品味means of doing与means to do的区别

教育   2025-01-15 00:03   北京  

means of doing something的doing something丰富means的内涵。例句如,

【例句1】Is there any means of contacting him?(有什么办法联系他吗?) [牛津高级学者辞典]

【例句2Interest rates are used as a means of controlling borrowing. (利率被用作控制借贷的手段。)[牛津高级学者辞典]

【例句3Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children. (家庭作业不应被用作控制孩子的手段。) [朗文当代英语词典]

【例句4I had no means of telling him I would be late. (我无法告诉他我会迟到。)[朗文当代英语词典]

【例句5The army had perfected the use of terror as a means of controlling the population. (军队已经完善了使用恐怖作为控制人口的手段。) [柯林斯高级学者辞典]

【例句6There is no means of tracing the debt at all. (根本无法追踪债务。) [剑桥高级学者辞典]

means to do也是用的,如

【例句7They are using peaceful means to achieve their aims. (他们正在使用和平手段来实现他们的目标。) [牛津高级学者辞典]

【例句8Brian was prepared to use any means to get what he wanted. (布莱恩准备用任何手段得到他想要的东西。) [朗文当代英语词典]

【例句9The move is a means to fight crime. (此举是打击犯罪的一种手段。) [柯林斯高级学者辞典]

但这里不定式to do不太像定语修饰means, 更像动词use的补语,即进一步补充动词信息,特别是【例句7,8】补充use的目的信息。

【例句9】的to fight crime也更像要实施的动作,不像of doing那样修饰means。这可能是因为means容易激起“去干”的图景。


【例句10He doesn't have the means to hire a lawyer. (他没有能力聘请律师。) [牛津高级学者辞典]

【例句11I don't have the means to support a family. (我没有能力养家。) [朗文当代英语词典]

【例句12He did not have the means to compensate her. (他没有办法补偿她。)[柯林斯高级学者辞典]

【例句13He has the means to buy half the houses in the street if he wanted to. (如果他愿意,他有能力买下街上一半的房子。) [剑桥高级学者辞典]

其to do也与动词have更密切。


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