
文摘   2024-10-13 10:00   四川  





Part 1


1. 尼斯沙拉/ Niçoise Salad

新鲜的混合生菜与金枪鱼、煮鸡蛋、橄榄、土豆等食材完美搭配。/Fresh mixed lettuce combined with tuna, boiled eggs, olives, potatoes and other ingredients.

    配:法式芥末酱/Served with: French mustard dressing.

    可选配凤尾鱼/With anchovies.

    可选配虾仁/With shrimps.

2. 希腊沙拉/ Greek Salad

多汁的番茄、黄瓜、洋葱、菲达奶酪和黑橄榄,带来浓郁的地中海风味。/Juicy tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, feta cheese and black olives bring a strong Mediterranean flavor.

    配:橄榄油和醋汁/Served with: Olive oil and vinegar dressing.

3. 水果沙拉/ Fruit Salad

当季新鲜水果的巧妙组合,色彩斑斓,口感清甜。/A clever combination of fresh seasonal fruits, colorful and with a sweet taste.

    配:蜂蜜酸奶酱/Served with: Honey yogurt dressing.

4. 海鲜沙拉/ Seafood Salad

鲜美的虾仁、蟹肉棒、鱿鱼等海鲜,搭配清爽的蔬菜。/Delicious shrimps, crab sticks, squid and other seafood combined with refreshing vegetables.

    配:柠檬橄榄油汁/Served with: Lemon olive oil dressing.

Part 2


1. 南瓜浓汤/ Pumpkin Bisque

浓郁醇厚的南瓜汤,口感细腻,散发着温暖的香气。/Rich and mellow pumpkin soup with a delicate texture and a warm aroma.

2. 奶油蘑菇汤/ Cream of Mushroom Soup

蘑菇的鲜美与奶油的醇厚相互交融,每一口都令人陶醉。/The deliciousness of mushrooms and the richness of cream blend together, making every sip intoxicating.

3. 玉米浓汤/ Corn Bisque

香甜的玉米与浓郁的奶香,带来满满的幸福感。/Sweet corn and rich milk fragrance bring a full sense of happiness.

4. 海鲜周打汤/ Seafood Chowder

丰富的海鲜食材,味道鲜美浓郁。/Rich seafood ingredients with a delicious and rich taste.

Part 3


1. 鸡肉三明治/ Chicken Sandwich

鲜嫩的鸡肉搭配生菜、番茄和蛋黄酱,夹在松软的面包中。/Tender chicken combined with lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise, sandwiched in soft bread.

    和薯条/French fries.

2. 芝士汉堡/ Cheeseburger

多汁的牛肉饼、浓郁的芝士、脆爽的生菜和酸甜的番茄,是经典的美味组合。/Juicy beef patty, rich cheese, crisp lettuce and sweet and sour tomato are a classic delicious combination.

    和薯条/French fries.

3. 夏威夷比萨/ Hawaiian Pizza

火腿、菠萝和莫扎里拉芝士的完美搭配,带来甜与咸的美妙融合。/The perfect combination of ham, pineapple and mozzarella cheese brings a wonderful fusion of sweet and salty.

4. 烤肉比萨/ Barbecue Pizza

香嫩的烤肉、洋葱、青椒等,搭配浓郁的烧烤酱。/Tender barbecue meat, onions, green peppers and others, combined with rich barbecue sauce.

5. 金枪鱼三明治/ Tuna Sandwich

鲜美的金枪鱼与蔬菜、酱料搭配,口感丰富。/Delicious tuna combined with vegetables and sauces, with a rich taste.

Part 4


1. 肉酱意面/ Spaghetti Bolognese

传统的肉酱与意大利面相互缠绕,浓郁的味道让人回味无穷。/Traditional meat sauce intertwined with Italian noodles, with a rich taste that lingers on.

2. 奶油培根意面/ Creamy Bacon Pasta

培根的咸香与奶油的醇厚在口中交织,带来极致的口感享受。/The salty fragrance of bacon and the richness of cream interweave in the mouth, bringing the ultimate taste enjoyment.

3. 海鲜意面/ Seafood Pasta

丰富的海鲜与意面搭配,鲜香味美。/Rich seafood combined with pasta, delicious and fragrant.

4. 菠菜蘑菇意面/ Spinach and Mushroom Pasta

菠菜的清新与蘑菇的鲜美相结合,营养丰富。/The freshness of spinach and the deliciousness of mushrooms combine to be nutritious.

Part 5


1. 巧克力慕斯/ Chocolate Mousse

丝滑的巧克力慕斯,口感浓郁,是巧克力爱好者的绝佳选择。/Silky chocolate mousse with a rich taste is an excellent choice for chocolate lovers.

2. 水果塔/ Fruit Tart

新鲜的水果搭配酥脆的塔皮,色彩斑斓,口感丰富。/Fresh fruits combined with crispy tart crust are colorful and rich in taste.

    时鲜果盘/Seasonal Fresh Fruit Platter.

3. 焦糖布丁/ Caramel Pudding

香甜的布丁搭配浓郁的焦糖,口感细腻。/Sweet pudding combined with rich caramel has a delicate taste.

4. 草莓蛋糕/ Strawberry Cake

松软的蛋糕夹着新鲜的草莓和奶油,甜蜜可口。/Soft cake with fresh strawberries and cream, sweet and delicious.

Part 6


1. 烤羊排/ Roasted Lamb Chops

鲜嫩多汁的羊排,搭配独特的香草调料,香气四溢。/Tender and juicy lamb chops combined with unique herbal seasonings are fragrant.

    酱汁选择:薄荷酱/Mint sauce. 红酒汁/Red wine sauce.

    配:烤土豆/Roasted potato、时令蔬菜/Seasonal vegetable.

2. 香煎鳕鱼/ Pan-Fried Codfish

鳕鱼肉质鲜嫩,外皮金黄酥脆,搭配柠檬黄油酱,口感清新。/Codfish is tender and the skin is golden and crispy. Paired with lemon butter sauce, it has a fresh taste.

    配:时蔬/Seasonal vegetable.

3. 香煎牛排/ Pan-Fried Steak

优质的牛排煎至恰到好处,搭配多种美味酱汁。/High-quality steak is fried just right and combined with various delicious sauces.

    酱汁选择:黑胡椒汁/Black pepper sauce. 蘑菇汁/Mushroom sauce.

4. 烤鸭胸/ Roasted Duck Breast

外皮酥脆,内部鲜嫩多汁的鸭胸肉,搭配特制酱料。/The duck breast meat with crispy skin and tender and juicy inside is combined with special sauces.






