
文摘   2025-01-01 00:00   北京  

记录红胫并脊天牛Glenea rufipes Gressitt, 1939

Male.- Elongate, laterally compressed, subparallel; brightly marked with red, white, purple and black. Head, antennae and prothorax black, slightly blue or purple; elytra blackish-blue, purplish at sides, legs bright red-brown, tarsi duller, hindthorax and abdomen slightly iridescent green to violet and black; body clothed with pubescence as follows: head somewhat whitish around eyes and on genae, sides of mandibles, clypeus and apex of frons, purplish-black on occiput and vertex; antennae slightly pale on undersurface; prothorax with a basally enlarged, fine mid-dorsal stripe and broad infra-lateral area of dense silvery-white, sternum slightly white, remaining portion with silvery-black pubescence; scutellum apically white; each elytron with a minute basal spot, a finely connected, longitudinally placed pair of small spots at middle of first quarter, a very fine, short streak behind, and external to, the latter, an irregular, moderate-sized spot just beyond middle and near suture, and a slightly larger subapical spot, all of dense silvery-white pubescence, the last becoming sparse towards apex, remainder of upper surface with black pubescence, sides subglabrous; mesopleura largely densely white-pubescent, sternum and coxae palish; posterior portion of metepisternum, hind coxae and a spot on lower sides of posterior margins of first four abdominal segments densely white, remainder of metasternum and abdominal sterna sparsely whitish or silvery; femora sparsely, and tarsi moderately, white-pubescent; clypeus, labrum and adjacent portion of frons with long, erect black bristles, remainder of head, pronotum and basal three-fifths of elytra with shorter bristles.

Head no broader than prothorax, moderately punctured, most heavily between superior lobes of eyes; vertex slightly grooved between antennal insertions; frons strongly narrowed between inferior lobes of eyes, which reach three-quarters way from antennal insertions to bases of mandibles. Antennae slightly longer than body ; scape subcylindrical, two-thirds as long as third segment and not quite as long as fourth; fourth to seventh subequal. Prothorax cylindrical, barely longer than broad, slightly constricted between base and middle; surface heavily punctured. Scutellum broadly rounded behind. Elytra three times as long as head and prothorax united, nearly parallel except for slightly projecting humeri ; surface largely impressed with deep punctures. Length 16.3 mm.; breadth 4.4 mm.








拟密并脊天牛Glenea subsimilis Gahan, 1897

一、亲子功能。展示宝宝的绘画作品,将来可能也有书法作品及其他手工作品。这属于小家庭的自娱自乐。 二、昆虫世界。主要是关于天牛的书籍、论文、物种、趣事等等的介绍。这属于个人的兴趣爱好和小圈子里跟同好的共享。