed with intelligence, sageness, and the knowledge of attaining the Heavenly Virtue, who could possibly understand this?