果然不出我所料,在元旦做的年度总结,大概率是不全的。2025年1月8日,我收到了红薯爷爷24年12月的文章了。因为这个杂志不主动提供pdf,甚至有时候连作者都不太愿意提供(仔细看,有些作者提供的只是他获得的最后版本,有时候会跟印刷版的页码不一致)。也就是说,这个指望靠卖杂志回本(可能也希望盈利但很少盈利,所以最低要求是回本)的天牛杂志,在文章发表后并不会主动给投稿者提供跟印刷版本一模一样的真正的发表版本的pdf。你去要,有时候可能还得再三要,他是会给的,但不会主动,跟别说主动发给其他非作者的人了。我已经发现不少流通的pdf,只是proof版本。多数时候,是可用的,但偶尔有页码不一致的情况,应该是在最后排版的时候,整篇移动了顺序或位置导致的。总之,用这个杂志的pdf的时候,要小心谨慎。为了保险,我订购了这个杂志。但邮寄到国内时间挺长,有时候也会寄丢。今年我已经丢了一期,他说寄了但是我没有收到。12月这期,也不知道寄了没有,反正我是还没有收到。鉴于这个杂志的不容易获得这个性质,我把红薯爷爷的这篇主要分类学变动都分享一下,包括跟中国区系(暂时)无关的内容。Davidiela Holzschuh, 2014 = Davidiella Holzschuh, 2011因为Davidiella Holzschuh, 2011被半翅目Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae: Davidiella Dubey & Sundararaj, 2005 占用,新名是把末尾的lla改成la,删除了一个l。Davidiela haucki (Holzschuh, 2011)=Davidiella haucki Holzschuh, 2011目前没有中文名,目前已知分布于马来西亚,单种属,暂时不需要中文名。Ischnorrhabda shii (Wang, Xie et Wang, 2022)=Cylindroeme shii Wang, Xie et Wang, 2022Ischnorrhabda vietnamica (Vives, 2019)=Cylindroeme vietnamica Vives, 2019Note. – The type species of Cylindroeme is very closely related to I. macilenta, the type species of Ischnorrhabda, and according to the very detailed description (Ganglbauer, 1890), it clearly belongs in this genus, the status of which has been unclear to all authors so far!
注释。– Cylindroeme 的模式种与 I. macilenta 非常接近,Ischnorrhabda 的模式种根据非常详细的描述(Ganglbauer,1890)明显属于这一属,至今所有作者对其状态仍不清楚!Ischnorrhabda yunnanensis (Lin et Li, 2022)=Cylindroeme yunnanensis Lin et Li,2022红棒腿天牛Comusia rufa (Pic, 1922)=Comusia atricornis Gouverneur, 2015Holzschuh (2024) Note. – My ♀ from the type locality of C. rufa is red, only the antennae are dark with the exception of the 1st, 2nd, and last segments; furthermore, segments 3-5 are reddish at the base and/or on the outside. All 10 ♀ from the type locality of C. atricornis are similarly colored, but with regard to the antennae, they predominantly have dark segments 2-11. Most of the 13 ♂♂, however, are somewhat darker colored with black antennae and femoral stems and correspond very well with the color photo of the ♂ holotype of C. atricornis (Ph. 1). However, 3 ♂♂ possess a red scapus, and in a few others, the scapus is not completely dark; additionally, in one more ♂, all femoral stems are red! C. atricornis therefore clearly falls within the variation range of the Pic species. It also varies quite a bit in the shape of the pronotum: The lateral corners are either relatively flat or quite prominently protruding, and the median discal elevation is also either quite flat or more distinctly bulbous – the pronotum is therefore either noticeably wider than long or even somewhat longer than wide. Due to the dark clubs of the middle and hind femora, the ♂ depicted by Gressitt & Rondon (1970) (fig. 9 i) likely does not belong to this species.Euryarthrum hastigerum Holzschuh, 2008 = Euryarthrum kalimantanense Yoshitake & Niisato, 2009
短角原纤天牛 Procleomenes brevis Holzschuh, 2008 (2008年12月22日发表)=Procleomenes humeralis Niisato, 2008 (2008年12月25日发表)似健天牛Parasophroniella birmanica Breuning, 1943=Parasophronica brunneomaculata Gouverneur, 2021
Trachylophus acutulus Holzschuh, 2009
Falsoropicoides laosensis Breuning, 1965
Thaigena obscurella Holzschuh, 2011
Leptura diaphora Holzschuh, 2024 二型花天牛
Leptura diaphora Holzschuh, 2024: 142, figs. 1a, 1b. TL China: Yunnan. TD CCH.
Distribution China: Yunnan.
Serratobicon mirus Holzschuh, 2024Obages eximius Holzschuh, 2024
Holzschuh C. 2024. Neue Synonymien, Neumeldungen für China und Beschreibung von drei neuen Bockkäfern aus Asien (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Les Cahiers Magellanes, NS 50: 138-148.