译味译境 | 《水调歌头•明月几时有》
2024-09-17 10:31
"When shall we have a bright moon?"Holding up a wine cup I queried the Blue Heaven:"Tell me, in the celestial palace up so highWhat year in its annals is tonight."'d like to ride the wind and go thereBut was afraid it would be too cold up on highIn those sumptuous palaces and marble halls.I rose to my feet and danced with my own shadow.'Twas not too bad down here!The moon turned round the vermilion penthouse,Casting its beams down through the lattice windowsAnd shining on the sleepless.It need not evoke sadness, you know,But why is it always so bright when the loved one's away?We all have joys and sorrows, partings and re-unions .The moon, its phases of resplendence,Nothing in this world is ever perfect.I wish a long life to us all.Then, however far apart we areWe'd still be sharing the same enchanting moonlight.以上内容摘自《英译中国古词精选》,由龚景浩先生选译。“龚景浩旅美多年,曾获得哈佛大学硕士学位,历任“美国之音”书报评论栏目的撰稿人和世界银行高级中、英文翻译。他的中译英能力和水平,在他任职期间,在华盛顿地区公认为首屈一指。龚景浩先生英译的中国古词,读起来也很自然、通畅,而且十分忠实于原文。这是因为他对英语语言和文学造诣很深,对现代英语习惯用法(包括诗歌语言和日常口语)娴熟掌握。他运用英文自由诗体(free verse)来译中文长短句的词,甚为得体。他也间或用韵,以起强调的效果。龚景浩先生的《英译中国古词精选》把我国历代优秀词阕选译为现代英语诗篇,附以简介和注释,将有助于外国读者阅读、欣赏我国古典文学作品,同时对我国从事诗歌翻译的人们也会起到启发和引导的作用。”