
美食   餐饮美食   2024-10-05 20:31   日本  


Melt In The Middle Chocolate Cake





200克  无盐黄油

200克  黑巧克力(70%+-),切碎

    6个  全蛋

240克  细砂糖

  60克  低筋面粉


  1. 烤炉预热至180℃/风档4. 如果你用的是金属圆模,需要先用软化的黄油(配方之外)把模具内壁涂薄层并附上一圈烘焙油纸。

  2. 黄油放在厚底平底锅中,然后放入切碎的巧克力,小火缓慢加热直至黄油融化,离火,用胶刮刀搅拌直至巧克力完全融化并混合的光滑细腻。

  3. 搅拌缸中把鸡蛋和砂糖搅拌呈顺滑状态:搅拌桨提起时,低落的面糊会稳定在面糊表面而不会立即融合在一起。用金属勺把巧克力混合物加入到面糊中,再筛入面粉,翻拌均匀。

  4. 面糊注入到模具内,3/4满,放入预热的烤箱中,大模具(8×200ml)烘烤约8~10分钟,小金属圆模(直径75~80mm)烘烤约6~7分钟,直至蛋糕表面四周一圈形成明显的表壳,而中间则较柔软。稍冷却脱模。







Melt In The Middle Chocolate Cake

(make 8: 75-80 mm diameter)


200g unsalted butter

200g dark chocolate (about 70% cocoa solids), broken into small pieces

    6u eggs

240g caster sugar

  60g plain flour


8x200 ml heatproof ramekins or 75-80 mm diameter metal rings

electric hand mixer


1.Preheat the oven to 180℃ / Gas mark 4. If you are using the chef rings, lightly butter each ring and line with a piece of baking parchment that is large enough to go to the top of the mould.

2.Put the butter in a small saucepan and drop in the chocolate. Heat gently until the butter has melted, then remove the pan from the heat and stir it with a spatula until the chocolate has melted and become smooth.

3.Whisk the eggs and sugar together in a large bowl with an electric hand mixer until ribbon stage: when the beaters are lifted from the mixture, they leave a thin trail of the mixture on the surface. With a metal spoon, fold the chocolate mixture into the eggs and sugar and sift the flour over the top. Fold together well.

4.Divide the mixture between the ramekins or metal rings, filling each one three quarters full. Bake the ramekins for 8-10 minutes or metal rings for 6-7 miutes until a crust has started to form around the cake , but the middle is still like a gü-ey pool of chocolate. To serve, turn the puddings out of the ramekins or metal rings and enjoy the look on everyone's faces as they tuck in.

