
文摘   科学   2024-06-02 08:02   北京  

Exploring the relationship between embolic acute stroke distribution and supra-aortic vessel patency: key findings from an in vitro model study

Aglae Velasco Gonzalez,  Cristina Sauerland,  Dennis Görlich,  Joaquin Ortega-Quintanilla,  Astrid Jeibmann,  Andreas Faldum,  Werner Paulus,  Walter Heindel,  Boris Buerke
doi: 10.1136/svn-2023-003024

Stroke & Vascular Neurology(SVN)新近上线文章“Exploring the relationship between embolic acute stroke distribution and supra-aortic vessel patency: key findings from an in vitro model study来自德国明斯特大学医院(University Hospital of Münster神经放射科Aglae Velasco Gonzalez等。

作者团队探究了通过交通动脉与主动脉上血管(supra-aortic vessel, SAV)通畅性相关的颅内栓子分布的差异。


研究结果显示,栓子总数为406个(中位数碎片/凝块:4 (IQR: 3–5))。栓子滞留取决于SAV的通畅性(p<0.0001)。在所有情况下,栓子滞留于大脑前动脉(ACA)均发生在先前的大脑中动脉(MCA)栓塞之后(MCA首次滞留:96%, 100/104)。在基线情况下,同侧ACA栓塞的发生率为28.9%(28/97),当栓子源自闭塞的CA时,此比率显著降低(16%, 14/88)。对侧CA闭塞病例中,双侧大脑半球栓塞更多(37%, 45/122),56%的病例中双侧ACA栓塞先于对侧MCA栓塞(14/25 对侧MCA和ACA栓塞)。

Figure 1. Sequential lodges by the 406 total emboli for the four anatomical conditions of the supra-aortic vessels tested. After fragmentation, the median number of lodgments per clot was four, with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 8. The number indicated over each graphic (ranging from 1 to 8) is the sequential number of lodgments referred to in that chart. See the online supplemental table S1 for a more detailed description.

Figure 2. Sankey flow diagrams of sequential embolic lodgments by anatomical condition of the supra-aortic vessels. The diagram shows the flows and their relative quantities in proportion to each other. Vertical coloured lines represent each lodgment (first, second, third, etc). Horizontal flow lines represent the relative quantity of fragments anchored at a particular intracranial location after a specific prior clot allocation. Emboli that migrated to the opposite hemisphere are shown in blue. Emboli that travelled to the ipsilateral ACA are shown in green. (A) Baseline: supra-aortic vessels without occlusion (97 emboli from 29 injected clots); (B) Emboli from an occluded right CA (88/25); (C) Emboli through the right CA with occlusion of the left CA (122/24); (D) Emboli through the right CA with concomitant occlusion of both vertebral arteries (99/26). 



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