Easton ER (1991) Annotated list of insects of Macau observed during 1989. Entomological News 102(2): 105–111.
Easton ER (1992) 1990 Additions to the Annotated List of the Insects of Macau. Entomological News 103(1): 30–36.
Easton ER (1993) The insects of Macau. University of Macau Publications Centre, Macau, 58 pp.
Dr. Emmett R. Easton is currently a visiting professor of entomology at the University of Macau where he is conducting research studies on the insects of the territory. He has published over 100 articles either in scientific journals or in other university publications and has been especially active working on the insects that affect the health of man or the health of livestock. His earlier years were spent in East Africa working as a tsetse officer and later in tick control of cattle for the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania. He was an Associate Professor of Entomology and Plant Science at South Dakota State University in the United States for over 11 years and was recently awarded a senior Fullbright Scholarship for teaching and conducting research in en- tomology at the University of Papua New Guinea.
Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) 华星天牛
Batocera rubus(Linnaeus) 白条天牛
Imantocera penicillata (Hope)榕指角天牛
Chelidonium sinense (Hope)= Polyzonus sinensis (Hope, 1842)中华多带天牛,但应该是Chelidonium argentatum (Dalman, 1817)绿天牛的错误鉴定。